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Scooby Doo

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Scooby Doo

  1. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Has anyone for Freddies email address?
  2. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey guys Not been on for quite a long time but thought would pop by and say hello. Got loads of good news to share my lovely daughter got married on Friday and I wore a lovely fitted dress for the big day - was soooo pleased. I had to go for a defill today though as I think the stress of wedding etc had caused band to tighten and I was in a lot of pain and couldn't even drink water - had to get 2ml out so now back to just 3ml in my band - gonna have a wee rest for a while and then start again once I get back from hols in May Hope everyone is doing well Kerry xx
  3. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey Guys Long time since I have been on here - nice to see some newbies about to start their journey. Please heed the advice about little fills - I had a fill in May 2011, was fine for months losing 1-2 lb a week and then just before Xmas I really tightened up for no reason and ended up having to get an emergency defill at start of January - suffered for weeks - totally not worth it. I went to see Dr Chris today in Edinburgh and he has topped me back up - I had 2.5mls taken out at the de-fill and decided to get 1.5 back in today - taking the slowly slowly approach. I gained 12 lbs since my defill and confident that my fill will get that shifted in a short time but if it takes time - who cares - at least my health is back on track Hope everyone is doing well Kerry x
  4. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    nice to see some newbies on here. I have 6ml in my 7ml band and it has been a long and difficult journey - anyone who tells you it is easy or cheating are completely wrong - this has been the most difficult thing I have ever done in my life. On the plus side my Hubby now has a fab Size 14 wife to snuggle into, I have probably extended my life expectancy by about 15 years - stopped smoking, lost almost 100 lbs and have taken up hill walking and stuff - I hardly recognise myself anymore lol Gonna get the boobs done this year and a tummy tuck if needed once at goal weight - it will be like being back with me when I was 16 for him again lol Remember ask anything you like - us oldies have probably lived through it at some point, we were all like you less than 2 years ago Will you have regrets and worries - absolutely - will it be worth it - TOTALLY Even when you are sitting down to a family meal and all you can eat is a few spoonfuls of soup - you will still feel awesome Take Care Kerry
  5. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Guys Been a long time since I have been on the site and have been doing well - now down to a very healthy size 14 and absolutely delighted. In the last 18 months I have dropped from a 24 and hardly recognise myself lol I am really starting to struggle now with acid and reflux. I have been on Omeprazole now for about a month but has made no difference - Docs have now changed my medication to Lansoprazole at 40mg a day and still hoping it is gonna work. I am coping ok during the day however unable to eat hardly anything - a cup a soup and a cracker and a few spoonsfuls at night. My main issue is when I go to bed at night - I keep waking through the night choking on bile/acid from my stomach - it is quite frightening and is causing me all sorts of problems - mainly I am worn out Has anyone else had this happen before and how did you resolve it. I am thinking of having a slight defill in January when Doc Chris comes to Edinburgh but imagine that will be towards end of the month and I need some help now Any ideas Hope everyone has had a great Christmas Kerry xx
  6. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    SaraP I am delighted your replacement band has gone well and you are now on your way to skinnydom. You have had a particularly bad experience but I am sure you will turn this round into a positive one from now on and wish you every luck. I have not had a fill since May and at this moment in time I am so glad I didn't go and get another bit put in - my band is weird at the minute. Some days I can manage to get stuff down but most of the time I struggle to get even fluids in - especially in the morning, can't even drink my morning cuppa. My hubby thinks I should get a bit taking out because it is so difficult at the moment but it has taken me a long time to reach maximum restriction so would be silly to get some removed. My only worry is I am off on holiday next month to Gran Canaria so slightly concerned about what would happen if it got any tighter - but I have flown twice since having it fitted and neither time before did it tighten so hopefully this time will be the same. Hope everyone is well Kerry xx
