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Scooby Doo

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Scooby Doo

  1. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Angel My confidence has changed massively, I am much more outgoing and no longer trying to hide my boobs all the time. I was a 22/24 and am now an 18 however have bought some 16 trousers out of M & S and wearing them - every shop is different. Had my hair cut shorter, dyed a different colour and started using fake tan - my hubby to be thinks its amazing and is loving the new confident me even more Dont you worry about what others think - you just do what makes you happy Kerry xx
  2. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Its amazing how much your confidence can change when you lose a little weight. I had a works party last night and for the 1st time in my life I wore a dress and high heels and everyone said I looked amazing, after several too many cocktails I ended up in the middle of a very very busy pub in a dance off with a young guy in his 20s - hilarious - but better still I won..... Now these are things I would never have done in my former fat life and it just goes to show that as well as changing your physical appearance the band must also change your self belief and your approach to life Long may it continue Kerry xx
  3. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi FP Like you my band is 6 months old and weight loss has been slower than expected however on the positive side it is coming off and I am now 3 stone lighter than I would have been without the band. I am going for my fourth fill next month as I just missed his Ediburgh visit this week as I was ill, but hoping that fill 4 will be the one. My restriction is funny, cannot eat a single thing until about lunch time, then I have either soup/porridge, a yoghurt and a piece of fruit and then at night I have my evening meal, it takes a while to go down but I can still eat decent plateful My family are being really supportive and my daughter and hubby to be are encouraging me to exercise with them which I am doing more of - helping with the inches but not the weight. Be patient it will come and don't let anyones negativity affect you Kerry x
  4. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Sheree You must be really excited to be all booked up - you wont regret it Like you I also work in Finance and I took a weeks holiday and was absolutely fine to go back to work at end of the week - could easily have gone back after 2-3 days but everyone is different and you will know how quickly you normally recover from things If you are flying over I would advise you take a pair of elasticated waist trousers as post op you are very swollen and blown up and when you take to the air its like your gonna pop lol, I took a pair of trousers which were a size too big with elastic waist and still had to roll them down on the flight under my tummy as they were digging into me. If you need any help just shout - everyone on here is very helpful and will only ever tell you the truth - no rosy pictures here - just real information which I found really helpful and a great support during my operation and immediately after And you right i got the fright of my life with the infection especially when I was admitted to hospital as an emergency as they were worried it would spread to my brain.... not pleasant however on the mend now and hopefully behind me Take care Kerry xx
  5. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Morning Guys Welcome to the newbies - trust me when I say it will be the best decision you will ever have made. I am now 6 months post band and have lost almost 3 stone which I am delighted with. It is by no way the easy option and every day I am learning more and more about life with the new band but you wont regret it. Sadly I have just spent a week in hospital with a bacterial infection in my head, throat and ear - most painful thing I have ever experienced in my life. The medication (13 pills at a time) has had a real impact on my body and I now have to take laxatives - yuk... Not been able to really eat anything for over a week but now back on soups again to try and build my strength back up I feel I am ready for another small fill but gonna persevere as I am as having been so ill I am worried that tightening it might have a negative impact on my health Finally well done to everyone on their weight loss so far and if you have reached the "hell" point where you can eat pretty much anything - dont worry it will pass as you start getting your fills Take Care Kerry xx
  6. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Well Done to SP a year on and 50 lbs lighter you must be delighted. I am starting to adjust now and think I am doing ok with the band - lost another 2 lbs this week which suits me fine. Still cant eat anything until about 1ish, then can only manage some Soup or something light, try and have healthy tea - last few nights I have been having boiled egg and ryvita - boring I know but not really been hungry. Weird thing is I have never been a chocoholic but recently I have had to start having a small bar everyday - I dont take sugar on anything and feel I need the chocolate to give me an energy boost Reckon I am about 800 calories a day roughly which i still dont think is enough but it is all I can manage at the moment Kerry xx
  7. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Laila Try not to feel too bad, I went through the exact same thing and it has taken the 3rd fill for my weight to really start moving - I went through almost 3 months of losing/gaining nothing which was awful but it will start working once you get too restriction I am now losing an average of 2lbs a week which I am pleased with and I have lost almjmost 2.5 stone now which is fab but it has taken 6 months to get that far Research "Bandster hell" and you will see we are not alone - a lot of people lose nothing for months and start to think they are a failure and have wasted their money - but it will work - just give it time and make sure you are eating enough otherwise your body goes into starvation mode and you will either gain weight or lose nothing at all Kerry xx
