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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunny2010

  1. Just an idea to share.. its soooo yummy. today i cooked two chicken breast in pace picante sauce (mild). slow cook it on a low heat till it shreads on its own. i do this often with other meats as well. but anyway i got some cooled off and then added a spoonfull of cottage cheese (dont normally like) and mixed it all up. it was soo good with a lil salt and pepper. so my 1/2 cup of food was PERFECT.. just my opinion. :)

  2. Tomorrow I finally get to go off liquids. 3 weeks and I made it :) House smells great. I am making some home made turkey chili. I am going to puree the heck out of it and have it for lunch tomorrow :)

  3. sunny2010

    My surgery is tomorrow my ? is....

    My surg was at 1040 am and they had me stay over night and most of the next day. it depends on ur doc. i was just fine and could have went home but thats how he does it.
  4. you got to move on your diet fast. Tues will be 3 weeks since surg. I am Still on liquid till monday. I have only has broth, broth with a lil cream of chicken in it, sugar free popsicles and of coarse Protein shakes. Cant say I am not looking forward to Monday.

  5. No white castle here.. How did you pouch do processing the beef?

  6. I bet. I feel it will be that way for me as well. So many people at work want to share lol. Im going to have to get a sign that says do not feed lol.. what do you mean you ate a krystal?

  7. How is it being back at work missy?

  8. Down 15 lbs since the 8th :) things are movin.. my butt to the gym that is..

  9. sunny2010

    working out...

    They had told me walk walk walk. so 4 days after surgery i started going to the gym. power walking with incline. one week post op the allowed me to use bike and eliptical as well
  10. sunny2010

    worst day of my life...

    Wow sweetie you have been through alot. It sounds like there is still more ahead of you. I hope you get good new of some sort soon. Stay strong.
  11. 3 hrs of sleep because of my dang head ache and my lil one. On the plus side I have een able to get alot done.

  12. ugh... cant get rid of this dang headache.. I think only getting less than three hours of sleep made it worse.

  13. sunny2010

    Being proud of who we have become..

    I have not really thought too much of what I have done this month untill today. I know what I have done to get here and trust me I have come a long way. I started this process Jan 2010. From 5th grade on I have had troubles with my weight. I started seeing a new Dr. in Dec 2009 and she suggested this surgery to me. At first it was out of question but as my battle with diabetes got more and more annoying I began to take it into consideration. I kinda felt like I was cheating... like I wouldnt feel like I did it myself and wouldnt be proud of it. After deciding I was going to do it and had 110% support from my wonderful family and amazing guy I started the process. I slowly started sharing what I was doing with everyone I work with. Being that they have all seen how hard things had been medicaly for me EVERYONE has been so supportive. So here I sit today and am thinking of what I have done and how I worked to get where I am... I am beyond proud of what I have done and who I have become. This was deffinatly not the easy way. Easy is not the word to EVER describe what any of us have been through or what we will continue to go through. I am just starting the band journey and I will continue to share what I have done with ANYONE. I am extreamly proud of who I have become because I looked outside the box and broke the way I looked at my situation. I am also proud of every person on this site because you as well have made such a HUGE step.. A step twards a better, healthy life away from what has had our hold for so long.. FOOD!!! So far this month I made a major life change. I got banded.. I have stuck by rules.. Rules of not eating what I want.. wow since when does Sunshine do that..?? Stay on liquids for weeks.. hmmm doesnt sound like me.. Not fully till this month. Not one cheat!! I have exercised my butt off. Started that a few days after surgery and have not quit.. and nor will I quit till I lose the weight I want off. Even if this band doesnt work in my favor (not likely).. I have come to far to not do this and I know I shared this with everyone so I wouldnt fail. Not saying if you chose not to share that your going to fail I just know myself. So for anyone reading this I am proud of you as well for thiking about or for having done it.. Best of luck to everyone on your way to a new life..
  14. 1 more week of clear liquids and protein drinks and then on to mushies.. Kinda excited about that :) Hope all you other bandsters have a wonderful day.

  15. Someone made my reputation drop.. wonder who doesnt like me :)...

  16. sunny2010

    Being fired

    I am covered under fmla at the moment for surgery and on short term disability leave. Maybe one person wasnt covered because they were self pay or because it wasnt considered medically needed by red Doc, surgen and insurance company. I am very sorry to hear what happend. I dont know if they gave you a reason for letting you go or not but I would deff print out your email and if you do anything legally show that you sent that the same day they chose to let you go.
  17. Grrrrrr... I have tried multi times to upload damn pics on the site over the past month and everytime... ERROR message. starting to get real annoying

  18. Had fun cooking dinner tonight for my fam.. even though I didnt get to eat it. The wonderful smells of it all were enough for me :) and for myself Protein shake mmmmmmm.. lol

  19. I have stairs at home as well and I slept upstais and was up and down them tons. I guess its more if you feel well enough to go up and down them. Everyone feels different after surgery just listen to your body good luck
  20. What's on your mind?Annoyed. My doc told me full liquids for 3 weeks.. the only thing differend about the full liquid or clear is I am allowed protein shakes. Nothing else but that and clear liquids. I am reading my papers they gave me and it says for only two weeks.. IDK what to do. He told me from the start the same thing and now the way he is doing it is how he does it for gastric bypass patients.

  21. sunny2010

    Starting to Exercise

    Everyones Doc is different. I was on the treadmill doing inclined power walking the first week. Then I was given to to for eliptal and other cardio things just no weights.
  22. So I went and checked my mail box.. geeessshhh.. I got a statment from surgery.. not the DR's part or anything yet 28 grand.. cant wait to see how much of that I have to pay after BCBS pays what they are going to pay.

  23. I thought this was going to be really tough not eating "real food". This protein/clear liquids is not driving me nuts yet. My mind wants food when I cook for my lil girl and honey but I dont. Good thing cause my doc wants me doing it for 3 weeks. I guess its all worth it to watch those numbers on the scale keep dropping.

  24. A new day... What to do??? what to do??? any suggestions?

  25. im just about a week out from surgery and im still using it. Im pretty bloated and dont want pressure on my belly. It feels alot better than buttoning my pants. Mainly when sitting.

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