  7. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Husk Well done on becoming a bandee - you will not regret it. As I said to my husband today nothing tastes as good as fitting in to my Size 14s. It has been a long hard journey to this point and I would be lying if I said it has been easy - this has been the hardest thing I have ever done, but even with all the problems I have faced I have found it to be worth every difficult step. The hardest part is the fitting in with family life - I am sure it is a form of mental cruelty that comes with the band - hardest thing is to make your family bacon sandwiches or a lovely sunday roast and then sit back and watch them eat it - torture.......lol Freckles - well done on stopping smoking, you won't regret it. I have been stopped for almost 2 years, I decided to quit in preparation for my band and again was another great decision. My skin, hair, breathing, fitness levels have improved massively and I look at people who smoke now and feel sorry for them - knowing how horrible they must still feel. I am just back from a hill walking weekend and climbed another Corbett - nearly killed myself doing it lol but I made it - 18 months ago I struggled to walk to the shop - how times have changed. Good luck to everyone just starting out on their journey - use this site to ask questions, the older one's amongst us are always more than happy to help if we can and you can trust we will only ever tell you the truth - the good and the bad... Take care everyone Kerry x
  8. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Guys I have now broke the 6 stone mark - woo hoo. It has gave me a real boost. I am now in Size 14's and feel great, the only downside is I am bloody freezing cold and feel quite tired but I know it will pass. Band is still quite restricted and only managing a cup a Soup and 1 cracker at lunchtime and a few spoonfuls of my meal at night, which I know is not good enough but can't seem to get anything else in. Tried making smoothie but couldnt get that down either. Was thinking of buying some Protein shakes and see how I get on Hope everyone is well Kerry x
  9. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    FP Fantastic News - so pleased for you both. I appear to have had a bit of slippage or something, my band has gone incredibly tight - can't even get soup down, everything I have tried just comes back up in a pile of slime... Last night was the worst, went to bed and woke up choking on slime, really struggled to breath - got such a fright. Eventually got back to bed only for constant gurgling and slime to keep coming up - would I be better sleeping sitting up? Has anyone else encountered this before?? I had a similar turn like this about 2 months ago but after about 48 hours it was fine again - but this is now day 5 and starting to get a bit worried about it - any suggestions? On the plus side it should give my weight loss a boost lol... Kerry xx
  10. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    This site it so quiet these days, wonder what has happened to everyone.. Well another month gone and still no further weight loss, I am eating cup a Soup and crackers at lunch and a very small portion of tea at night so can't understand what is going on. Getting really fed up though. Over the last 6/8 weeks I have lost and gained the same 2lbs - so frustrating. Don't need a fill cos hardly eating anything as it is - do you think its cos I not eating enough - body in starvation mode?? Was gonna dig out the blender and make some smoothies to have for lunch and tea - full of good stuff and might be enough to give me a boost Hope everyone is doing well and for all the newbies - remember this is still the best decision I have ever made even now with all my frustration - I am still 5 stone lighter than I was last year and everyone keeps telling me I look amazing, down from a size 22/24 to a 14/16 depending on where I shop - still head to the Big Ladies bit though - really weird how old habits never change Kerry x
  11. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    hI Laila I know exactly how you feel - I have stayed the exact same weight now for over 6 weeks - that was after gaining nearly half a stone after an infection and being badly dehydrated - gonna give it another 2 weeks and if still no movement I am off for another fill Starting to getting a bit fed up now - thought it would have been much quicker than this Kerry x
  12. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Another week another problem..... aarrgghh Been laid up all week with a kidney infection, it was awful. Doctor advised me to drink as much Fluid as possible, I have drank gallons of lucozade, cranberry juice and Water - good news I am feeling so much better, bad news I have managed to gain 7lbs...... I must have been severely dehydrated and never even realised. Skin looks much better, I don't feel as cold nor do I feel quite so tired - what a silly arse, imagine not knowing you were dehydrated. Hope everyone is well Kerry x
  13. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    What a week - been on holiday from work all week and today is the first day it hasn't rained. On the plus side gave me loads of time to clear out cupboards, wardrobes etc and get everything on Ebay - so far this week I have made £360 - totally chuffed. Can feel a wee shopping spree coming on. My restriction is still full on so gonna try some whey Protein drinks next week to try and boost my energy levels a bit - hoping they will stop me feeling quite so drained and cold!!! Hope everyone is doing ok, has anyone heard from Pearce?? I was talking to Gary McFall the other day and he seems to be doing well after having his band removed - managing to keep the weight loss going and still a Gym bunny, so pleased for him as he had a pretty rough time Take care Kerry xx
