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Scooby Doo

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Scooby Doo

  1. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Go to page below and create your ticker and once created I just press CTRL C (copy) and CTRL V (paste) and copy it from ticker page into message box Graphical Tickers and Trackers: Weight Loss, Trying To Conceive, Pregnancy... Glad op went well and you are feeling ok, try a heatpad if gas bothers you Kerry
  2. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Guys Just wanted to say well done to all the new bandsters - finally your journey has begun. Went for my 3rd fill today so now upto 6.75ml in band, had a few spoonfuls of soup for tea and struggled with it - got a strange gurgling feeling as it was going down - is that normal?? Garry it was lovely to meet you and I hope all goes well with your surgery - I overheard you saying you were running 1/2 marathon soon, is it a charity run as I am sure your friends on here would love to sponsor you. I would love to be able to run and you never know I might join you next year Weight loss now at 2 stone = 1/2 stone per month, which although slower than I thought it would be is an absolute delight I am hoping I am now at restriction level but only time will tell Kerry xx Banded 12th March 2010
  3. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Pearce I had my last supper in the hotel the night before hand, 3 course meal, bottle of wine and several large G & T's - doctors orders surprisingly. I had very thin soup and crisp bakes (you will get some in hospital and will know what I mean), I lived on them for days and gradually moved onto thicker soups, rice pudding/custard, ready brek. its strange but you seem to know what your body can cope with fairly quickly. I am going for my 3rd fill this week and hope to take a step closer to my sweet spot - I have lost 2 stone so far and although slow I am delighted with it - better to come off gradually I think Do you have a pound shop or similar near you?? If so they sell pre-packed Bovril, Chocolate, Coffee and I took a pack of each with me and found them to be very settling and tasty. You will be absolutely fine and the care is fantastic. Good luck and if you need to know anything then give me a shout Kerry xx
  4. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    This band is driving me nuts..... One day I can eat virtually nothing and the next I can eat all day, what on earth is going on. Last night I had a mushroom curry and rice and managed it all but tonight I couldn't even get a piece of chicken to stay down. I had to make myself sick, had a 2nd attempt and managed some sauce and veg but chicken would not go down I am having a muller rice at lunchtime, and find if I have a coffee when I come home from work I can generally manage tea not too bad but if I dont have a hot drink then nothing wants to really go down with ease. I am going for another fill next week and hoping that will be me at "sweet spot" and all these problems will ease off. Whats even more frustrating is that I am not losing any weight at all even though I am on about 1200-1400 per day Help Kerry
  5. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi I can completely understand how you are feeling, if you do some research on internet its commonly called "BANDSTER HELL" - that stage where we think it has failed. I had my band done in March, missed my first fill because of ash cloud and have now had 2 fills = 5.25 mls and still have virtually no restriction however I have lost almost 2 stones = 1/2 stone per month, which I am happy with and know that once I hit the right fill level, the weight will start to come off Exercise is also key and although the weight loss has not been huge I am losing inches and my body shape is changing Hang in there and it will fall into place eventually Kerry xx
  6. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    WOO HOO - just got into a pair of jeans that I have had for years and never been able to get into - delighted Not weighed myself but reckon I am almost at the 2 stone point now which is fabulous. 2nd Fill has made a difference and is really limiting what I eat and when but main thing it is taking my focus away from food as not really hungry. Getting into my dream wedding dress next September is seeming more and more achievable by the day. Good luck to everyone going off to be banded shortly - I am sure that just like me you will be making the best decision you have ever made Kerry xx
  7. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Carriejess Thanks for that, I have now started keeping a food diary to see what things are triggering PB and that way I can avoid them in future. What I do find weird though is one day I can eat something and the next day it makes me PB ...... odd I am avoiding food now until after lunchtime as trying to eat earlier than that seems to make me ill How's the pregnancy going and are you managing ok with your band still Best wishes Kerry xx
