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Everything posted by Nean4488

  1. Nean4488

    Stomach sleeper

    I was banded monday the 17th. I still have the gas pains, but they really calmed down today. I was able to sleep on my stomach the 4th night. I started my putting a pillow under the port side so I was kinda lifted up. Hope you can get some rest.. I know its hard!
  2. Nean4488

    What do you use for blending?

    I was using a big blender and when I was on my liquid faze, thats like at least 3 times a day cleaning it and reusing it. It was such a pain that I got on amazon and did some research. I got the tribest personal blender 200. It seemed to have better reviews then the magic bullet, I just got it a couple days ago so I havent tried it yet!
  3. This is how I feel. My mother told my grandma and today she was over, mind you 5 days post op. asking me "Have you lost weight yet, how much have you lost?" " When can you start working out, you should start soon" I am really upset with my mom telling all the people that she has told, If it was up to me I wuldnt have told anyone.
  4. Nean4488


    I wouldnt have crackers unless they were in soup and soggy.
  5. Hello. I got banded the 17th. I started this journey at 320 and 5'7 also. I was a bit warm the first day. Make sure you dont have a fever over 101. My shoulder and neck had the worst pain from the gas! It finally is bearable today. I cant eat anything more then 3oz of liquid at a time and that keeps me full for 3-4 hours. I had my post op today and they said it was normal and I was prolly still swollen but I cant get enough water or protein in and its got my weight lost at a stop!
  6. Nean4488

    Laughing feels weird

    When I laugh, cough, or sneeze I feel that I am moving my band! I really dont think it could move that easily though. Noone ever told us not to do that :-/ haha
  7. 3oz is all I can get down at one time at this point, and im full for 3-4 hours.
  8. Nean4488

    What to eat for mushy stage?

    Wow! well on the bright side you will loss a lot of weight while the rest of use are eating fattening mash potatoes!!! lol
  9. Nean4488

    Washroom problems

    Well it has took the pressure and bloating away, so at least the discomfort went away. I just cant wait to feel normal again.
  10. Nean4488

    What to eat for mushy stage?

    Try this thread http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f82/mushies-stage-recipes-17637/
  11. Nean4488

    Liquid Pain Med

    I got a huge bottle too! Plus I can get another one within like a year... thats nuts!
  12. Nean4488

    Washroom problems

    ms. plumpy, whos your surgeon, your on my friends list, I think we determined we have the same one! lol
  13. Nean4488

    Washroom problems

    I just tried half a dose about an hour ago. Im keeping my fingers crossed it works!
  14. Nean4488

    Liquid Pain Med

    I was given lortab, I didnt even touch the stuff. I used extra strength liquid tylenol, it worked just fine.
  15. Nean4488

    Washroom problems

    My surgeon suggested Milk of Magnesia after 2 days.
  16. Nean4488

    Feeling anxious!

    Going threw emotions is normal. I ignored all mine until the moment i was in the waiting room I felt like I was going to pass out. Then while i was waiting for surgery I just started crying.. I Dont even know why! Then 5 day post opt i broke down and cried again. Your starting a new life , things are going to change! Surgery is the easiest part! lol Goodluck!
  17. I can't say that mine said no sugar and I havent read anywhere that other doctors said that. Did he tell you how long you cant have dairy for?
  18. Im 4 days post op and I cant feel my part. I know where it is because of the pain, but i cant feel it. Im sure if I pushed down i would be able to, but im too scared to do that right now! Haha. I lay on my stomach to sleep and everything and it doesnt bother me.
  19. I cant get all my protein in at all! I can only drink 3oz of my shake in one sitting and that keeps me full for a good 3-4 hours. Im just hoping the swelling goes down soon and I can get more in.
  20. It does get better after a few days... I think the toughest for me is after I banded I am ready for some real food. I get mushies on monday and today has been the hardest, 4 days post op.
  21. Yaaa he could careless... lol I can handle it. I didnt eat it.
  22. My brother would laugh in my face if I asked him that. lol
  23. Well thats exciting! I got banded May 17th. I'm kind of coming out of the whole buyers remorse faze. The pain goes away little by little each day. I cant wait to feel normal again. Who is your surgeon?

  24. Nean4488

    5 more days...

    Well here is my story... I had my surgery monday the 17th. I woke up at 445 and off to the hospital at 5:20. Got there at 5:55 walked into the office and started filling out paper work. I started getting nervous and felt like throwing up! I havent been nervous up till this point. At about 6:15 two nurses came out and got me. They told me no one was allowed to come back with me, so to say good bye to my mom and she will see me after surgery. I really didn't like this and neither did my mom. They gave me a HUGE gown to put on, a hair net, and booties, and a cup to pee in. I was in the bathroom for 20 mintues and I couldn't go. So they sat me down in this chair that reclined and asked me questions and gave me a shot in the thigh. This did not hurt at all. Nothing as bad as some people made it seem. They then started my IV... got it in the first try.. i was so happy. So then I just sat there for awhile waiting for my dr to get there and I still needed to pee!! The anesthesiologist came in and talked to me and asked if I had any questions. It was time for me to try and pee again. Another 15 min later.. NOTHING! So they made me sign a piece of paper saying I wasnt pregnant and there wasnt ne way that I could be. I then talked to my surgeon and I walked off to the OR. I layed down and as they were getting ready my surgeon, nurse, and anesthesiologist were just talking to me, trying to keep me calm. I was then told that i was going to feel some pressure in my hand and at the time that I was about to kill him I would be asleep. Wow was he right! This stuff hurt! Ive been put asleep three times and it was nothing like this. But soon enough I was asleep. Next thing I know im waking up in the recovery room saying "im cold, im cold, im cold" as i am shivering. They put a warming blanket on me and told me surgery went well. My nurse told me to just take a little nap. I refused to do that though, I couldn't wait to get out of there and back to my own bed. About 45 minutes later they asked if I was ready to get up and go sit in the chair that I was in before. I agreed right away. They let me go to the washroom, because in order to be released I had to pee. I did right away! I was nervous I wasnt going to be able to because I was having issues before. I then sat in my recliner chair and had to drink 8oz of Water before they released me. I was sipping it very slowly because I was scared it was going to have to come back up! At about 10:30 I finished, they took my IV out and helped me get dressed, rolled me out to my moms car at 10:45 and I was off to my own house. I didn't need any pain medicine when I was in recovering and havent tooken anything but tylenol before I go to bed. The worst pain for me would prolly be the shoulder gas pain and where my port is, its tender and it feels like its ripping my insides. I feel that I cant even stand up straight!
  25. I know this feeling! I am only 3 day post op but my brother came home with gyros and cheesy fries... MY FAVORITE. I seriously licked the cheese and gyro sauce.... I almost ate a piece of gyro meat, I kept telling myself ill chew it till it just dissolves! But i talked myself out of it, I still have 2 and a half weeks before I get to solid foods. I know one day I will be able to eat this stuff in moderation I just have been on liquids for 2 and a half weeks and its just about getting to me now!

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