Long story short...I was your typical ex-football player gone fat. I was a poster child for the wreck that happens when your metabolism hits a wall and terrible eating habits catch up to you after years of coaches telling you,"you need to eat boy!" I was 352 at my heaviest, had beginning stages of Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea all at around 26.
I had the lap band surgery around June of 07. I have had some very good stretches, being down to around 288 twice and even competing in a 10K in early ’08. After relocating to Ohio from Texas for work and having a second child, I have found it harder and harder to stay on track. Due to financial issues recently, I could not justify keeping my gym membership and at the same time have gone to lower budget meals. Neither one of which has helped my situation.
I have gained back over half of what I had lost up to this point last year. I started running last week but constantly dwell on the disappointment I have in my behaviors. Help me!
My main problem is night time snacking and eating around the band when it is something I am fond of. It may take 45 minutes to eat that double cheeseburger from BK, but I cannot put it down,