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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sherilynn

  1. Hey everyone, I've done a search, and can't seem to come up with any list. Does one exist on this forum that would be good reading for both PRE and POST Banders? Any suggestions are appreciated! Thank you, Sheri Lynn:girl_hug:
  2. sherilynn

    Hey PRE Banders 2

    Good luck to you all! I won't be speaking with my surgeon until 11/16; it came up so fast! I pick up my labs today. YIPEEE
  3. sherilynn

    Sushi without the rice and seaweed paper

    I actually called my favorite Japanese resturants after I read these posts. Sure as anything - SOY PAPER is available for my sushi rolls! Whooo HOOO! Doesn't look like I'll have to give up my sushi (hopefully I'll be able to tolerate it!).
  4. Lisa, I have tears in MY eyes as I read your story! Congratulations, Kudos, Encore, Hip Hip Hooray!!!!!! Your story is just the encourgagement that I needed considering that I'm currently posted as '2nd Guessing Myself'. You are me. I mean, I can totally and completely feel what you're feeling, as many of us can. You have inspired me all over again, to keep up this fight - get my surgery date and move forward. No one can stand in my way. I want to fulfill my dream of controlling my weight. To feel HEALTHY, totally and completely is something that I'm looking foward to! I am already keeping a journal of my experiences with pre-surgical labs, doctors, etc. I'll be sure to post as my date approaches. Thank you!
  5. Hey Everyone...Happy Tuesday! As you may know, I'm in the process of doing all my 'pre' work for surgery. Last night I had my 1st visit with a nutritionist. I went through some metobolic testing, a breathing test, and ever so briefly spoke with an fitness expert of sorts. The place I went is a nutritionist who sells packaged vitamins; liquid vitamins, power bars, etc., and is also a fitness center. Anyway, my first 'interview' with her and she was rather 'cold' in my opinion. She asked me if I had knowledge of the surgery (no, duh!); and was impressed by my knowledge. No worries - I credited all of you!!!! She went on to say that she's never known of a surgeon to back track and keep notes on how patients do after with nutrition "in her opinion". We talked more about my eating habits. She told me that I'd have to pick up alot more excercise, etc. She did question if I was 'ready' to give up alot of things as far as food goes, she questioned my ability to go through holidays without big meals, etc. **I think she was maybe a little condecending. My point is that I went in there so completely sure of myself and what I am going to do with my body, my self. She had me 2nd guessing the lap band last night on my way home, all night I couldn't sleep thinking about it. I'm not sure if it was her pss poor attitude toward me or what; but I didn't like it. I could go for a 2nd Nutritionist as my insurance pays, but if she's giving me my 'note required'; why bother. I guess that I have to ask this of you experienced Bandsters: How many of you rely on a nutritionist to help you with your eating habits after surgery? Do you rely on a nutrionist for your supplements, etc? I think I'll need help after surgery, but can I get enough help on this forum and with my own knowledge? Any opinions and words of encouragement are GREATLY appreciated!! Thank you, Sheri Lynn
  6. sherilynn

    Hey PRE Banders 2

    Tia.... ALL GOOD THINGS TO THOSE WHO WAIT! I don't even have my surgery consult until 11/16! But that doesn't mean I'm going to be mad at every that is 'standing in my way'!!! Be positive; look at this time of waiting as your chance to get yourself educated on your pending surgery, how your eating habits will be forced to change. Look toward the future!!!
  7. sherilynn

    Hey PRE Banders 2

    I think that this weekend I was more aware of how much food was going down my throat, than ever before. I am aware of everything I eat. I also noticed how much I eat; even when I'm not hungry. And I'm thinking either I'm going to go through the "Last Supper Syndrome", or loose weight before banding, b/c I'm just disgusted with myself. If I think of my stomach in terms of being a 'gas tank' just for fuel for my body...I should realize I don't need 1/2 of what I eat - probably more. Wow, I'm excited for the band. Now...lets eat! j/k!
  8. sherilynn

    Dental Exam?

    So if I know I have really good teeth - I really don't have to make a special trip to the dentist before surgery, right?
  9. sherilynn

    How Much Time Do You Take To Eat ?