  8. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Julie I am feeling a bit better today, not ate anything so far though - just not hungry which is a great thing I left it till later in the day yesterday and managed a small baked potato with cheese but that was all I managed the whole day - since my fill on Thursday I have lost 4 lbs which is fab and is the reason we all get banded With the PB (sick) I guess I will need to experiment with what I can and can't eat, learn to eat a lot lot slower and listen to the band and not try to over do things. I know you are new to this and I must have sounded like a scaremonger but believe me when I say you will be absolutely fine. The Surgeon and his team are 1st class, the hospital is spotless clean and all staff are super friendly and the level of care is excellent. So far since my op in March I have lost almost 2 stones which in comparison to some is not a lot but I am really seeing the difference, my health has improved so much already and my other half is noticing certain lumps and bumps are shrinking - some of which he is none too happy about lol If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to SHOUT, remember we have all been where you are just now and know how scared you will feel - no question is silly if it puts your mind at rest All the best Kerry xx
  9. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    You can arrange direct through the surgeon, which works out cheaper as includes hotel and taxis
  10. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Yuk, just experienced a horrific bout of productive burping - not pleasant. Had my fill done 4 days ago and this morning thought I would try a little scrambled egg - not a good idea - after 3/4 mouthfuls I was in pain and over the last 30 minutes have been bringing it back up What causes it, I chewed properly and ate really slowly and it was soft foods, not having egg again for a while. Also its not just the food that comes back up its accompanied by a thick gloopy saliva - again why is that? Anyone know how long this will last - gonna stick to liquids again today to give my stomach a rest again just in case. Kerry xx
  11. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    How did you get on today, he gave me my 2nd fill, put 2.25 in taking me to a total of 5.25 in 7ml band so hoping will have some restriction now and get the weight loss going in the right direction What time did you arrive at the clinic as it was 12 before I left due to him running late Kerry x
  12. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    I'm at 11.20 and normally would hang around to meet you for coffee but hubby is coming with me and he needs to be back for work at 2 Kerry xx
  13. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi All Off to see Dr Chris tomorrow in Edinburgh for fill no 2 - praying that he will give me max amount as I have no restriction and it is driving me nuts I hope I have lost some weight too, between walking everyday for 90 minutes and cycling 3/4 times a week for 45 minutes I will go mental if my weight has stayed the same, plus side is my health is improving week by week with all this exercise - I was even out cycling at 6.30 this morning - keen or mad!?!?!?! Good luck to Nicole - you will be fine hun and I am sure in a few days you will be glad you went ahead. GazMic - where am I going wrong - you were banded after me and the weight is falling of you and it doesn't seem to be shifting for me - totally jealous lol, only kidding but you must be feeling so much better having lost the weight Take care everyone Kerry :biggrin: xxx
  14. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Jayne Elizabeth I had horrendous gas pains and they lasted for nearly 4 weeks, the only thing that eased them was a lot of walking, making windmills with my arms and lying in bed at night with heat pad on it. Its because they inflate your stomach during surgery and although they try to geet most out inevitably some stays inside and it seems to head upwards in the body. At my worst i thought I was having a heart attack lol It will gradually ease and after that you should not have any more uncomfortable pains from any part of the surgery Take Care Scooby Doo xx:thumbup:
  15. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Just back from my holiday in Portugal and absolutely delighted to have come back 1lb less than when I left...... First time in my life I have not gained 1/2 stone while being away. Good luck to all the new bandsters - you will be absolutely fine and have no need to be worried about anything. Word of advice don't be disheartened when the weight doesn't drop off every week - it takes time - as I have learned but it will start to come down bit by bit I am going for my 2nd fill next week and hoping that I will start to feel some restriction at that point. Banded 12th March 2010
  16. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Katy Glad everything is going well for you now - it must be a relief. I am off to Edinburgh today to see Dr Chris and get my first fill, was meant to have it last month but it was cancelled due to the volcano. Hoping that once the fills kick in the weight will start flying off and I will be in my Size 12 wedding dress in March - gotta aim for something I guess. It was nice to hear from you and hope you are well Kerry x
