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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sherilynn

  1. sherilynn

    No liquids required! Cool!

    The Boyfriend and I are both planning on going Low Carb January 2, so I'll be set with getting off the sugars. I too think I will do a liquid meal every day. I did go to www.bariatriceating.com, and bought myself some samples - GREAT idea I got from here. No sense buying stuff that is just nasty tasting. Got some great flavors in the samples. As for the excercise, I have to get going. They say it takes two weeks to loose and gain a habit (good or bad).
  2. sherilynn

    Tech question...

    Hey All, Happy Monday! I've done a bit of reading and posting here the last few months - and I've seen so much talk on band size being reflective on fill quantity, etc. Can you please tell me what, why and how my Doctor determines what size of a band I will get?
  3. sherilynn

    Would appreciate everyone's prayers

    My thoughts and prayers are with you. I know what that paralyzing pain feels like; as I've had to pass a stone once. You must be like me; doing ALL the research and dwelling on the worst case scenarios. Please, don't do that to yourself. I'm learning that it does you no good. The internet is a wealth of information, but I've learned that it scares me to death. Best of luck; keep us posted.
  4. My surgery is going to be January 30. My Doctor's office staff is THE BEST. I mean, every question answered, all concerns calmed; I wouldn't trade them for the world. Is it in appropriate to send them a little 'gift' for the holidays? Or should I wait to send something after surgery as a 'thank you'? I can't afford to do both. Also, I wanted to send a 'basket' of treats…but considering that it's a 'weight loss surgerical suite' - that might not be the gift in 'the best taste'. I was actually thinking of a vendor I found that sends 'Old English Muffin' breakfast baskets, with jams, syrups, etc. Definitely won't send candy or cookies - I'll send flowers before I do that. Your views/opinions are appreciated!!
  5. sherilynn

    Oh...the doubts!

    Good Morning. Before posting this message, I've been mulling over some comments made to me the other day. But since I can't 'just let it go', I'm writing in to you all. I went to my hairdresser the other day. I told her that I'd next be in right before my surgery; yes - I told her about the Band. She said she heard of it, a friend she just saw at a holiday party had it done. **then came the the sucker punch to my gut. She went onto say stuff like "Oh, well you know...you really don't loose weight that fast with that. She ONLY looked as if she were just dieting". "You know, you loose much faster with the Bypass". That was enough to send me into another 'self doubt' about my pending surgery. So I have been online, looking at another 'obesity' website, checking out the photos, etc. I learned that these AMAZING results are from the Bypass; no pics from lap band folks. Now I KNOW how amazing you all have done, how healthy, gorgeous and amazing your photos show you as you are today. I guess I was just disturbed by the 'lack' of Banders out there...other than what I find here. Then I also think, what IF I don't loose weight with the band...will I then go onto getting Bypass? I keep thinking that I'm going to be 'missing out', parties, events, etc. I keep thinking I am going to be 'changed for life'...almost obsessing that this is the end of my life as I know it. ***Maybe this is all jitters. I hate 2nd guessing myself. Mostly, I feel like I'm letting you all down; as if I'm doubting your faith in that this can and IS being done - and successfully. :confused:
  6. sherilynn

    Oh...the doubts!

    Tricia, My deepest condolences.
  7. sherilynn

    Random Question

    I started my 'proces' in September. I've had to wait on getting appointments with a nutritionist, Psych Eval, Cardiologist clearance, bloodwork, and neurologist (pseudo tumor cerebri). I was given a date of January 30; but that is still pending my 1/07 insurance, which should be no problem. It seems like a long time, but I view it as a GREAT time to get on this board - and gain as much knowledge as I can. I can't imagine not being on this board, buying books and investigating for a few months prior. I guess I'm also grateful; as I wanted one last 'FULL TUMMY' Holiday season. I figure by the time the next holidays roll around, the Band will be like 2nd nature. Good luck! This is an exciting time!
  8. sherilynn

