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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by NataliesMommy

  1. I had my surgery in Mexico, and when I got back home, began having complications. I had to go into an extended hours clinic and they paged the surgeon on call. He barely took a glipse at my stomach and told me it was inflammation and it'd go away.

    His bedside manor was horrible and treated me as though I was wasting his time. He said "Well, what is it that you want me to do for you?" He ended up leaving the room and the nurse came back in. I told her that I really wasn't comfortable w/ his "diagnosis" and was afraid there was something more to it. She stepped out in the hallway to ask him to take a second look and he said "That's her fault for going to Mexico!", clearly where everyone in the office could hear him. I was so embarressed. I just got up and left w/out even checking out. Whether it was my fault or not, he's not there to judge, he's there to treat.

    Come to find out, it wasn't inflammation at all. It was a very serious and potentially fatal infection. Thank goodness I FINALLY found a dr that actually took the time to culture it.

  2. I know what you're going through.

    I found out I was pregnant the exact day that I got a fill. I was so scared they (my surgeon or OB) was going to make me get an unfill.

    But... my surgeon told me that as long as i'm not having too much morning sickness, and if the OB said it was okay, I didn't have to unfill my band.

    My OB said that the baby would be just fine, and would get the nutrients it needed from my body. He just stressed the importance of taking Vitamins and making sure that the food that I could eat, was healthy.

    So, I didn't have to get an unfill. I ended up losing a total of 40lbs while being pregnant. The pregnancy went very well. My son is now almost 3 mos old and is as healthy as an ox!

    They can't force you to have an unfill. However, if you don't follow your dr's medical advice, they can fire you as a patient. I'd try talking to your dr and letting him know exactly what your concerns are.

  3. Aww, don't be scared!

    I just had a baby Oct and I'm 2 yrs post op.

    The pregnancy and labor went great. I had gotten a fill right before I found out I was pregnant, so I actually lost about 40lbs overall. But don't stress if you gain weight, or how much you do. Just like any woman, banded or not, it will take time to get the baby weight off, and you'll be back to your regular self, if not better. After the baby arrives, get your band filled back up, and you'll be back on track.

    Try not to focus on the negatives. You are truely blessed. Good luck and congrats!!

  4. Hey Silry!

    I've been banded for almost 2 yrs and delivered a healthy baby in Oct. Vaginal delivery. No complications. Everything went great!

    Back in the spring, I got a fill, and went home and found out I was pregnant. No joke. I was worried that I'd have to have an unfill to not only provide nutrients to the baby, but also to prevent slippage.

    My surgeon told me that it should be fine as long as I was not throwing up all the time. I had your average case of morning sickness, I guess you could say. But the band was fine, and did not slip. So, I didn't have to get an unfill, and I just waited until after the baby was here to get my next fill. Overall, I actually lost weight during my pregnancy. About 40lbs total.

    And my OB said that as long as I was taking my Vitamins, the baby would be fine. He just advised me the food that I am able to get down, should all be healthy.

    Congrats and good luck w/ the little one!! :smile:

  5. Here's the phone number for self-pay at $9500. 1-800-RXBARKER

    I don't know anything else about the doctor or clinic, just heard it on the radio. Does anyone know who this is? They are in the Dallas area.

    Wow, 9,500? That's cheap! That's not much more than I paid in Mexico!

    I'm guessing that's Dr. Wade Barker. He's the only Dr. Barker in the Dallas area that does bariatric surgeries (that I could find). I don't know anything about him, but I see his commercials all the time (I live east of dallas too!)


  6. hi everyone first of all i have a hard time with the computer. i was banded by a dr lopez in Tijuana. i am hearing rumors that he is not really a dr, but there are many dr lopez' in tj. i am desparate for info about Mexico please e mail me as i have to return for port slippage and want to do it right this time

    Don't go back there!! Try to find follow up care in the states. Dr. Lopez did my surgery as well, and I've had horrible port site complications.

    Feel free to email me.

  7. banded in tj 8/07 filled in october 30 but having much pain live in fl but have to return to Mexico and pay extra plus the cost of the fill the dr who filled me was extremely rough and had to guess how much to put in by having me drink Water my counselor thinks that the port has slipped and i am in a lot of pain anyone with similiar experiences also hungry a lot want to eat about every hour someone help

    Oh no, Kathy. Your story starts off exactly like mine did. Did you use Betancourt medical in TJ?? I did. And like you, I was having pain at my port site, they told me it was tilted and inflammed. If you did use Betancourt, please don't allow them to try to fix the problem. They very well could make things worse. I found an American doctor to treat me, and we've been dealing w/ my port infection for almost 2 years now. She had to go in and flip my port back over, which she was able to do. However, we haven't been able to kick the infection. I will probably have to have the band removed soon before the infection, that was diagnosed as pseudomonas, causes irreversible tissue damage, if it hasn't already.