  14. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Guys Been trying to post on here for a few days but kept crashing not sure whats been wrong. hope everyone is doing well. Pearce - hope you have recovered from your surgery - what are your plans now? Fatty Patty - great to hear from you again - you are doing really well congratulations I am still at maximum restriction and OMG it is bloody hard work......... Especially when you have to cook family meals and cannot even have one mouthful. I am restricted to fluids and Soup really and would happily kill someone just now for something to chew lol. I met an old colleague the other day and she was saying how fab I looked, what diet have you been on she asked, when I explained I had a band she said "Oh so you have cheated then"........... I was furious, this band was not a decision I made easy and nor has it been an easy journey, in fact would say it is the most difficult thing I have ever done in my entire life - cheating - absolutely not. I was so angry by her comments, how dare she pass judgement when she knows nothing about the life of a bandee..... Anyway rant over - hope everyone is doing well. I am determined to lose another 2 stone by Xmas and get into that little black party dress - never had one in my life so should be great Take Care Kerry xx
  15. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Oh Pearce I can't believe what bad luck you have had, you must be devastated. What are you going to do now? Will the NHS consider you for a band rather than having to pay for another one. It is so tempting to push for super restriction but I guess it just shows that regardless of cost that taking it a bit at a time is the best option. I am so sorry for you. My stomach has finally calmed down, no longer being sick thank god, stomach bug was awful. Band is still very restricted however I am managing Soups, yoghurts etc with little or no PB - on the plus side my weight is really starting to shift in the right direction and in the last week I have lost over 4 lbs and have hit the 60lbs mark so am quite delighted with that. I also managed to get into some lovely trousers in M & S today in a size 14....... I was ecstatic. I am now on holiday for 10 days so gonna try and get out everyday for a good hike with the dogs and really boost the weight loss. I am determined to lose another 2 stones before Xmas and splash out on a party dress for the first time in my life. My daughter measured me the other day and I have lost an amazing 15 inches off my tummy alone, and my boobs are shrinking by the second - much to hubby's annoyance lol. Hope everyone is well Kerry xx
  16. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Congratluations on your imminent arrival I think you can maintain your band levels as there is no risk to you or baby however if you start to experience problems then a slight defill is recommended. It might help minimise the risk of morning sickness etc as you will still be limiting your food intakes. I am sure Chris will advise you for the best, I have finally stopped being sick and have managed some fluids, and a few ice lollies so fingers crossed it is nearing an end now. It was awful and I got a real fright, just goes to show you can never take anything for granted Good luck with your pregnancy Kerry x
  17. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Evening Troops Having a bit of a disaster this week, last wednesday I was quite sick - not sure if I had a bit of a bug but ever since my stomach is really sore, and my band feels really really tight. I was terrified it had slipped but pretty sure its the wretching that has hurt my stomach. Friday I couldn't really manage anything even liquids, but yesterday I managed some water but only a bit. Today I have managed a few glasses of water and 2 ice lollies - no food has passed my lips since last Weds. Has anyone had this before? I am pretty sure it is on the mend but it was quite scary for a while. Hubby wanted me to go to A & E and get it emptied as he was panicking but I think I am through the worst of it. I last had a fill at end of May and had no problems with it in all that time but all of a sudden its very very tight. On the plus side I expect the weight to start falling off now Hope everyone is well Kerry x
  18. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey Gang Hope everyone is doing well. Freckles don't you worry about your wee gain you will soon get back on track. I have finally hit the 4 stone lost point woo hoo and feeling really well. Never felt so healthy. Got full restriction which is quite hard work as you are so limited to what you can eat and drink that live becomes quite tough. Sara P so glad to hear you have come through your op ok and you are now finally on track. I think waiting to see Dr Chris is a wise choice considering the trouble you have had. You will soon see the weight flying off Take care everyone Kerry x
  19. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Afternoon Fellow Bandees Been a few weeks since my last update and have to say really disappointed as not lost any weight at all in the last 2 1/2 weeks..... I have got restriction and am only managing very small amounts of food - mainly soup, and occasionally fish but other than that nothing will really go down. I don't want to get a defill as feel it would be a step backwards but I am starting to get really fed up. Just been away camping for a few days with hubby and managed to walk 14 miles of the West Highland Way which was amazing but my legs suffered for it the next day lol I am thinking of starting to take protein drinks for breakfast and lunch and see if that helps any - worried that my body has gone into starvation mode as it is getting little or no food at all - any ideas?? Sara P good luck with your operation and I am sure you will have success this time, also good luck to anyone just about to start their journey. FP I was the same I had to have my band defilled for going to Egypt and then again when I went to Australia and I put weight back on both times, managed to lose it again fairly quickly but feel I have lost and gained the same 20 lbs for the last 6 months and it is really frustrating......... Take care everyone Kerry x
