My dad had lap band in March of 2008 great results with weight loss but has always had throwing up problems. Recently over past few months developed a problem swallowing. Last Thursday he had a Brain Stem Stroke (minor) and is now lost any ability to swallow. When the surgeon went to put in the stomach peg it was unsuccesfull he was unable to scope past his esophagus. The had to go the alterate route and it was succesfull. The speach Therapist mentioned that Lap Band patients have developed swallowing problems and have had to have espophial dissolution. Obviously the stroke can also cause the problem I am wandering since he had trouble prior to the stroke if it is possible to be a side affect of the Lap Band. He is still in the hospital and has no other side affects that are major from the stroke. Sorry for my spelling and grammer. Any advise or feedback is apreciated.