    I too am Pre Band, and I've being made VERY aware of just how fast I eat, how big my bites are and how little time between bites I leave. I am trying to get into the 'habit' of chew, chew, chew before the Band, and I'm trying not to drink with meals. I figure that if I start the habit now; I'll be much better off than doing this all 'cold turkey' the day after surgery.
  10. I called my neurologist to have hime write a note on my behalf to give to insurance. Every little bit helps. I see a neurologist since I was diagnosed with Pseudo Tumor Cerebri. One of the ways to remain in remissions is weight loss. He said he will not wriet a note and anything having to do with this I have to deal with my GP. Well, my GP (who I'm seeing at 6 for the first time about this surgery) I only go on occasion, mostly to get referrals to my specialists! I don't have a relatinoship with him, but going is a technicality for the Band. I told the neurologists office that I need to provide as much back up documentation as poissible for insurance pruposes and to help me get approved. Again they denied me. Advice would be great. Kind of crazy, since I really like this doctor - I even have my dad going to him! Perhaps he's agains the surgery. Who knows! But now how do I prove I was diagnosed and treated with this disease? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. sherilynn

    Any Northern NJ's out there??

    Hi Rita, I saw my GP on Monday, and he's in total support of the surgery! So naturally he has me going for the battery of tests, etc. He also gave me referrals for a psych doctor as well as the nutritionist who I see on Monday. So things are 'moving right along'. I'm getting excited!
  12. sherilynn

    initial consult

    Hi Kimmie, I too am a PRE Bander. This is the best place for information. I read and read for hours! WELCOME!
  13. sherilynn

    Any Northern NJ's out there??

    Hi Alexandra, The support groups; do I have to register to show up? And what time do they start? I'll be there one of the dates in November for sure. Right after my official consult with Dr. Abkin. They MUST be busy...I had to wait over a month for my consult appointment.:faint:
  14. sherilynn

    Six Flags Has Nothing on Me!

    Told you that you'd be great! I have tears in my eyes reading your post. I am sooooooooooooooo excited and happy for you!!!!
  15. Hey all... I wrote a post last week "No support from friends". Just today, I was reading this forum. My boyfriend came over to me where I was sitting with my laptop. He said 'Wow, you're reading that forum alot'. I explained how I am getting so much great information from you all, and I want to be as educated as I can be. He asked "Are you sure you want to do this?" I said yes, explained that I'm tired of gaining and loosing - and I don't want to gain any co-morbidities. He then said "Ok, then I'm going to tell you this now, "I love you exactly the way you are now". THAT meant the world to me. Not b/c I didn't know that, but it just felt really good to hear it. So his support is coming around a little at a time. Then I questioned myself and will ask you the same question: "Is there a point when you asked yourself, 'Do you WANT to have the band, or do you HAVE to get the band?" Have a great evening. Sheri Lynn
  16. sherilynn

    Bites and Chews

    :girl_hug: I understand that when I go on 'mushies and solids', I have to chew, to a liquified state for my food, in order to avoid problems. I realize that different foods will chew down faster; steak vs. banana, etc. Someone had mentioned 30 chews. So I've been paying attention to myself, preband, to see what my eating habits are. I can wolf down just about anything in 6 chews. But now that I'm aware, I am trying to go with the 30 chew rule. What it does is slow me down; and if you notice, how many thin people eat nice and slowly. I'm just trying to get into a habit before surgery, so its more 2nd nature to me. So my question is; do many of you count your chews? Or do you just wait for the liquid feeling? Now for the bites. I keep hearing that everything should be cut into pea sized bites. YIKES!!! What I have been doing to prepare for that (seems to be impossible for me! hehehe) is taking my bites with a shrimp fork. A cocktail fork. It works, prevents large humungeous bites! Have a good night. :eek:
  17. sherilynn


