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Scooby Doo

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Scooby Doo

  1. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Thanks for that I have text her to make sure I still have an appointment on 28th - desperately need to get back on track Thanks Kerry
  2. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Well troops thats me arrived back from Honeymoon. I am totally exhausted but had a ball, Singapore and Australia were far better than I even dreamt it could be. Need to get back on track and quick. I had 2 ml taken out before flying so that I would be safe while away but during the last 4 weeks I have now gained 6 lbs aarrgghhh, going to see Dr Chris on Thursday and hoping to get restriction back and get the weight loss going again. Glad to see everyone is doing well, been nice to read everyones updates and to those who have decided to take the plunge - well done and enjoy the journey to the new you Take care Kerry xx
  3. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi All Went to see the lovely Dr Chris today and had a small defll of 2mls ready for going to Australia, on the plus side I had lost 3.5 kgs since my last fill in Feb so hopefully wont put it all back on again now SaraP it was lovely to meet you - I hope you managed to get your fill this time and without any complications - remember dont be too disheartened if you have no restriction as some people, me included, needed 3 or 4 before starting to feel a difference. Well doubt I will be back on here before my big trip so good luck to everyone and speak again in 4 weeks when I get back Love Kerry x
  4. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Well tomorrow is my bandiversary and I have to say I am delighted to be 3.5 stones lighter than I was this time last year. Like everyone says it has been by now means an easy ride and I had expected it come off slightly quicker than it has but I did have a 5 month period when through ill health and other problems I was unable to get a fill so should be happy with my progress overall If I lose another 3.5 stone in the next twelve months I will be delighted. I have to say I am a much fitter and happier person than I was 12 months ago, I am now in a comfortable size 16, have taken up hill walking and often spend 6 hours a day at weekends trailing the hills with my wonderful new hubby and our dogs, I struggled to walk round the park 12 months ago and I have never looked at a cigarette in over 15 months now - I stopped so I could have the band fitted, so all in all I am really happy with my progress Anyone considering having the band then I am sure you will like me, find it to be the best decision you have ever made. Me and hubby are off to Singapore and Australia in 2 weeks time for our honeymoon, 4 weeks of heaven again something I would never have managed before - mainly because we both smoked and just would never have been able to afford it - so this band has been a win win for my whole family delighted to see some of the oldies back on - nice to hear from you Bobo and PJ. Bobo your story along with Gary and Freckles were the ones that inspired me to make the biggest decision of my life and I am delighted with the results so far Good luck to all the new bandees Kerry x
  5. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    We are off to Singapore and Australia for 4 weeks - holiday of a lifetime really. Just been out hillwalking with my 2 dogs, came back and tried a few spoonsfuls of mushie but nope it came right back up so maybe I have now got restriction at last - would appear it has taken 48 hours to kick in - fingers crossed the weight will start shifting now I was 40 this week to and it felt great to be 3 stone lighter on my 40th birthday than I was on my 39th so although slower than I thought it keeps going in the right direction, if I lose another 3 stone this year I will be almost at target and would be delighted Keep up your good work Claire Kerry xx
  6. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Well I went to Edinburgh on Thursday for another fill - total confusion between the Doctors as Dr Chris and his sidekick Chris don't pass on information to each other .... Dr Chris thought I had 5 mls in my band when I know I have 7 mls - could have led to some serious complications had we not discussed it, only poor thing I have ever had to say about the service, I got a .5ml top up so now have 7.5ml in my 7ml band and although can feel some restriction its not where I thought it would be but will see how it goes. I am only keeping it at this level for 4 weeks as going on honeymoon in 4 weeks so need a de-fill before flying, this band is more expensive than I imagined it would be - now have had 5 fills and will need another few before I get on track I think but hey ho such is life. delighted to read everyones stories on their weight loss - Claire your doing really well - fantastic. Good luck to those of you who are just starting your journey I am sure, like the rest of us, it will be the best decision you have ever made. I am hoping to lose at least 7 lbs in next 4 weeks so will keep you all posted Kerry xx
  7. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Off to see Dr Chris next week for a fill, not lost any weight now for months so starting to get a bit down On the plus side I am 3 stone lighter than I was this time last year - I just thought it would have been quicker than this This fill should give me real restriction as already got 7ml in 7ml band - how much weight should I hope to see fall off in 4 weeks of tight restriction??? I am off to Oz in 4 weeks so will need to get a de-fill before I go but reckon if I can lose 7 lbs or so in next month it would be worth the £90 for a fill - Am I being mad??? Kerry x
