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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunny2010

  1. This may sound funny but I am an open person and even showed family and friends cause I thought it was funny. I wore my belly band. If you dont know what it is its something I bought when I was prego. It looks like a tube top but you wear it around your waist/ belly when your prego so you can leave your pants/jeans unbuttoned and unzipped and no one knows . saved alot of money on prego pants. Anyways that helped me instead of wearing tight jeans.
  2. Snow..snow.. snow.. it was a blah day. I wanted some real food but it has passed now. I didnt go to the gym today and I feel guilty :(. maybe Ill go hop on the eliptical before bed.

  3. Hi there Natty, I was just banded 2/8. I didnt have to go on a pre op diet. My Dr. said that we are on a liquid diet after surgery and does not like to do that before because he believes its too long and people may give in an sneak or fail. The morning for surgery I got up and headed to the hospital alone. I had to be there by 8:45. My boyfriend was going to get our little girl ready and meet me there before surg. When I got there I checked in. They took me to a waiting room with other people having surgery. After a short time they called me back and checked me in and asked me a bunch of questions about meds, when I ate/drank last ect. I went back to the waiting room and about 15 mins later they came and got me. I was takin to an area that is set up like ER but its you and other people waiting for surg. I then changed into my gown and stylish non skid socks they give you. They were running a little behind. Another gal came in and asked me the same questions about meds, food,water ect. My two loves had now shown up. They gave me a shot in the tummy to prevent clots and said it would sting but I didnt feel anything and also got my IV started. I felt very relaxed this whole time. This was something I had worked hard for. 13 months to be exact. My Dr. came in and said sorry that they were behind but I should be just a few more mins. The anesthesiologist came in next and explained that there was a student there with him that day and asked if he could put the breathing tube down my throat. He explained thats all the student would do if I said yes and he would not be in there for the procedure. After saying yes he told me he was going to give me something in my IV to relax me. He said since I take xanax that I might not feel much and he would give me more in a min. He asked how I was feeling when we got to the OP Room and I said I was ok. He intoduced me to the two ladies in there that would be assisting. After that he said I am going to give you some more now and thats all I remember. I woke up crying lol. I said I was sorry for crying to the nurse. I asked how everything went and she told me it went great. She asked if I was crying because of pain. I explained to her that I was crying because I was happy it was finally done and sad because I made it and my mom didnt. My mom was trying to have the band and before she ever got to being approved or getting close she passed shortly after her 46th bday in her sleep from heart failure. She was amazed that I came out of it and was talking like nothing had just happend. I was told I had to stay in recovery for 2 hrs but after about 30 mins I wanted to go pee so she brought the lovely bed side pot over and I laughed. She told me its this or a bed pan honey. I got up and went and then layed back down. She called up and told them I didnt need to be there for 2 hrs and was ready for my room. My Dr. wanted me to stay over night. Went to my room and got to see my two love. Couldnt have anything to drink. My mouth was so dry. I finally talked them into letting me swish water around in my mouth and spit it out. Was givin the go on clear liquids by my DR but no more after midnight because of the swallow test. I stayed awake all night watching TV and playing on my phone. Did the test at 8 am. everything looked good so I was allowed to go back on clears. (I didnt mention that I was up walking around all night as well.) After surg I was up and walking within 30 mins of being in my room after the recovery area. Not much pain at all. I am now a week out and feeling great. I have already been going to the gym. My only complaint is that gas/ pressure in ur chest below ur breast and the water weight gain. Both of those lest day 5 post op. Sorry I shared such a long story lol. If I had to do it again I would no questions asked. I wish you the best of luck and I hope everything goes smooth for you. Ps. if you search surgery stories in the forum a thread will come up titled surgery day stories. I read from there non stop lol for 2 days before my surg.
  4. Had my one week post op today. Everything looks great. I have lost a few more pounds. After that I made it to the gym again. It sure feels good to be doing something for myself.

  5. 5 days out from being banded and I made it to the gym :) I know I cant over do it but that 2 mile incline/power walk on the treadmill felt wonderfull. Looking forward to going back tomorrow.

  6. YAY!! this dang gas that has been hanging around in my chest is gone today. I feel fantastic. On the plus side as well the water weight I was hanging onto after surg is gone. I am back to normal. Let the dropping of numbers continue :)

  7. Today I wish I could stick a tube in my chest/tummy and get all this dang air out. It is driving me nuts!!

  8. sunny2010

    Weight Gain immediately after surgery

    I was banded the same day as you. I have gained 8-9 lbs. I feel extreamly bloated. I am happy to see this is normal because I was starting to think I was doing something wrong.
  9. Having a bit of a rough day.. I dont even know if I should even be upset over the things that are bugging me.