  8. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Another 2lbs off this week - yeeha Those of you who are waiting on starting your fills - don;t panic everyone goes through the same thing - I lost virtually nothing for about 3 months while getting my fill levels topped up but finally it has started going in the right direction The one thing I have learned most about this band is that patience is needed and lots of it. I was getting quite upset with myself and thought I was a failure but it has started working and I am starting to see and feel a real difference - give it time, be patient and get thru the bandster hell phase Good luck Kerry
  9. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Its like salsa dancing and aerobics all in one - fantastic fun and really makes you sweat so will burn loads of calories and get you toned up in all the right places Its the lastest craze that is sweeping through the nation so I am sure you will find one near you somewhere Kerry x
  10. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Guys Had to tell you I went to my first ever Zumba class tonight - I have never sweated so much in my life. It was such great fun and a really a really hard workout - if you can get enrolled at a class - I promise you will love it Kerry
  11. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Troops MMM/Freckles thanks for your wise words - I know I am being very impatient but still learning what is right and wrong with this band. My daughter got the measuring tape out today and I have lost 7 inches from waist, 6.5 inches from Boobs and 6 inches from hips and I have lose another 2 lbs this week so I am really pleased with it so far - I was doubting it was having any impact as although lbs were coming off I still felt the same about myself - but the tape doesnt lie - fab Iam also feeling quite cold, not sure if this is normal but imagine it will fix itself out Has anyone tried the bandster cook books that I have seen advertised or are they a waste of money Kerry xx
  12. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Getting really fed up - not been able to eat hardly anything for few weeks now and feeling tired and drained Today I managed 1 potato waffle with little bit egg (then sick), left it till tea time and family were having sausage casserle wi mash and yorkies, I managed 3 spoonful mash and 1 half sausage ......help I cannae possibly survive on such small amounts Gonna try some slim fast shakes this week to try and get some nutrients in Kerry xx
  13. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    God I feel awful, sore head, really dizzy and generally aching and sore - think Freckles has gave me her bug!! Hubby has got it too, although his is naturally much worse lol Weight loss is almost non-existent for last few weeks, even after 3rd fill - WHY?? I am gonna start the slim fast diet tomorrow cos sick fed up of this bloody band not working Kerry
  14. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Thank God Had a day today that I have been able to eat a little bit more, managed 2 Ryvita with Peanut Butter, Greek Salad and Fish Fingers and Beans - almost a feast these days Been quite tired this week as not been able to eat enough to keep me going but I am learning more and more about this band every day The worst thing is the sick!!! YUK. Had to make myself sick at least twice a day every single day this week apart from today. Gonna weigh myself tomorrow and see if I have lost anything in the 2 weeks since I got 3rd fill - definetly losing inches as my work uniform is making me look like coco the clown lol Glad everyone is doing well - new bandees do not be worried when your appetite comes back and you are able to eat big portions again -perfectly normal - I never lost weight for over 8 weeks and thought I was a failure but having chatted with a lot of people I realise it is just the stage known as Bandster Hell and you will come through the other side eventually Kerry xx
  15. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Cheers Bobo Does that mean I am now at the famous "sweet spot"?? I am booked to go back at end of August for another fill, should I cancel that? Gonna try some milk shakes today to see if they will go down, my own GP advised me last week to try and eat high protein foods whenever I eat - he suggested peanut butter, nuts/seeds, chicken, fish Its so weird how one day you can eat nothing at all without being sick but next day could eat loads - aarrgghh Kerry xx
  16. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi FP Thank god its not just me that has had this problem. I find it so much easier to swallow if I have had a few cups of hot tea or coffee - weird Going at end of August to see Dr Chris for another fill and will talk it through with him then - getting annoyed as not losing any weight now either - considering slim fast to get some nutrition in and keep calories down K x
  17. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Welcome Summer Breeze Welcome to the site, are you banded yet or have you booked yet? Kerry
  18. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Bobo can I pick you brains Now had 3 fills and at 6.75 ml in 7 ml band, some days can eat other days nothing will go down Get a weird gurgling sound when I eat or drink anything, also not lost any weight at all in last 2 weeks - what on earth is going on?? Considering going on slim fast as really tired cos not getting any nutrition HELP!?!?!?