  20. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Evening All Hope everyone is well, I am delighted I have finally hit 3 and half stone loss at weekend. Can't believe how different my life is since this time last year. 18 months ago I weighed almost 18 stone, smoked 30 a day and struggled to walk up the road....... Now I have started hillwalking and have just bagged my first Corbett...... WOO HOO. Not smoked since January 2010 and am now walking for 4-5 hours each day at weekends and every night I trek up the hill with my two dogs Anyone who is considering having it done - it aint easy but it does help. My restriction has been a bit weird this week, not able to eat at all some days and then other days I can manage some fish and mash or soup etc - taking it a day at a time now and not beating myself up if I have a foody day I appear to have lost my ticker and no idea how to fix it Kerry xx
  21. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Afternoon Gang Well its almost a week since I seen Dr Chris and had .25ml added to my band and I have got restriction. I simply cannot eat anything in the morning. At lunchtime today I tried a cup a soup and a crispbread - managed the crispbread and 2 spoonfuls of soup before it got stuck and eventually came back to haunt me. Last night I tried to have some chicken - again no way it was going down. My only worry is what should I be eating???? I am starting to feel quite cold and tired and worried my body is not getting enough nutrition. I bought some multi vitamins but they are too bloody big and cant swallow them AARRGGHHH. On the huge plus side I have lost 3 lbs since last Thursday so it is working and doing the job it is meant to do. Garry sorry to hear your having yours removed after having gone through quite an ordeal - you were a huge inspiration to me and I wish you every success for the future. SaraP - so sorry your having problems, did you remember to ask what size your band is? Have you got any restriction in last few days? Hope everyone is doing well and take care Kerry x
  22. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey Guys Went to Dr Chris in Edinburgh on Thursday and he gave me a very small fill of 0.5ml which by my calculations means I now have 7.25 in my band and I have got some decent restriction this time. Since Thursday I have managed a yoghurt (few spoonfuls at a time), tried some mash potato - not a chance. This morning I made a soft poached egg, managed 1/2 but clearly didn't go down to well as made me slime a lot and back up it came - not pretty... Later this afternoon I had an Ainsley Harriot cup-a-soup which took quite a while but got it down and it stayed down. Weighed myself this morning and I have lost 2 lbs since Thursday already - WOO HOO - really hoping this is gonna be the one for me. Sara P it was lovely to see you again, hope you are doing ok. Have you got any restriction yet? Are you noticing any difference in what your able to eat? One word of advise is that you have to try and make sensible food choices and go for healthier options that are gonna fill you quicker then as restriction kicks in your portion sizes will reduce also. I have been hill walking again this weekend - loving it. 4/5 hour walks every day - god this time last year I couldn't walk to the shops without being out of breath Hope everyone is doing well Kerry x
  23. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey Guys Off to see Dr Chris again on Thursday. Now have 7mls in 7.5 ml band an although have a tiny bit of restriction I think this next one might FINALLY be the one for me..... SaraP I know you are getting frustrated and I totally understand how you feel. I have missed 6 months of fills due to ash cloud, Dr Chris flight being cancelled another month, then I was taken ill and had to go into hospital so missed another few months, then I was getting married and going on honeymoon so had to get a defill - nightmare however think positive and think that you have lose weight this year and you will eventually get to the right level for you, I know it can be horrible when it seems everyone else around you is doing so well but it will finally start doing its job. Every chance i might see you in edinburgh on Thursday - I am at 2.10 Take care Kerry x
  24. Scooby Doo

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Howdy Troops Just back from Edinburgh and seeing Dr Chris, I had gained 5 lbs while in Australia which was better than I expected., I told him I are a Witchety Grub and he laughed, told me I was disgusting and to get out his clinic..... Got 1.5 mls put back in today so thats me upto 7mls now in my band so should start to get some restriction back again and get my weight loss back on track. Gonna try really hard over the Summer, get out walking/cycling every night and joining the gym with my 2 daughters so that should help. Determined to hit 100 lbs lost this year before Xmas. Well done to FP on hitting her 100 mark - you must be delighted. Slinks sorry to hear about your overfill issues but I think your right about the tortoise and hare approach - slower is better when it comes to a band. Hope everyone is well and enjoys the lovely Bank Holiday weekend Take Care Kerry xx

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