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Scooby Doo

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Scooby Doo

  1. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Heartburn and Reflux are killing me - decided to go back on clear liquids for a few days to give it a chance to settle - also read that liquorice root will help so gonna give it a go I was suffering slightly pre-op however now 2 weeks post op it is getting worse every day - 10 days liquid and only in last few days I have moed onto mushy foods - mashed pots, carrot etc and scrambled egg - is this where I have gone wrong ? Has anyone else suffered like this - how did you overcome it? It is making me miserable - even drinking is uncomfortable as I can feel every single sip I take Thanks Kerry
  2. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Alright Matey Throat is still giving me a lot of trouble - gonna go back to GP next week I think as my indigestion medication not working I have only been eating very soft foods and seem to be ok when eating it is later on I suffer. Hows the weight loss going - not gonna weigh myself now until I get 1st fill in 4 weeks time - but trousers are falling down already lol K xx
  3. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Howdy FP Glad you have arrived safe and sound - you will be fine and everything will go super smooth I promise Enjoy your last supper this evening and have a few drinks - will help you sleep tonight Best of luck for tomorrow - hear from you soon Kerry
  4. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Shoes - huge thankyou for all your words of wisdom and guidance - eating too quickly goes back to childhood I think - not allowed to leave table until everything eaten so trick was to eat as quick as poss. Still struggling with the slow thing however getting better every day Today I had a small smoothie, a cup o soup, yoghurt and small jelly - still got lump in throat however gonna go back to my GP if does not ease off this week - had it loads before and he always puts it down to stress cos of work but will see what happens this time Paul - glad to see you are on your feet and feeling better and congrats on the weight loss so far And those of you who are waiting to be banded - only advice I would give is not to worry - easier said than done - it really is the right decision and nowhere near as painful as your imagining its gonna be Best Wishes Kerry
  5. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Shoes Thanks for getting in touch, I have still got the pain and the strange lump even though I m taking my medication. Today only had a small pot of custard, cup a soup and bowl of mince in gravy with potato, carrot and turnip so have not ate loads and loads Tomorrow I am going to try and have a day of liquids only and try and get rid of this horrible feeling in my throat. I am planning on going for my first fill at end of April and will heed you advice carefully. Can I ask how did your weight loss work - was it a slow start and then more rapid once you started to get fills or what? Struggling with the eating slowly too I think - so used to eating on the go but I suppose I will need to make a real effort on this front Thanks Kerry
  6. Hi Sussie


    I took all the usual toiletry stuff but wish id taken a pack of baby wipes just to freshen up in hospital.


    Food - I bought the vac packs of Bovril, Hot Chocolate and Coffee with me which was plenty - you cant eat anything anyway.


    Clothes - you will definetly need a pair of very very loose fitting trousers - I took a pair that were a size too big and elasticated and after surgery I really struggled to get them on and they were quite sore. I also took "Bridget Jones" knickers again in a bigger size which meant all my dressings etc were covered up and I felt they helped.


    I also took pain killers and stuff but to be honest I never needed them. Nothing I wish I had taken to be honest except for comfier trousers.


    Wish you all the best for your operation and I know you will be feeling all over the place at the minute but you will be absolutely fine