  10. sunny2010


    sounds funny but try drinking water upside down. bend over as if your going to touch your toes and put the cup to your mouth and drink. It always works for me
  11. Mmmmm.. Breakfast for the champs.. Protien shakes... yummy.. Lol I had to make my little girl a smoothie this morning because she wanted mommys. Hope everyone else who has been recently banded is doing well :)

  12. How did your surgery go? hope everything went smooth :) be looking forward to hearing from you

  13. Well I was released from the hospital today. Surgery went awesome. It was a piece of cake. They had to keep telling me to relax and get rest. Feeling good today just a lil bloated but thats about it. will write blog later when I dont have a 22month old trying to climb on my tummy.

  14. sunny2010

    The BIG Day!!

    Well.. Tomorrow is finally here. Only a year of a very long process and then a month waiting for surgery. I cant complain though it has givin me plenty of time to think about what I am doing. I started the magnesium citrate.. Fun stuff. The first 10oz bottle made me vomit after about a half hour. Not sure if thats normal or not. Had the second on about a hour and a half ago. Thats something I would like to drink with some tequila. JK I hope I never have to drink that sweet, salty, fizzy stuff again. I am glade my boyfriend finds humor in it though.. PS. Might have to mix him some with tequila. Had my pre-op appt. today. Nothing that I expected. I was told the nurse doing it would be telling me more info than what she did and for every qestion I had she didnt seem to have the answer. Anyway.. My surgery is tomorrow. I have to be there at 845 and my surgery is at 1045. I hope things all go very smoothly. I have been reading surgery stories that others were so nice to share and I think that helped calm me down some. Hope anyone else being banded tomorrow has an easy procedure
  15. are your incisions bad? It says that your surgery was 2/2/2011. is it safe to have sex just five days after surgery? maybe he is scared he is going to hurt you. has he told you its because of you incisions or the way they look?
  16. sunny2010

    The BIG Day!!

    Its to "clean" you out I guess. lol every Dr. is different. Now that you mention it I have not read anything about it either. I remember you saying you were getting banded the 9th. Do you know what time your surgery is? Or do you have to wait till the day before like I did. I am very excited please let me know how yours goes as well
  17. Tomorrow is MY BIG DAY.... Wow Im kinda freaking out. I dont get like this often.

  18. sunny2010

    Wow Factor

    that has to be an amazing feeling. congrats
  19. Big day is almost here... are you getting nervous? The 8th came so quick.

  20. I fell you. I am full of emotions. I am being banded on the 8th. I started this process 1/10 so its been a year now. Over that past year I have slowly been sharing with people what I am doing. Now everyone I work with and all of my family and friends know. Its an amazing feeling everyone is very supportive about it. I am diabetic and they have seen everything I have been through this past year and how hard things have been so everyone is just about as excited as I am Its just me but I am an open person and I chose to share. I am glad I did. Good luck and I hope everything goes well.
  21. Tuesday is almost here.. That mean so is my band!!! I can not believe how close I am. My anxiety has been soo bad. Hope these feelings go away soon

  22. Sooo.. I have been given alot of verbal info as to what to eat after being banded but I know as soon as its done Im going to freeze up and not know what the hell to do or how to do it. Is there a book thats good out there that breaks it down step by step for you or is there any information anyone would be willing to email me. The closer I get the more I think about this and honestly I am starting to freak out. I feel like Im going to be banded and then be alone and have no one to call or ask. I am going to be like this crazed crack head not eating right and googling everything to figure out what the heck to do. I see so many of you asking questions on here and I can picture myself doing that now. But really when it comes down to it things like I am in panic mode
  23. sunny2010

    Band soon to come!! 2/8/11 :)

    I started this journey Jan of 2010. It has been a long process. I finally finshed all my steps and was approved the first time we submited paper work to insurance. I was very lucky. I was all about this site in the begining but then I thought I would never meet the end of the process and started having doubts and didnt come on much. Now that I have a date set I am back on her again. Trying to meet people that have been through what I am going through or have are already walking the path I will soon be walking. I am type two diabetic and I read how some say it is harder and that worries me. The more I read I guess the more worried I get. I feel like I shouldnt come on here till after I have it lol. The days go by slower now than they ever did before. I keep feeling like something is going to happen and I wont be able to have it. Its like its to good to be true. Not to sownd like a downer but I am so used to things not going right. I need some positive feedback.. Am I the only one that feels this way before the band. Are these worries normal? By the way is there any one else out there being banded feb 8th? I would relly like to have a band buddy.. someone to talk to often along the way.. I have a very supportive boyfriend and family but I know when it comes down to it there are some things they will not understand or be able to give me insight on.
  24. sunny2010

    After Band Eating Questions and Books..

    oh ok. I liked the band just for the simple fact that nothing inside my body had to be cut or anything. that scared me too much. I want a change sooooo bad so im willing to try; something. I really hope this works well for you. I know there are complications with all of them I pray that I do not run into any and the same for you
  25. sunny2010

    Band soon to come!! 2/8/11 :)

    How exciting.. I wish mine went as fast. I started this process jan 2010 and just now getting to have it. we should keep in touch. Share how things are going..

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