    I'd be more than happy to answer any questions you have.

  8. No, no, no. For your sake please do not use Betancourt!!

    First of all, there is no Dr. Betancourt. Andres Betancourt, the owner is not a doctor.

    There are TONS of horror stories from this medical group, including my own. Do your research. On this site alone, you can search for, and find many posts that I think would greatly influence your decision.

    Good luck. I know that there are many great Mex dr's, but you won't find them at Betancourt, that's for sure.

    Has anyone used Dr. Betancourt. I want to do this but want the best and hear so many different versions.. any advice? Coming from Canada


  9. lpbndinfo,

    I'm sorry that you feel like you're having to defend yourself so much, however many people on this site know full well the horrible reputation of Betancourt. Therefore, when you come on here and try to recruit business for them, you're probably going to run into a problem.

    If you indeed are recruiting patients for them, it is your responsibility to know the goods AND the bads. You say that every patient you have talked to had a good experience. I, personally have not been able to find any former patients that did not have complications or a bad experience per Andres.

    If everyone would stick to their story, their personal experience and didnt gossip.... Because gossip is taking one persons story (hearsay) and spreading it like wild fire. Before posting things about doctors it may be wise to ask yourself.... IS it true? Is it accurate? Has the person posting these horrific situations been checked out to see if it is their experience. Are you sure that the person posting doesnt work for a doctor and wanting to stop business for another team?

    My information about Betancourt is not gossip, it's first hand experience. It is true. It is accurate. I have the medical bills to prove it. And I can assure you that I do not work for another doctor.

    So, here's some non-gossip facts:

    1. I was lied to about the type of band that was used (not FDA approved)

    2. The pics on the website did NOT match the facility where the surgery was performed. VERY dirty.

    3. Got a life-threatening infection, that I am STILL dealing with... 2 years out.

    4. Received no help from Betancourt with after care, and was even threatened to be sued.

    5. Had a horrible time finding a dr to treat me in the US because Betancourt could not/would not provide any type of medical records. I believe the excuse was that there was a flood in the medical records dept (in Tijuana??)

    5. Received several threatening and unprofessional voicemails post surgery from Andres, the owner (for sharing my experience).

    6. I've had to spend weeks admitted in the hospital on IV antibiotics.

    7. Don't even ask about my medical bills

    8. Have had about 5 unsuccessful day surgeries to try to eliminate the infection

    9. My port was upside down, had to be flipped.

    10. Problem, upon problem, upon problem.....

    But, if you're wanting more "gossip" I can refer you to several other former patients that have had life threatening complications. I met 3 other patients that had surgery at the same time/place I did, that i've been able to keep in touch with. 2 of them developed MRSA, one had to have her band completely removed, and I developed pseudomonas. So, Betancourt was 0-4 just in that one day.

  10. I used Betancourt medical for my surgery. The patient coordinator assured me that an FDA approved band would be used, as that was a major concern of mine. I did not find out until after complications started arising that I indeed DID NOT have an FDA approved band. Now, I'm stuck w/ a infection at the port site, which my current American doctor cannot replace.

    Just FYI.......


    You should move forward with Dr Contreras, he does a great surgery. He also uses only FDA approved bands... I have been happy with this surgeon and Betancourt Medical

    Best wishes to you


  11. Apparently you've chosen to only speak to the very small percentage of patients that have not had complications from Betancourt. There are tons of serious complaints on this website alone regarding this medical group.

    So, if you're looking for a reputable group, PLEASE do your research before considering Betancourt.

    I wanted to share my experience about this facility. I have been there and was so impressed with the place, the doctors and the staff.... The patients that I have talked to, claim that the care was excellent and didnt need a thing. I hope those that are looking for a reputable place consider this group.

    Best wishes to you all...

  12. I will try to keep my lap band complication drama to a minimum. ;)

    I have pseudomonas aeruginosa from my lap band surgery in Apr 06 (at Betancourt Medical, Tijuana).

    My current (American) surgeon has been treating me w/ oral antibiotics, and admitted me into the hospital for a week last year for IV antibiotics. The infection has caused the tubing of the band to protrude through my stomach leaving a draining, painful wound - that has part of a lap band hanging out of it, no less. She has tried going in and cleaning out the port area and re-burying the band several times. These procedures were done in her office, and were unsuccessful. The infection continues to find the path of least resistance and pushes the band back out, reopening the wound.