  8. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Sara I also flew from Edinburgh when I had my operation last April - you will be absolutely fine You will need some medication for the pain - I took solpadol dissolvable type, never really needed many of them and try and get some windeze cos the gas pain can get quite severe. Do you have a home bargains or pound shop near you ? They sell packs of hot chocolate, bovril, coffee etc - I took them with me for in hotel - they were lovely You will also need to make sure you have your toiletries and stuff and a small hand towel for in the bathroom at the hospital. Also try and remember to take something very loose fitting (probably a size bigger) for the flight home as I found I was very very swollen from the gas and my trousers, although elasticated and a size bigger still dug in and I had to roll them under my waist which wasn't very comfortable The staff and doctors are lovely at the hospital and all speak great english so you will have no problems Good luck and hope your bloods go well Kerry
  9. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Evening All Does anyone know when Dr Chris is in Edinburgh this month, trying to decide whether or not to get another fill - I have very little restriction so need one but I am off to Australia at the end of March so would be paying £100 to get it put in and then another £100 to get it out and then £100 to get it back in again ..... Just think it might be worth it if it gives my weight loss a big boost before I go to Oz - what do you think?? Its a lot of money to waste too.... God I am hopeless at making decisions Congratulations to all the newbies and I am sure you will all do really well Kerry xx
  10. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Guys Well to catch up on my news - I was very lucky to get a beautiful new nephew delivered safe and sound on Xmas Eve, had a fab Xmas Day with family and then my brother got engaged on Boxing Day. Had 2 days of rest and then I got married on the 29th to the man of my dreams - talk about a hectic week. The most amazing part was seeing his face when I walked down the aisle - 3 stone lighter than I was this time last year - I felt fabulous and my daughter who gave me away cried her eyes out... A beautiful day all round I missed my last fill in December and was going to get one in January but we are going to Oz in March so would need a defill so probably a waste of money getting a bit in to pay another £100 to get a bit out shortly after Hope everyone had a fab Xmas and are looking forward to 2011 - I know I am. Plan on losing another 3 stone next year and determined to get there. Good luck to everyone going for the band - I promise it will be the best thing you have ever done. Even after everything I have gone through in the last few months being sick etc nothing can beat that amazing feeling when people look at you and go WOW Happy New Year Kerry xx
  11. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Howdy Fellow Bandees I have got back from my week of chilling in the sun, Egypt was fabulous, and I never got bitten by the Sharks lol.... Great news is I managed to lose 4lbs while I was away and my band is a lot tighter - must have something to do with the flight. Was gonna go for another fill on Friday but gonna leave it now I think till after Xmas and see how I get on. Also me and my darling man have decided to tie the knot and we are getting married on the 29th December, small family do with the kids and parents, should be lovely and can't wait - even better now I am all sun tanned Hope everyone is doing well Love Kerry xx
  12. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Another week and still no weight loss - totally fed up - now been nearly 2 months since last fill and I have only lost 3lbs in that time - I am booked for another fill on 17th December so hoping that will take me too the illusive "Sweet Spot" - this band is the most frustrating thing ever!! FP glad to hear your back to normal and fab weight loss - fingers crossed I will be joining you with that soon I fly out on holiday this Friday (weather permitting!!) off to Egypt with my best friend for a week of 5 star luxury and pampering - can't wait Hope everyone is doing well Kerry xx
  13. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi FP It does sound like its possibly slightly too tight, I would make sure you drink plenty of fluids, Dr Chris told me hot drinks stretch the band so that might help. Cold drinks cause the fluid in the band to tighten but can ease heartburn. I would avoid food at all costs for few days but drink plenty of thin soups so you are getting some nutrition or perhaps even protein drinks Your body will be shocked at the band being tightened so much and possibly stomach is a little swollen but a few days rest should let it settle down Let us all know how you are K xx
  14. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Gang What the hell have they done to the site - its taken me ages to find it and get logged back in Anyway decided to have another fill as still got very little restriction - sadly no clinic in Edinburgh during December which is a right pain cos now got to go to Glasgow on 17th December. Hoping that will be me this time and the band will start working for its money Now not lost anything in over a month and getting really fed up - Dr Chris told me to diet and exercise!?!?!!??! If I had been able to do that I wouldn't have needed the band in the first place AARRGGHH Suppose I should be happy with weight loss so far but just expected it to be so much quicker than it has been - never been known for my patience lol Glad everyone is doing well and newbies - good luck on your journey and ignore my moaning Kerry xx
  15. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Another week and still no great difference on the weight loss front - I seem to be completely stuck. I would go for another fill in November but I fly out on hols to Egypt on 1st dec so would be worried in case flight caused any problems. I dont think their is a clinic in Edinburgh in December so would have to wait till January - aarrgghhhh What am I going to do Gonna try a different approach this week and try and eat lots of fibrous foods this week to see if that fills me up quicker - I had a baked potato last night filled with pasta/sausage and mushroom and I managed the whole lot Why have I still got no real restriction after spending £000s of pounds and reaching 7ml in a 7ml band Well done to everyone on their weight loss so far Kerry xx
