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Posts posted by spaceycasey

  1. I am pro-life and would have a baby if I were raped b/c I believe it is life. However, I do not hold it against my friends who have had abortions, and 4 of my very close friends have had them. Thankfully I had a man to marry and hold fast to when we got pregnant. But all in all i believe it is an ill of society, and reminds me of this quote by Mattie Brinkerhoff in 1869:

    "When a man steals to satisfy hunger, we may safely conclude that there is something wrong in society - so when a woman destroys the life of her unborn child, it is an evidence that either by education or circumstances she has been greatly wronged."

  2. I'm 30. i'm 5'5", 283 lbs, highest weight ever. I'm a mom and i've had problems with food and weight since I was 5. I am now to the point where I don't trust myself to even start on any more diets or eating right b/c I don't trust myself to stick with it. I exercise and some weeks I even go to the gym 3-4 x's but still I just can't get eating under control. I thought lap Band or surgery would be a cop out but now I just see it as the help I need. I have Aetna insurance and would take any amount of advice that anyone can offer so that I can apply for this surgery and get it. I don't have diabetes or high bp, just light sleep apnea and depression/anxiety. Any pointers? I guess i'm just going to call my insurance up and say I want to start the process. I have been under weight monitoring by my doctor for atleast 2 years, every 3 months. Thank you, in advance, for any advice, tips or words of wisdom you may have.


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