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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kareyquilts

  1. Lori: You know that they are going to kick you out at 6:00 in the morning and I will be there at 6:30. Maybe you could put them off for 15 minutes and I could come 15 minutes early?! LOL! You will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow. I know everything will go well!
  2. kareyquilts

    Renewedhope is Headed for the Flatlands

    Hope you little boy is better soon and that no one else in your family gets it. So sad when our baby's don't feel good.
  3. kareyquilts

    Shalee's October Overhaul

    Shalee: It's so hard to imagine a flat stomach, but you are going to love it! I know how scary all the papers are to sign and understand the sleepless nights, but soon it will all be over and you'll be in the flatlands. I can't wait for the anxiety to end and the pain to begin!
  4. Three days, oh my! I think I'm actually getting calmer. Will try and get some before pictures tonight.
  5. Lori: Are you staying overnight at the surgery center? If so, I would take your own comfortable pj's to wear home. They make you leave at 6:00 am and no one is there, so you might as well be comfortable. That way you don't need to change when you get home. I would bring a pillow to hold against your stomach, so when you go over a bump it doesn't hurt so much. Have some jello, salt-free crackers, broth and lo-cal puddings to take with your pain meds. Welcome to the flatlands. My thoughts and well wishes will be with you on Tuesday!
  6. kareyquilts

    Kareyquilts, Mimin, Ghost & BJean The Final Push

    laurieg: Looks like you're doing great now. I hope you can use LBT because they're alot of great people on this site. If there's anything that I can do, let me know.
  7. Greetings: Mimin, Ghost, BJean and I (Kareyquilts) are all September 2006 bandsters. We are all around 20 pounds to goal and we want to get there as close to our 2nd band anniversary as possible! Thus, the new thread. We are putting out to the universerve and you that we want to lose that last little bit that has been tripping all of us up for a while now! We would love your support, suggestions and help. I believe that all of us (not sure about BJean) have had some plastic surgery to get rid of excess skin, etc. We are of various ages and stages, but through it all we have supported one another. In fact, of all the September bandsters that started with us, in our thread, we are the last ones to keep up the chatter. I guess we will all state how we're going to try and lose the last 20 pounds. The challenge starts on July 1st. Hope you'll join us for the ride!
  8. kareyquilts

    September 18 - LBL

    Karen: Glad you only have 1 drain left. You're definetly on the mend and your energy will get better every day! Congratulations!
  9. I felt a little teary reading your responses. Thanks for the well thought out replies. I do think I'm getting a very bad case of the pre-surgery jitters. It is hard to know how much difference the excess skin gone will make. It's hard to visualize what it will look like without it? Loosing the skin and fat on my tummy has been such a huge difference for my confidence and sense of well being. It's hard to think that getting the rest done will have as much impact as the tummy tuck and breast lift had. It's just hard to know. I feel like I have fought the good fight and done all that I could to make myself better. I do love my brother, but we had given/leant him alot of money in the last few years. He can't catch a break, but he and his wife also make a lot of decisions based on emotions instead of sound financial principles. If I give my brother the money (which he hasn't asked for), I'm not sure that it will help in the long run, it might just prolong things for a while, unless both he and his wife can find good jobs again soon. Life can sure be a struggle for some people. I have thought long and hard about what I want to do after this weight loss journey is complete. I have been so focused for the last 2 years. I am ready to work on my career, make some physical goals (like biking across Europe) and do some humantarian work, perhaps for my Church. I guess I need to finish what I have started with the weight loss and continue to think about how I will pay-it-forward. I keep praying about this, but so far I haven't felt inspired about the direction my life should take. I have thought that this would make a good thread for those of us who are at or near goal. How are we going to pay-it-forward for all the great things that have happened to and for us? I'm going to breath deeply, try and relax and think about this surgery long and hard. Unless something else happens I will probably go ahead as scheduled. (Taking some long deep breaths here).
  10. Well, I almost decided to call and cancel my surgery yesterday. My brother is having major, MAJOR financial problems and I feel very selfish spending all this money on myself. It just feels so extravagant, especially with all the financial upheaval going on in the stock market, etc. I wish I had a crystal ball and could see into the future. We have "lost" a ton of money in the last week on our 40l k's, etc. I'm also feeling extemely anxious about all the procedures I'm having. People close to me, keep telling me that I look fine and shouldn't be doing this to myself. My weight trainer is really expressing this strongly, which is nice that he cares, but part of me thinks he's going to miss the income. I'm getting a little cynical about things like this. My husband is getting anxious about my surgery and that is also rubbing off on me. It's hard to stay strong when everyone around you is so negative. I need to take my own before pictures and remind myself why I am doing all this. Maybe I should help my brother instead, I don't know. We have helped him a lot in the past and it seems that every bad thing that can affect the economy happens to him. Now he and his wife are both unemployed and his son's school loan program was cancelled (a failed bank) so now he has to leave college. He doesn't have his house payment this month, etc. His problems are so serious and here I am spending mega bucks to get rid of a little skin (okay a lot of skin)! Am I being mega selfish? Just not sure!
  11. kareyquilts

    Manatee's turn for plastics

    Fluid build up doesn't sound fun. Glad everything else is going well for you!
  12. kareyquilts

    Ask Dr. Schulman...