  16. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Freckles I now have 7ml in a 7ml band, Dr Chris did a full empty and refill the last time just to check everything was ok. Its probably my own fault for sticking to mushies too long, gonna try normal meals this week but smaller amounts and see how I go Been away hill walking for 4 hours today and going again tomorrow and then gonna do at least 30 mins every night on x-trainer and see if that all helps Its so disheartening when you jump on the scales and expect to have lost only to have gained........ Just needed a good moan K xx
  17. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Guys Well 2 weeks now since my 4th fill and I have gained 3 lbs - how is that even possible!! I am so fed up with this band, I am eating 3 meals per day - no snacks, drinking plenty of fluids - but still managed to gain 3 lbs Has anyone else experienced this. I am totally fed up and wished now I had went for the bypass operation instead cos right now this band feels like a total waste of money K :eek:
  18. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Congratulations to all the newbies - you wont regret your decision. I now have 7mls in my 7ml band and have finally got some restriction - the weird thing is I can eat something one day and not the next. I am not eating a lot since last fill and worried about the right vitamins etc so bought myself some multi bionta. Felt really cold this week too but that is due to lack of energy from food and will get better. Why is it you cant eat a few spoonfuls of soup but can manage ben and jerrys lol - thank god its Saturday cos thats my weekly treat - phish food here I come Anyone with gas pain - try a tens machine if you can get one - made a big difference to me - I had horrendous pain for about 3 weeks from the Gas. Also make sure you are active and try making windmills to get it dispersing inside I am aiming to lose another stone before Xmas and then would like to lose another half before my 40th in Feb - just have to keep focussed and keep the exercise going Glad everyone is doing well and look forward to reading about your journeys Have safe flights/trips home Kerry x
  19. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Guys Went to see Dr Chris today and he has re-assured me that the pain I am having is purely from my exertions when out hill walking and nothing wrong with band at all I have lost just over 7kg since last fill and he said my fat mass has reduced dramatically and my muscle mass has increased - walking must be helping I now have 7ml in a 7ml band so hoping that will give me some real restriction now - just have to wait and see - he did said the band could go upto 8.5 ml and that any fills from now on will be little bits at a time if I need them I am so relieved that everything is ok with band Kerry xx
  20. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Gang I have been suffering from quite a bit of pain from the port site over the last week or so - port feels quite prominent too. I have been doing a lot of hill walking with the dogs and wondered is it just because my stomach muscles are being used more or could something be wrong?!?! Hubby is worried that the port may have torn away from muscle wall or flipped round - god I hope not Going to see Doc Chris tomorrow for fill no 4 so fingers crossed he will tell me everything is ok and its just because I am doing a lot more exercise Has anyone else experienced anything like this? K xx
  21. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi FP The band is a nightmare when you are ill - I was the same the other week when i was in hospital I have fill no 4 next week - cant wait - weight loss is a nightmare and going very slow but hopefully fill will give it a boost I can still eat fairly large portions but depends on time of day - weird Take Care K xx
  22. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Lemma Don't panic everyone goes through this. I am now 7 months post op and have lost only 2.5 stone, nowhere near what I thought I would lose. I am going for fill no 4 this month as I have still got very little restriction, managed a chinese last night..... If you are calorie counting be careful not to starve yourself or your weight loss will stop altogether as body goes into starvation mode. Aim for 1200 cals min per day. Ask your GP to see a dietician as that might help too. I think we all expect super fast weight loss and it just doesn't happen with the band - you have to work at it, the band is just a tool to help. The bypass and Sleeve are completely different and you lose weight very very quickly which personally I dont think is good for you. Keep going and your weight loss will come in its own time Kerry xx
  23. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey Guys Another week and still no more weight loss, can't wait to get fill at end of the month. Can still eat fairly large portions but have to be careful about what I eat. its driving me nuts I just came back from Manchester after seeing Michael Buble, absolutely amazing. I had bought new trousers for going and they were too big which felt good but just wish the weight loss would speed up Its my 40th in Feb and would love to lose another 2 stone before then, gonna get the exercise back on track this week and try my hardest Kerry xx
  24. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    AARRGGHHH Just weighed myself and I have managed to put on 3lbs in the last 2 weeks. I have been very ill in hospital and hardly eating anything at all so completely puzzled by this - my other half reckons my body had gone into starvation mode but I am gutted Need to get back on track as quickly as possible - only 6 months until I go to Australia and Singapore and want to look fabulous for then Anyone else experienced this Kerry
  25. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Lynda I suffered from horrendous gas pains too, try lots of walking, make windmills with your arms - movement will help disperse the gas and also try and lie with a hot water bottle on the sorest point as that will help too I had the pains for almost 3 weeks and sadly mine got worse after flying home, think must have been the change in pressure Thankfully the movement does help and get your other half to give you a good rub with some hot oil - every little helps Glad you have come through the op ok and are now on the road to skinnydom Kerry xx

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