    Diabetes - CONFIRMED

    Hey all… Well, the news is in from my bloodwork - diabetes has been confirmed. And right now - I'm numb. After the 1st series of bloodwork and my MORON General Practioner telling me that he thinks it was just a 'false' reading; my surgeon did a full bloodwork on me. He is sending me to the MORON again this Monday and we'll get working on some meds. I am really hoping that weight loss will bring it down so I can get OFF the meds. This disease TERRIFIES me. WHY do I remain with the Moron? Well - he's making my whole processing easy - to be perfectly honest. Once the 1st of the year hits - I'm going to definitely change. Anyway - ENCOURAGEMENT is what I'm looking for. Sniff, sniff. And SUCCESS STORIES!!!!!!!
  9. Hey all... Once I get my psych done, I can get a date for my surgery. However, I'm having a horrible time finding someone in NJ who will do this for me. Any suggestions? I'm having the surgery with Dr. Abkin in Florham Park. I can go from Netcong down past Woodbridge (my schedule allows for that.) Thanks!
  10. My doctor told me stability; that I wasn't doing this on a whim, and that I'm ignorant to all the changes about to happen in my life.
  11. Of course I called my insurance - got a listing of over 50 'M.D's' in my 50 mile radius area. My doctor does not accept evals from a social worker; must be an M.D. Of all of these doctors - NONE would do an eval. I got so many replies of "Oh, we don't do that" or "We don't believe in that". I got so fed up. So, I booked with the PhD. that works with my doctors office, made the appointment and now will pay the $275 just to get it done. Sure, would have been great to have Insurance pay for it; but it was such a headache. Yes; that much $ is alot THIS time of year...but I think that by the time this date rolls around next year...That $275 will have been worth every penny. Thank you everyone for all of your input!!!
  12. This makes me happy to hear. As Water is the ONE thing of all things...that i'll miss being able to over induldge in. I'm addicted to my water; it's like my security blanket. I hope when I'm banded that I'll get healed, then be able to have my 64 oz a day with no problems. January 30 is a long way off so until then, I'm turning into a fish.
  13. sherilynn

    But I hate exercising!

    Hey All - Thank you so many many times over for your words of encouragement and support. I suppose I will have to rely on support like this until that magical day comes (the day I realize this excercise is good for me). I am setting baby goals; parking farther from the door, etc. I have to get out and get myself a pair of comfy sneakers; another way to movtivate me. Thanks everyone!
  14. Hey all - just a little update on where I am in my PRE-Band process. I've gotten my letter from my General Practioner, I've gotten a letter of necessity from my Neurologist due to my Pseudo Tumor Cerebri, letter of necessity from my dietician, letter of necessity from my neuro-opthamologist. I'm now scheduled for my cardio clearance. The only thing I have left to work on is a letter from a Psychologist. I found a 'bargain' for $150. Can I submit that to insurance? Anyway - I'm getting excited. Just four pounds down with the dietician; but that's great news. I had my consult with Dr. Abkin, and all is great - just need some further blood work, which I'll go for on Wednesday. So, once I schedule the Psych - I can let the office know; and I can pretty much get my date!!! Seems like such 'baby steps'. Those of you who are being banded just prior to the holidays - KUDOS to you all! I have some sort of warmth in knowing that this is my last holiday with a 'full stomach'. And if surgery is in January - by the time the holidays roll around; my band will be 'old hat' - and I'll be comfortable with all the new adjustments in my life. NOT to mention I'll be looking fine! Wow; seems like a lifetime away.
  15. Yes, I did get one name from my Dr's office. He works in accordance with them. However, he's very expensive, and not covered with insurance. I guess I'm looking for a good deal - considering some that I've called charge upwards of $400 for the eval! Hey - it's Christmas time!! hehehe
  16. sherilynn

    Consult Today, 3:30!