    Keep in touch


    Kerry x

  7. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi July Personally I would not have managed on my own - I think you need a companion to keep your spirits high, take your mind off things and also help carry the bags and stuff Remember you are going to be away 4 days which is a long time to be on your own - having someone to keep you company will help Kerry x
  8. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Gaz Just wanted to wish you luck for Thursday - you will be fine Everyone on here has gone through all the same turmoil you are facing just now but everyone will tell you the same thing - you have nothing to worry about and it will be the best decision you have ever made Good luck and if you have any questions then please ask Kerry
  9. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    HELP Today I had some potato and 2/3 of a fishcake all mashed down and eaten very slowly however have now got chronic indigestion - have I had too much? All the experienced bandsters say stop when you are full and listen to your band - I thought I had but obviously got something wrong Also I am taken Lansoprazole daily for Acid but I am still in a lot of pain - and every day I feel like I have a lump at the back of my throat - anyone else have this> Thanks Kerry
  10. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Morning All Day 10 now and feeling great - was on the beach this morning with my 2 dogs at 8am - had a lovely walk although did feel it pulling slightly around port site Managed some scrambled eggs this morning - only a small amount but they were delicious - not sure if I should be having these yet though - have read lots of conflicting information on different sites - some say liquids for 1 week, others 2 and some 4 - totally confused. Is it safe to progress to soft foods now such as mashed potato/veg etc - one site (NHS one) said allowed soft foods such as macaroni, mince and potato and also fish in sauce at this stage but really not sure Thanks Kerry
  11. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Yeeha I am absolutely delighted - I went to Boots yesterday with my other half and weighed myself and I have lost 13lbs already. I know this will slow down considerably but what a great start - still on liquids only for another week and then will move onto baby food - can't wait Banded 12th March 2010
  12. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Fatty Patty Like you I have over 100 lbs to lose and my recovery has been excellent - day after operation I was able to drink unlimited fluids. Flight home was a bit uncomfortable mainly due to the gas pains and to be honest they are the only thing that has caused me any discomfort. I have been off work all week but to be honest could easily have gone back to work as not been in any real pain - even my wound sites and port are fine - I have even managed to sleep on my tummy which has amazed me I am sure you will be absolutely fine and nothing to worry about Best Wishes Kerry
  13. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Sussie Sorry to hear you got panicked and re-arranged for May - you really have nothing to worry about - honestly - the only thing I would say is we have all gone through the same feelings and emotions that you are struggling with just now and we have all come out smiling on the other side - you will be absolutely fine The injections must be done for 5 days post-op and honestly they are pain free - I managed to do mine myself and I am sure you would manage this too - you don't feel it going in and a slight nip on way out - pricking your finger with a pin feels worse. I keep thinking this time last week I was on a trolley waiting to be rolled into surgery and here I am now feeling fab and more positive about my life than I have in years. Strangely I have spent the week cooking - curries, casseroles, baking etc - and have really enjoyed it cos I know I'm not gonna be eating it (no my cooking is not that bad) - just feel under no pressure now to eat so have really enjoyed cooking for Brian and the kids - weird!!! If you need to know anything then please get in touch All the best Kerry
  14. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    :cursing: Morning Guys Feeling much better today but still cant get rid of the excess gas - aarrggh - gonna try the cross trainer later for a bit to see if that helps. Still got heavy feeling mid-chest but guess that must just be me getting used to my new mini-stomach - gonna try some soup at lunchtime and a crisp bake and see how it goes Paul - progressing to baby food - you must feel so grown up lol - enjoy Susan - glad you ok and back to work (ha ha) I'm off till Monday and enjoying the peace and quiet. Brian is exercising like a nutcase to try and get the extra pounds back off that he gained in Brussels Talk Soon K xx
  15. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Bobo you an experienced bandster - I am now 5 days post op and whenever I drink anything thicker than Water I get a really heavy dull ache in the centre of my body, just under rib cage - is this normal?? Thanks Kerry
  16. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Wannabe and fellow bandsters I am now 4 days post op and unlike Paul I am able to move around pain free - still got some pain from the gas but it is getting easier, walking has helped a lot. Bandsters - can I ask when I eat anything I get a very heavy feeling inside - is that normal - I have only been having a small yoghurt or 1/3 tin of soup (no lumps etc). I am worried I am putting to much pressure on my band. Have only been having 1 small yoghurt for breakfast, soup at lunch and tonight for tea I had a crisp bake - how did you all feel when you first started eating? Thanks Kerry
