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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by sherilynn

  1. I was able to submit years of medical records from my OBGYN which documented my being over weight for more than 5 years. I also submitted logs from weight watchers. And having started seeing a nutritionist right away when I started my inquiry of the band, knowing that would be an eventual plus in getting approval.

    I started my journey in June doing serious research, joined this board in September, and here I am, just 3 weeks away from my surgery date. I know you're mad, upset or disappointed - we've all been there at some point. Trust me, you'll need 6 months just to get yourself well enough educated to make this huge change in your life.

    Good luck.

    Sheri lynn

  2. Awwwwww, Come on ya'll...this is a stressful enough time for me, and alot of other people. We come here to destress, not have to put up with mud slinging!!! If at the very least; please take it off line, or have your account frozen!

    I enjoy this board way too much to have a spoil sport ruin it for me.

    Now chill, reead some good informational posts - and move on with it!

    PS; I too am finishing my Masters...so this isn't coming from someone 'ignorant'. :rolleyes:

  3. Hey Sunshine...I still don't have a surgery date twin :cry He He He

    I think that by me keeping a daily diary, when I am 4-5 months out, and miss food, and want to pig out...I can look back at my entries, and yell at myself. Realize how I am feeling exactly. I'm being very specific on my entries, how I feel, what I'm feeling, how I look etc....all incentive for 4-5 months out - to help keep me going, and not regretting.:)

  4. Fantastic! Perhaps we can get a sticky out of this....keep it on hand, update regulary with what is available. We can be sure to ONLY send PM's for what we're interested in...have an understanding that postage reimbursement is only fair. And of course, first come first served basis. Sound good for ground 'rules'?? I think this will be fantastic, and could be done....

  5. I am very stressed today, and here is why…

    I've been researching again and again and again on the band. First I was researching both the band and RNY, came to the conclusion the RNY was too drastic/scarey for me - didn't want to reroute my insides. I've been great with my decision on the band. I know the weight won't come off as fast as with RNY…but I could live with that. My parents and boyfriend have also been very supportive. They're terrified for me, but they support me. Just last night Mom said to me, "You know at the seminar those people were twice your size, you were the smallest one there. They are the people that need to have the surgery, not you". I thought I would die, as my chin hit the floor!!! I was so upset, it really left me speechless - which is very hard to do. I just said to her "If you don’t stop trying to talk me out of it - I'll tell Daddy". Yes, a Daddys Little Girl (sue me). She left me alone with that…but it sent me to bed in a tailspin; doubting myself again. After a few hours I was able to dismiss her comment.

    So today on the drive in I thought of it, just shrugged it off as her way of showing me her concern, and I love her for that. I'm STILL going on with my Band on 1/30.

    Then of all things this a.m. I came into an email from my best friend (who is not supportive at all…we don't even talk about my upcoming banding). Anyway, she sent me a pic of herself with a friend I used to have - before her RNY. (She got VERY condesending when she had the surgery…I did away with that friendship). Anyway, when I saw the pic of my friend - PENCIL thin just 18 months later. True, she's too thin…wearing a size 0. But when I saw it, all I could think was "She and I used to be the same size!" and "I want to be very thin for once in my life". Then came the doubts about the Band vs. RNY. So here I am all a.m. stressing about it, and just staring at her picture…each part of me feeling so incredibly jealous….you can't even imagine.

    I don’t want to doubt my decision. I'm very happy with it. I'm not even feeling scared anymore - just anxious! Maybe I'm even just feeling sorry for myself. :rolleyes

  6. You guys are the best...keeping me occupied with all of your comments and concerns for each other. I am on this board constantly, waiting, waiting, waiting.

    Do we all have to do shots for blood clots, or is that something different? If so...lord help me! I pass out. No, really, seriously. I'm a big baby like that.:)

  7. :girl_hug: WOW Julie...you have just summed it all up for me! You wrote that about ME, if I didn't know any better. The statistics are amazing. Your weight loss is phenomenal; you are my inspiration! My Dr; Abkin - studied under your doctor. I get banded on 1/30...and I just keep trying to look ahead, so I can write to those aspiring bandsters and be proud, like you! Congrats~! I printed your posting, and I'm putting it in my purse to carry with me.

  8. Hi,

    I'm really trying to avoid the 'Last Supper Syndrome', with a bit less than a month to go. I really 'do' want to have some things that I truly may not be able to handle post surgery.

    If I were 'Dead Man Walking', or truly having a 'Last Supper' for myself, I would eat:

    macaroni and Cheese!

    French bread with Brie

    Filet Mignon

    Fried Calamari


    Mom's chicken Soup with orzo

    Lamb chops

    Those are my few. What about you guys...what would be yours?

  9. I too will join 'Carb Haters'!!! Not so much b/c I 'hate' to eat them. I love macaroni with butter or cheese (another reason I'm fat). I will tell you this; doing Atkins a few times in my life - that is when I 'feel' the best! Off of carbs, I sleep GREAT, I can relax, I don't burp so much and my heart feels good (I have mitral valvue prolapse). I KNOW I am better without them; so it's not something that I'll miss after I get banded.


  10. Hey Skinnymom...

    I know that if my surgeon wanted me to the hospital; I'd be there without a doubt!!! Don't be afraid of what they find; get there and get it taken care of before it escalates to something worse. You're not doing yourself any good by fearing the hospital. It's a far better place for you to be when you're sick, than at home!!! Trust me, you'll be in good hands.:party:

  11. I've posted a comment about Protein powders that I've found on a few other threads here. I really can't stress enough how much I TRULY enjoy the ones I found. I purchased a bunch of 'samples' from them; so I could try a bunch of flavors, etc before 'investing' $40 + on an item I may not even like. Anyway...I found 'Simply Vanilla' by Matrix on www.bariatriceating.com. IT IS YUMMY. In other words, for my post surgical diet, I can definately see me drinking this; to get in my protein grams for each day. I'm talking delicious - I made it with milk. Their chocolate is fantastic too. The samples are just $1.75; but well worth it considering that I didn't waste money on a gross tasting item for $40. I also tried the Nectars Lemonade. SO GOOD!!! Can definately see me freezing it as an icepop with protein. Feel free to email me if you have questions. :faint:

  12. Ok all...I'm offically ONE MONTH OUT! So, this time next month; I'll be getting 'fine'. lol!!!

    Just think...this time NEXT New Year's...we'll all be healthier!! Wow...I could be off my Sugar pills, High Blood Pressure pills too! Awwwww, I have a tear in my eye thinking abou it.

  13. Not sure if any of you have done this...

    I'm really fond of having a dinner setting 'set' for myself; whether I'm eating alone or the whole family. Now that my portions are going to be so tiny, and liquid for a while after my band (1/30), I have been searching for a very special 'place setting' for myself. I'm not looking at Lenox or anything, but just something that will help make my 'dinner' look beautiful in a gorgeous glass, or mug or even bowl.

    Any little pick me up like that; I think goes a long way.

  14. At this point, of COURSE being rid of high BP, Type II, and all these aches and pains can't possibly compete with the thought of a cute little sun dress with high heeled sandals. lol

    Seriously...health is #1. I am 37, never had children-yet - want to...but know how dangerous it would be for me, and my unborn with all this extra weight. I laugh...I'll get to goal, and get pregnant!!!hehehe

  15. I did a search and I've seen it mentioned, but can't find anything here that has said a 'swap' is actually up and running. I've even investigated google locally, and NOTHING.

    Does anyone else think a clothing swap is a good idea? I do; can't imagine having to rebuy for different sizes along the way.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction???:)

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