  19. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey Guys Now a week and a bit since 3rd fill and had a very weird few days, went to Blackpool for few days to visit family, day one - no problems, day two - couldnt even get water down, day three pretty much same but managed to keep down some soup and today I managed some soup, steak pudding and mash - how bizarre is that?!?!? This band is a weird thing at times, but I am learning from it every day.... now nothing passes my lips until midday at least and then I MUST have a hot drink before I even think about eating otherwise it comes back up Saw my cousin this weekend who had a bypass done last October, OMG she has lost almost 8 stone but is looking quite gaunt and pale - I was quite worried about her, I know the band was the right choice for me, so much more controllable and a slower, gradual weight loss for me is the healthier option Nice to see some new names popping up - best decision I have ever made and I am sure you will all feel the same soon enough Kerry xx
  20. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Evening All I am a bit worried - not been able to eat very much since fill last thursday - 1 weetabix in morning, 2 ryvita at lunchtime and few spoonfuls of soup or pasta at night, happy with that but I am really tired - got no energy at all - should I possibly start taking some multi vitamins just in case I know I will be able to eat a little more once it settles - can anyone suggest what I should be eating - was thinking of getting some slim fast as full of right nutrients - what do you think Thanks Kerry
  21. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Just had 3rd fill done last week and have felt some restriction since then so fingers crossed it will start doing its job now I am delighted with my progress but I thought it would have been a lot quicker than it has been. Always been impatient... I only told my parents and daughter before I went but have told a lot more people since coming home and everyone has been great You will be absolutely fine, the whole thing from start to finish was great and team are very professional Good luck Kerry x
  22. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Lou La I was off work for a week, however after being home for 2 days I would happily have went back cos I was bored. I didnt really have any pain apart from the gas which I would have suffered from no matter where I was I made an appointment with my practice nurse when I got home to check my wounds and change the dressings and also to advise of date for stitches removal - they were fab with me and really helpful Are you excited about going now? I can imagine the range of emotion you are going through as we have all been there. I have now lost 30lbs in total since my op in March - slower than I thought it would be but a step in the right direction. Good luck Kerry xx
  23. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Guys Now 4 days since I had my 3rd fill and fingers crossed it should keep me going for a while. Had soft foods for a few days but managed some chicken and veg today. Word of advise to all new bandsters, try and change your eating habits quick - slow slow slow, small bites and put fork down between bites - I am learning the hard way - always been a quick eater and now if I even try and swallow one mouthfull too quick it sticks and I have to make myself sick - not pleasant Weight is coming off slowly but surely and should hopefully now see a real boost Kerry xx Banded 12th March 2010
  24. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Cat I am doing ok, struggled to eat pretty much everything. Yesterday had 1/2 a smoothie, had to stop the car and be sick. Then had some soup later which thankfully managed to keep down but that was all I had all day. Have found if I have a hot drink before I eat it seems to go down easier, not sure why I have slight gurgling now which Garry tells me is normal and means I am almost at my sweet spot - yeeha Sadly the V & T still goes down no problem.... I am on holiday all week so gonna try and get out and get some serious hill walking done with the dogs and try and get my weight loss kick started I am now upto 6.75 ml in what I think is a 7.5ml band so hopefully it will now start doing its job and the weight will start coming off a bit quicker How are you doing?? Kerry
  25. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Cat Welcome to the site - was nice to put a face to a few names yesterday I got a bloody parking ticket though - not for not paying - apparently I was parked in front of an access point to the enclosed garden - ridiculous - I have sent an appeal in though cos I spoke to bloody traffic warden when I parked my car - swine:mad: Kerry x

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