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Scooby Doo

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Scooby Doo

  1. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Bobo Cheers for that, will contact her to find out more information on the packages. I am gutted that my 1st fill has been postponed due to the volcano, I am desperate for it now and dreading another 4 weeks trying to balance the hunger and not over eating - the last 3 weeks have been a nightmare Kerry
  2. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Bobo Does Wendy @ WLS Group do sessions in Edinburgh and how do I find out about the package costs etc Thanks Kerry
  3. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi LindsayMel You will be absolutely fine, everybody goes through the same emotions you are facing just now. The hospital and doctors are fab an the level of care you receive is excellent. I took some bovril cups, extra big knickers and a larger pair of elasticated trousers and even they were too tight after the operation - you do get a bit swollen with gas and you need to wear loose clothing or it will be quite uncomfortable. I didn't need painkillers or anything like that as to be honest the pain after the operation was minimal. The one thing I would advise is get up and walk about as much as possible and keep moving - gas pains ease when you are moving Good luck you will be fine Kerry x
  4. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    I was so upset yesterday but trying to remain positive and gonna try and follow the weight watchers plan for next 4 weeks and up the exercise - aiming to lose 7 lbs before 20 May - positive mental attitude is what I need now instead of feeling sorry for myself - past experience tells me that will lead to me comfort eating and I don't want that Kerry
  5. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    That bloody volcano!!! Dr Chris has now had to cancel my first fill appointment tomorrow because of the disruption - now can't see him until 20th May. I desperately need it now and feel gutted I am going to have to wait another 4 weeks. That means another 4 weeks with little or no weight lost also Totally Pee'd Off Kerry xx
  6. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Geri I am from Scotland so Dr Chris comes to Edinburgh once a month and I am planning on getting my fills done there. You are not supposed to get a fill until you reach the 6 week point to allow your body time to heal and get used to the band etc I know you will be going through turmoil just now and having the Oh My God and the What Ifs but I promise everything will be fine and the operation and care you receive will go well. I am now 5 weeks post op and can eat pretty much what I want and it has been that way for about 3 weeks so I have been trying to keep intake lower but have not lost any more weight but on the upside I haven't gained any either - dying to get my fill done now and try and get the weight going down the way Take Care Kerry x
  7. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi WTG I am so sorry you are in turmoil at the moment - the announcement of a pregnancy is normally such a joyous event that I feel heart sorry for you and the upset you are going through. Only you can know what the right choice is for you and if that is to have an abortion then that is the right choice, however if it is to have the baby then your partner will either be with you or not and again that is something you will need to face. I know my partner does not want any more children and is dead against it however I also know once he got used to the idea he would love it without question. I hope it all goes well for you but first things first get to the gp and get the test done properly and check if any risks due to anaesthetic etc Kerry xx
  8. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi WTG I am now 5 weeks post op and have lost a stone - lost in first 2 weeks and not lost a single pound since but on the positive side I have not gained any either Everyone I have talked to has said this is perfectly normal and that as my body is wondering what the hell is going on with the food reduction it is in starve mode - holding onto everything just in case it not gonna get anymore I have bought myself an exercise bike to gonna try and do 30 mins every day and try and give the weight loss a kick Like you I can pretty much eat anything I want - I have had one really bad blockage - in a meetin at work and was eating a piece of toast and it got stuck - oh my god I never want to experience that ever again - thought I was dying I am trying to limit my calorie intake but it has been really difficult this last week but gonna keep going Getting my first fill on Thursday - flights permitting - and hopefully that will be Step 2 on the journey to the new Skinny me - I am going to book my Wedding this week so will give me a goal to aim for Hope you are well and don't worry about the slow start I think it is perfectly normal and appears to happen to everyone Kerry xx
  9. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Shoes At what point did you start losing weight - I am now 4 weeks post op and losing nothing - going for 1st fill next week so hoping this will make a bit of difference I have a lot to lose and thought I would have started to see it going in the right direction - have lost about 12 lbs so far but nothing for last 2 weeks at least Kerry
  10. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi if you book direct you do not need to pay for taxis/hotel - all covered as part of the package frederik.serneels@ecfs.be - email for Frederik - sorry not got phone number to hand How have you found your band journey?
  11. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi WTG I am getting my fill done in Edinburgh - can't wait. Not sure if they will let you get filled at 3 weeks - that seems awful early but I understand why cos I am am now just over 4 weeks out and am able to eat pretty much anything and have to work hard to keep cals down low. I have tried all types of bread and they all hurt like hell - just not worth the pain, I also had the same thing with tuna for some reason. Really gonna up the exercise this week, went hill climbing yesterday however only managed 1/2 way up mountain as stitches/port on inside were pulling like mad and I was terrified in case I did something to injure myself but gonna try and go for a 1 1/2 walk every night this week up the hills and see if I can get the weight loss going in the right direction as it is completely stuck now How much weight have you lost already - I reckon I am about 14-16lbs but not weighed myself for 2 weeks but know it has slowed right down Take Care Kerry