    Karen: I'm sure that Dr. Schulman will respond to this, but I think that you should get your band checked. It sounds like it may have slipped. You shouldn't be nauseated that far out from surgery. Unfortunately, I had a similar experience when I had my TT. I think that when my port was replaced they may have pulled too hard on the band. I had problems similar to what you are describing and ended up having to have my band replaced. I wished that I would have checked it out much sooner. I wish you the best.
  13. Becky: So sorry to hear about the passing of your mother. I was afraid that things weren't going well when we didn't hear from you. I will keep your family in my prayers and thoughts.
  14. kareyquilts

    Ask Dr. Schulman...

    Looking forward to feeling very relaxed! Just suffering from insomnia and anxiety about 3-4:00 am every night (with 8 more days to go)! Lunesta works fairly well to get me to that point, sometimes longer. I guess I'll work on deep breathing and positive imaging. I do remember that even though I was in pain after the surgery, the anxiety was gone and that was wonderful. This too shall pass. Thanks for the advice!
  15. kareyquilts

    Tracyinks Time for TT! FREAKY

    Wishing you the best. I'm sure you'll find a doc that will work with you!
  16. kareyquilts

    Ask Dr. Schulman...

    Any suggestions for pre-surgery jitters? Is it alright to take a sleeping aid, ie. Lunesta?
  17. kareyquilts

    Shalee's October Overhaul

    Sorry the insurance didn't work out!
  18. The barn raising went well. It was wonderful to reconnect with so much family! I cooked my heart out and I'm afraid to weigh myself. I'm going to have to work out extra hard tomorrow! Thanks for the well wishes everyone!
  19. kareyquilts

    Boo Boo Kitty's PS Journey

    Congratulations, glad your slip is better!
  20. kareyquilts

    Renewedhope is Headed for the Flatlands

    Renewed: Did you have any problems with anesthesia when you got your lapband? If not, I bet you'll be fine. It's totally normal to worry about waking up. I sure did and do. It really puts you in touch with your own mortality. My mom and DH didn't want me to risk it and they don't want me to this time, etiher. This is how I feel about it: Is there a risk? Yes. Do my doctors care about me living through the procedure? Yes. Will I be monitored carefully for ANY signs of distress? Yes. Do I think my surgery day will be my day to go to Heaven? NO! I think that I still have a purpose on this earth, if I didn't than I could be taken will crossing the street or choke on my food, or have a heart attack, etc. (well you get the idea)! Sometimes, you have to walk by faith. It's a pretty calculated risk. There are certain thresholds of time that are safe, etc. If you have faith in your doc, than you have to put your life in their hands. Trusting someone else and giving them control, is the absolutely hardest thing to do, but it's like flying in an airplane, there are times when we don't get to be in control. I say stay focused on your goals, breath and think positive thoughts! Sorry if I wrote an essay! Just take deep breaths and try and not let others fears overwhelm you!
  21. Lori: It's going to be great. I'm sure Dr. S will do a wonderful job and the pain goes a way before you know it! YEAH! I really do hope I get to meet you!
  22. Joanie: You do have a while to wait! Why are you waiting so long? I've been waiting for 3 months for my 2nd go round and it's way too long to be worrying about it. I just get too many questions and anxiety's, but it does give you lots of time to exercise and get in super shape. You're gong to love the flatlands. Look forward to sharing your journey!
  23. kareyquilts

    Manatee's turn for plastics

    My, you're hard core to even attempt the exercise thing so soon! I know it's really depressing and boring not to be active, but get some good movies or something! LOL! Hope you're feeling better soon!
  24. Thanks for all the well wishes! It is truly appreciated! Karen, thanks for the egg crate suggestion, I'll try and make that happen! I'm actually feeling calmer since my pre-op appointment. I wish I could have talked my ps into doing the inner thighs at the same time, I tried my hardest, showing him before weight loss pictures, etc., but he said it was just too much with everything else. Don't know that I'll ever get them done, because these surgeries are such a disruption of one's life. Maybe in a year, I'll feel differently, but I don't think so! I'm hoping that I'll make friends with my scars and all will be well. Rigt now, I'm trying to nip a cold. I'm using Zicam and Emergen-C and my doc gave me a Z pack. Keep me in your thoughts that this cold will be through soon and not disrupt my surgery date! Right now, we're getting ready to go up to our cabin and have an old fashioned "barn raising." There will be about 40 men, family and friends to help us and I will be cooking my little heart out all weekend. Not what you want to be doing when you're not feeling well, but so thankful that so many want to help us! I'll keep you posted. Thanks again for the support!
  25. Frangi: Glad to hear from you. I guess you're getting to know Miami better than you would have liked to?! Sorry for all the problems, but glad that they can help you with it. I'm getting very nervous/excited about my surgery. I had a discussion with the doctor yesterday about the size of my butt. Seems it will be round at the top, but maybe still a little flat at the bottom. I guess we'll see. Glad I trust my doctor. Take care of yourself, cutie. It will all be better soon!

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