  17. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Sussie Well done on managing to stick with it so far - its hard going. You can now have pretty much anything - key is eat slowly and chew properly to avoid blocking band. I started off with scrambled eggs on crispbakes, beans, omelette etc and then gradually moved onto stews etc You will soon learn yourself what you can and can't eat - I can't eat bread or chips (not a bad thing) as they cause me a lot of pain and bread gets stuck Good luck Kerry
  18. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Guys Another week gone and have finally lost a bit more weight - now upto 18lbs lost in 8 weeks. Going for 1st fill this week so hoping this will make a huge difference. Got some food stuck today - OMG talk about agony - I tried everything to dislodge it but it wasn't for shifting - hope that never happens again - took 30 minutes of agonising pain before it finally passed Congrats to all the new bandsters and I hope it is going well for you all - remember to eat little and often especially when you move to mushies/soft foods - I found scrambled egg and crisp bakes a god send. Hope everyone is well Kerry x Banded 12th March 2010
  19. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi JoJo Nice to hear from you - how are things with your mum? I am the same as you - lost 16 lbs but nothing now for 7 weeks - 1st fill was cancelled due to the bloody volcano so going next week and hoping that will be me on the road to skinnydom!! I suppose on the positive I lost over a stone and have not put an ounce back on. Let me know how you get on with your 3rd fill and if it makes a difference Take care Kerry
  20. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    I heard WLS offer good packages but that would then void any guarantee if anything goes wrong which worries me. What protein shakes are you on - they are obviously working well for you I have got something stuck just once and omg i thought I was dying - never want to experience that ever again Take Care Kerry
  21. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Wannabe Its official I have reached "bandster hell" my weight loss has stopped completely - I lost 16lbs in first 2 weeks and not lost or gained anything since, now almost 9 weeks post op. Was meant to get first fill in April but it was cancelled due to the bloody volcano so now go next week for it - fingers crossed. that should then get me on the road to weight loss hopefully otherwise I have wasted thousands of pounds aarrgghh....... How are you feeling about getting yours done, you will be fine and honestly it is nothing to worry about - easy for me to say i know but the level of care is fantastic and you are really looked after. Kerry
  22. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    OMG 3 1/2 stone that is massive. How much did you get put in the band - are you still really restricted I am still able to eat normal portions but trying to keep healthy but have the odd lapse lol Not lost/gained any weight in last 5 weeks so stuck at 16lbs lost so far - feeling a bit fed up now but am sure once I get the fills started the weight will start to drop off - hopefully!!! Are you going to Dr Chris in Edinburgh for your next fill?? Glad your doing well and you must be delighted with your weight loss so far Kerry
  23. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Gaz Not heard of any seperate insurances but you will have some come back with original surgeon Did you manage to get a fill done? How you feeling Ive got my 1st fill on 20th May - can't come quick enough now - a month later than I had hoped but never mind Kerry
  24. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    I can understand the warranty being void if you go to a 3rd party filler - would be the same with anything you purchase I suppose. I am getting dr Chris to do my fills as i didn't feel comfortable letting anyone else to do them - would rather stick with the person who fitted it - he will always know if everything is ok then I suppose Kerry x
  25. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Julie I am now 6 weeks post band and like you for the first week I had no hunger at all, now I am starving lol apparently this is quite normal and once you start getting fills it helps. My 1st fill was meant to happen last week but was cancelled because of the volcano - just my bloody luck. I have lost 16lbs altogether so far but for last 3 weeks nothing off but on the positive side nothing on either. People call it bandster hell - that stage where you think my band aint working or I have wasted my money - think everyone goes through it I was the same as you post op - very swollen and suffered terrible gas pain - try a heated pad and make sure you keep mobile it will help Take care Kerry

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