  12. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi WTG I was also freezing but it is to do with the reduction in energy - because you are now putting far less fuel in then your body needs that energy for the main functions and cannot afford to let any excess be wasted on things like keeping your outer body warm - once your body gets used to the reduction in calories it will stabilise itself and gradually start heating the extremeties again I find I am ok now but it did take a few weeks to stabilise - its nothing to worry about - infection would be the opposite way round - you would have a fever/temperature Have you started on solids yet, I am able to manage most things if I eat slowly however bread has caused me a lot of pain so trying to avoid it and stick with crisp breads and they dutch cakes I go for my first fill on 22nd and really need it now - trying to limit my intake to around 1000-1200 calories a day until I get restriction sorted out properly and have just bought a x-trainer and an exercise bike so gonna start them this week too and try and get the weight shifting a bit Take care Kerry
  13. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey Guys Need some help - now 4 weeks post op and for last 2-3 days I have had pain port side - it feels swollen and hard and very uncomfortable - any ideas?? Weight loss has completely stopped - no more off but on the plus side none on either - fill booked for 22nd so hoping to see a difference then Thanks Kerry
  14. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Carriejess - try some ginger tea with a ginger biscuit in the morning - worked for me every time Do you do your own fills - oh my god how did you learn how to do that The sicky feeling eases by about 13 weeks - then the next thing will start - only kidding - hope everything goes well Kerry
  15. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Garry Glad your doing well - got a wee question for you. I was banded on 12th March and have lost approx 14 lbs so far however am now able to eat anything as long as I take my time - is that normal?? At what point did your weight loss really take off - I am worrying I have wasted my money. Booked 1st fill for 22nd April and hoping to get some restriction at this point Thanks Kerry
  16. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi FP Glad to hear you are doing so well - you must be delighted with your weight loss. I am now almost 4 weeks post op and find I am able to eat pretty much anything now as long as I chew it properly but have been trying to be careful with portions etc. I have only weighed myself once and that was 2 weeks ago and I had lost almost a stone at that point - trying to avoid falling into the trap of jumping on/off scales all the time as scared by doing so I will fall into old traps - no weight loss - comfort eat ......... I am the complete opposite as you and have bad constipation - even after the barium meal..... think I need a rocket to get me going lol - I have noticed that I have horrendous wind though - I get in bed at night and almost blow the covers off - much to brians dismay lol I am cold all the time too and I have always been quite hot blooded - think it must be the reduction in food etc - body only heating the important bits and trying to save energy Like you I have over 100 lbs to lose and glad I had it done but will feel better once I reach restriction and the band starts to do what its supposed too - cos at the moment it is all down to me.. Best Wishes Kerry
  17. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi WTG Glad you have made it back in one piece and everything is fine. I was the same as you desperate for a wee and found it impossible to go on a bed pan - think it must be a psychological thing - not peeing the bed lol!!! Remember to keep your fluid levels up otherwise you will get sore head and your skin will look like that of a 90 year old.... I am now just over 3 weeks post op and stuck to liquids/mush for a week but have managed solid food since then - I can't eat bread though or tuna but have managed everything else ok - I have lost 16 lbs post op so far so am delighted but it has definetly slowed down - 1st fill on 22nd April should help. Just bought myself an exercise bike and cross trainer and gonna start doing 30 mins on each a day to try and help get the weight moving Keep us posted with your progress Kerry xx
  18. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Jasmine Best of luck for the operation - you will be absolutely fine - every single one of us went through the same feeling of fear, panic and what if that your going through right now but I promise you will receive the best possible care and will be fine. Remember this is the start of the journey to your new life and will be completely worth it Look forward to hearing from you when you get back Kerry xx
  19. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Guys I am now just over 3 weeks post op and find I can eat pretty much anything as long as I chew it well - is that normal The only things so far I have stuggled with are bread and tuna - both of these have caused pain I even managed to go out for Easter lunch with my daughter - I ordered from the kids menu which caused a stir - size 20 woman ordering a kids meal - you can imagine I get my first fill on 22nd but I am thinking now that its not working - did anyone else go through this Thanks Kerry
  20. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey Guys I am now 3 weeks post op and things have been ok - over last day or so my port site has been quite painful and feels like its pulling - is this normal ?? I have also been having problems swallowing saliva but only first thing in the morning - again whats this? Thanks Kerry
  21. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Vix Sorry I really dont know - the 4150 was the package cost I was quoted directly from Dr Chris however I am sure if you email frederik he will let you know The package suited me as I was flying from Scotland and needed the taxis and hotel Email frederik.serneels@ecfs.be and he will be more than happy to help Kerry
  22. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    I paid 4150 euros in total - just had mine done in march, this included hotel and taxis - great value
  23. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Congratulations Carriejess You must be over the moon with your news Kerry x
  24. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Paul How are you feeling now - are you eating ok I am able to eat pretty much anything as long as I chew it which kinda worries me but having been on the chat room everyone says they were the same - didnt really see the benefit of the band until they had a few fills I go for my first one at end of April and then another at end of May and June - well thats the plan so far Hope you are well Kerry
  25. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Well done to all those who have just been banded - bet your relieved its over and done with My indigestion has started to ease off - think my body was crying out for food more than anything and now I am able to eat ok it seems to have eased off. I am booking for my 1st fill at the end of the month and think I really need it as feeling hungry all the time now but trying to avoid over eating and sticking with the little and often approach. Am I right in thinking it is normal not to lose much weight until you hit the correct level of restriction, not lost anything in the last week even though I am eating very little - think my body has gone into starvation mode Talk soon Kerry

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