    I know the post you're talking about. But...the only way we had to see them is by clicking on the post; at least 'nude' is clearly posted! hehe :guess It's Sunday; so I would say 'give 'em a break'...maybe they're out enjoying this beautiful autumn weather! They'll be on line soon, for sure. It's funny how some things offend some people, yet not others. There were a few posts this week I was surprised by. Not offended by; just surprised. Usually these forums are super strict. But here; we're among 'friends' is what I've learned...anything (respectfully goes). Again, the titel of the post states what you'll see. Hopefully not too many people will open it and be offended in the meantime. Me, I personally think that Britney is gorgeous, and was curious! I guess you were too! I know that if something said 'nude', and I would be embarrassed or offended, I would not open it. Just my two cents! I'm sorry you were offended. I personally would never post something like that online; I'd be afraid. :biggrin1:
  18. sherilynn

    Banded Thursday

    Hey Derbygirl. Congrats on your banding. I'm so excited to get a surgery date; won't be until approx January, but I'm here to gain as much knowledge as I can. So, if in the event I run into issues like you have - I'll be 'self educated' and not have to rely strictly on my nutritionist and doctors handouts! :eek: And remember, there is no blue ribbon in the end if you go with, or without pain meds! heheeeeeeee! I plan on taking as many as possible to get me through the first few day! I'm so glad to know you're so aware of all you're doing; and you're keeping yourself educated! Knowledge is power! Good luck! Sheri Lynn :girl_hug:
  19. sherilynn

    Pseudo Tumor Cerebri Diaged in March 06

    I was diagnosed 4 years ago after loosing my vision to a headache that was more painful than anhything i could imagine. I thankfully had full vision back after my lumbar puncture. My opening pressure was just 36, I've heard of much higher. Fortunately for me, I have remained in remission. I will however, be using this issue for insurance to get an easier approval. Its a horrible disease to have; headaches beyond your wildest imagination. True, with weight loss my chances of having this be gone for good will be greatly improved; as with any disease. Best of luck to all you PTCers. Sheri
  20. sherilynn

    Support is coming around...

    Dear Coltonwade, That 'rash' under your breasts is something that I get also. It's called Intertrigo. It's a fungus of sorts. I even get it under my armpits. The best defense is keeping those areas dry, drying them COMPLETELY after showering; and I used Lotrimin powder spray EVERY day; instead of deordorant. I can no longer use regular deodorant; it somehow upsets the fungus. I am a very clean neat person; but this came years ago before I diagnosed myself, then doctors confirmed it for me. BOY can it be painful; makes me cry! And it's much worse in the summer. Visit it on the internet - it could be your issue as well. Here is a good start: http://www.embarrassingproblems.co.uk/breasts_f.htm
  21. sherilynn

    To Those Who Are Afraid of Band Surgery

    The way that I see it, for 30 somthing years, I've not been able to control my weight myself. I'm now deciding to let someone control it for me.
  22. sherilynn

    Any Northern NJ's out there??

    Where in NJ are you? I'm in Byram.
  23. sherilynn

    Any Northern NJ's out there??

    Rita, I hope he'll change MY LIFE! Well, he and I will change my life together with the band!
  24. Hey again! Well…today was a HUGE 'step' for me. I was able to get scheduled for my offical consulation with Dr. Abkin in Florham Park, NJ. November 16th! By that time, I'll already have done my eval with my GP, my Nutritionist, and Psych! So on to meet up with Abkin, and then when 1/1/07 hits (and my new insurance), all I'll have to do is get final approval and a date. Whoa…this getting 'real'….and I am getting excited!! I should start a thread for the 'pre banders'….'What are you looking forward to post-band'?? Me…I want to go into a store and buy a pair of knee high boots - and not worry about the zipper not going all the way up. Can you believe that THIS is what I look forward to??? But of course, lower BP is a huge one!!! Just thought I'd report! Sheri Lynn
  25. sherilynn

    A big step in my PRE journey!!

    Hi MyKids... The best part of this board is the incredible support I've received! Just knowing there IS someone else out there that is sporting those oh so tight boots...gives me a sigh of relief. And to know that this time next year - I'll be wearing them with NO WORRIES! ahhhhh! I wish you the best with your Band! Please keep me posted! Sheri Lynn PS: I'll get that thread started! I'm sure there are some GOODIES out there!

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