    Tomorrow, she's going to go in and take the infected tissue out and re-bury the exposed tubing. This time it will be done at the hospital under general anasthetics so she can go in deeper. Which I'm really nervous about.

    Hopefully this will help, but if not... I'm wondering if I should see an infectious disease dr as well as my current dr? My current dr is EXTREMELY nice and has bent over backwards for me (accepting me as a patient when no one else would). But I've been dealing w/ this for over a year and a half, and the more and more I read about this type of infection, the more it terrifies me.

    Any advice? Insight? Suggestions? Anything?

  13. Natalies Mommy,

    That really is awful that you didn't even get an

    Inamed Band. My Doc in Mexico showed me my band & removed the registration stickers & put them on my handbook. The band was registered with Inamed.

    I am SO SORRY THIS HAPPENED TO YOU! How is your pregnancy going?

    Aw, thanks. The pregnancy is going good so far. Still have a long way to go!

    I was upset, to say the least, when I found out my band wasn't Inamed. Prior to surgery I asked my patient coordinator and the owner both. They assured me that they used Inamed bands.

    Through this website I've found out that the owner isn't even allowed to order Inamed bands. GRR!

  14. All that and you are pregnant!!! OH MY GOSH!!! How scary has that been!! The port infection in your body does not effect the baby? I am so sorry that you had to go threw with all of that. Your original Dr. that put the band in wouldn't reimburse any of the funds you have had to face? That is just so awful! I hope that you have a wonderful healthy baby and that you can get the band removed safely. Has it been hard to eat at all? I know one of the girls on my November bandsters page just had her band removed because her stomach totally shut down because it was just rejecting it. She has been in the hospital 4 times in the last two months because she couldn't even get liquids down and they finally just took it out.

    Good luck to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes! My situation has gotten more and more complicated! I have no clue if the infection will effect the baby or not, and I worry about it daily. My lap band dr took me off the oral antibiotics, and said any future treatment will have to wait until after he/she is here.

    I have an appointment set, but haven't had my first OB visit yet. That poor doc is going to be bogged down w/ questions and concerns. He'll probably regret taking me on as a patient. lol

    Suffering consequences of your own actions is one thing, but to think that my baby may suffer is devestating. But I have strong faith in the Lord which has been so very helpful.

    Thank you for your concerns and well wishes ;)

  15. I actually went to Dr. Ramos Kelly at Obesity Busters and he is a great Dr. What kind of infection did you get and how did you get it treated? Did you have to pay for treatment out of pocket?

    Oh, I'm sorry I misread your post.

    I have a port infection that turned into pseudomonas. My American Dr immediately admitted me into the hospital for a week on IV antibiotics. Since then, she's also attempted going back in cleaning out the port area, all w/ no luck. She was going to replace the port itself, but when she opened me up...low and behold... the band was not compatible w/ United States bands. So, now the only other option is band removal (which will have to wait until October after my baby is born!)

    And yes... this has all been out of pocket. In the beginning I had medical insurance, but soon after lost my job due to all the complications. My medical bills are through the roof, and I'm still facing the cost of removal.

    So...that's my sob story! lol

    The good news is - I have a wonderful Dr that took me on as a patient when she really didn't have to.

    Hopefully others can learn from my mistakes!

  16. Myra,

    It sounds like your mind is already made up. Unfortunately, I'm sure that a forged prescription would be easily accepted by them. Not that I'm trying to give you ideas or anything, but you're determined, and they are money hungry....

    And if this is the case, I STRONGLY believe it would be the biggest mistake of your life. I'm not a doctor, and can't testify to how you should or shouldn't loose the weight (even though common sense says lap band shouldn't even be an option for you). HOWEVER, I CAN testify to the treatment by the Betancourt Medical facility.

    The number of Betancourt patients w/ life threatening complications (including myself) is staggering! I don't think you could have possibly read all the posts on this site about them, and still considered using them - unless you have total disregard for your life. Make sure you go to the tabs at the top, and type in Betancourt under Search. READ ALL THE POSTS!

    The hospital pics on their website were not the same hospital they brought me to. It was dirty! I, along with 2 other people that had surgery the same day as myself, aquired infections. Mine being pseudomonas, and theirs being MRSA. In all 3 cases, the only resolve is band removal.

    I talked to Violet, Andres, Melissa, and other employees of the facility. They seemed so nice and helpful and swept me off my feet. However, after the surgery when I went to them w/ news of my complications, I was threatened to be sued.

    Please come to your senses! Alexandra and the others are right. I only wish I could have had this advice before I went.

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