  17. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Susan Glad you made it home safe and sound, i bet you were horrified when you set off the alarms, thankfully I sailed right through without a hitch. Brian is still recovering from his food and booze fest lol....... I have had a rough day today the pain from all the gas has been horrific and has made me feel really yuk. Went to see GP today and he has given me some new painkillers, new medication for my heartburn and dressings to change my war wounds - he was lovely as always You must be delighted to have lost 5 lbs already - I don't have scales in the house so will not be weighing myself for a while but confident it will come off Talk soon Kerry
  18. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Quick question - I am still suffering from heartburn and worried about taking tablets - would it be ok to take them Also when I am drinking (still on liquids) I feel it trickling down into lower stomach and feels a bit uncomfortable - is that normal Managed to get rid of some of the excess gas last night much to Brians dismay lol but still look like a beach ball and still in quite a bit of pain with it - any ideas Thanks Kerry
  19. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    My consult at the hospital was the first time I had seen Dr Chris, he went through everything in full - procedure, risks, post op care etc - really clear and answered all the questions we had. I would say try not too worry as the whole thing is very organised and the level of care if fantastic - far better than you would get here in the UK - easy for me to say now that I have come through it I know I wish you well on the start of your journey and hope the pre-op diet goes well All the best Kerry :thumbup:
  20. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Howdy Fellow Bandsters!!! I have made it home safe and sound. I have to be 100% honest and say I am a little sore and swollen from the gas but other than that I feel ok. The package was definetly the best way to go and went super smooth - no hassle what so ever. Was taken into hospital at 7.00 am and shown to my room, nurse did all the pre op stuff and then went for consult with Dr Chris - everything was explained very clearly and all my questions were answered. After op I was choking for a drink but was only allowed the sponge lolly to wet my mouth - didn't have an awful lot of pain but was very very swollen from the gas. Barium xray the next day was fine and unlike most did not make me have the trots... Got discharged around 1.30 and back at hotel by 2ish. Frederik came by to see me later and I asked him about my port and drain site as both were very hot and burning and was worried I had an infection but he assured me this was normal and would ease off over next few days. The one thing I would say is try and walk about as much as possible to get rid of the gas as it is very uncomfortable and made the flight home today a bit horrid. Still not hungry at all and have managed to drink liquids without any problems - I took bovril, coffee and hot chocolate with me and have managed to drink them all without a hitch. Not in any real pain now apart from the gas which is a nightmare and happy that everything went so smoothly. The level of care you receive is excellent and everyone was so nice and friendly - I can not find fault with any of it to be honest - spotless clean, very approachable and all speak good English. I am now looking forward to the next fews months as the journey to the new me starts. Sue and Susan it was an absolute pleasure to meet you both and your partner and friend - Sharon (an absolute nutcase - what a joy to be with thankyou, and Rae - you were a godsend to Brian even if he has now got the hangover from hell.....) Speak to you all soon Kerry xxx
  21. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey Guys Just a quick note to let you know that Splatt and I have survived and are back at the hotel Talk Soon Kerry
  22. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    :thumbup: Well Guys I have made it to Brussels and am sitting in the hotel bar enjoying a lovely cappucino... Paul I am so glad you are ok - been dying to hear your ok, born worrier and if not worrying about me I worry about others lol Looking forward to meeting up with Susan tonight and having a good natter before the big day tomorrow. I will be in touch soon and let you all know how we are - again a huge thanks to everyone for all their kind messages and support I really appreciate it Next time you hear from me I will be an official member of the bandster club - can't wait Over and Out Kerry xx
  23. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Quick question how do I get my ticker onto my messages and why is it if I post a graphic it shows on preview but then disappears??
  24. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Only 2 more sleeps now until I start the journey to the new me I WISH Thanks to everyone for their kinds messages and support - I really appreciate it and will be back on line soon to let you all know how it has gone. Paul by the time you read this you will have made your journey home and I hope this message finds you fit and well Take Care Kerry xx
  25. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Well its official - I am a nervous wreck !! Finished work today so I can have a nice relaxing day tomorrow before I fly out on Thursday for my operation - just want it over and done with now Not heard from Paul yet but I am sure he is fine and is well on his way to recovery. Good luck to everyone going for the op over the coming weeks and I look forward to sharing our experiences over the coming weeks and months Kerry

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