    Well, it's here. After months of being here on line with you all, and gaining as much knowledge as possible - I have my surgeon consult today. Any last words of advice? Anything that I should ask - that you haven't already told me about?? AHHHHHHHHH, I'm scared and excited all at the same time!!!!
  17. Hey all... I just got my Weight Loss for Surgery book (enjoying it so far). But they brought up a point that my insurance company may consider obesity a Pre Existing condition, when I get my new insurance (open enrollment now) in January. Has anyone had waiting periods, etc. due to obesity being a pre existing condition? I'm concerned.
  18. sherilynn

    Going to a seminar on Saturday

    Hey there! Congrats on your first steps! I too recently (September) started to get the ball rolling. For some of us it is a very long process. I'm done with everything but my psych. I too brought my Mom to my first seminar. Stick to this site; you can't go wrong with all the advice.
  19. sherilynn

    Sushi without the rice and seaweed paper

    Hey all... The thing that I say I'll miss the most when I'm banded is going to dinner for Hibachi Japanese, as well as sushi. Well, last night we went out with some friends. I was VERY observant of just HOW MUCH food I actually got, etc. Anyway, I asked for my eel roll to be made with rice paper; just to 'check it out' pre band. It was delicious. Naturally, I tried it with the rice. But after the band I may not be able to have the rice, but I'm sure it will still be delicious. So...I also came to the realization - with the help from my 'doggie bag'...that I don't think I'll miss the big Japansese dinners out 'oh so much' after all. I took GREAT note of just how stuffed I was after the fact; so much so that I was not comfortable. I can't imagine trying this with a band! Now that I have that 'miss' out of my head, knowing I can still have a small portion - I feel alot better. hehehe The only thing now that I am certain I'll miss are my Water chugging. I drink a ton of water; at a time even. I'll miss that the most. Imagine THAT! If that was the thing I enjoyed most, then how the heck did I get fat? lolol Have a great night. Sheri Lynn
  20. Hi Everyone, My lab work is back from my visit with my General Practice doctor – and I am terrified. I have gone into this lap band surgery with the wonderful thoughts that I have no co-morbidities. Well I am very wrong. I cry as I write this, b/c I have been in a fright all day long. My blood sugars came back at 282! I spoke with a nurse at work, who went over the labs with me. Turns out she has been diabetic for 20 years; so she knows her stuff. I DO NOT know my stuff! I know nothing of the disease, it does not run in my family, and I am so terrified I feel like I’m frozen in time. My GP has not discussed these numbers with me yet; the lab report was mailed directly to me, but I did fax it over to him today; and will see him next Monday. The nurse at work told me that I’ll most likely have to do another series of blood work. She asked if I fasted and I did for 12 hours prior to the test. The only thing I did was water in the a.m. with all of my vitamins. I know that I have to loose weight, have better nutrition and exercise. This number has just made the horror of being overweight ‘real’ for me. I have never had a problem before; last blood workup was 18 months ago. I ‘feel’ fine; perfectly fine. I do know when I go off of carbs I feel much better. I’m not a sweets-a-holic, but I do get my occasional sweet tooth. My head is spinning. I’m so afraid to go on to the American Diabetes website; worst thing I think I can do right now. I’ll terrify myself to death. I told my best friend when I left work today, b/c I was crying then. I told her that I MUST loose weight. She does not know I plan on banding. “Sheri Lynn, you can do this, I’ve seen you loose weight a hundred times on WW – just do that and it will go away”. Yea. Sure. This is why I am not telling her I’m being banded. Do many of you suffer with diabetes, or still do? Can the weight loss truly help? I’m still crying. My FIRST thought was to come and write to all of you for support and advice. I know it’s my extra weight – I am not a stupid person. I know I have to get exercising, and of course my diet can improve – otherwise I’d not be considering the band! Please help me feel better.
  21. sherilynn

    Hey PRE Banders 2

    Hey all, I'm not yet banded, but I've begun my journey with doctors, testing, etc. I can tell you this much: I feel GREAT. I've been in a great mood. I am out there shaking my thing, I'm walking taller and just feel 'giddy'. I suppose b/c I know I'll be loosing soon - and feeling fine. I keep laughing at myself with my clothes saying things like "Ahhhh, if I ruin it - so what - this time next year it won't fit me anyhow"! I'm getting SO excited. Just a few more doctors, and I'll get my approvals I need. Question is: How are you feeling now that you've started your journey to the band? Are you nervous, anxious, depressed, Excited, silly? For some of us it's a long journey (months) before we can be approved. What keeps us going? Me, knowing I can give away all my 18's!!!!!!!! Sheri Lynn
  22. sherilynn


    I am wondering what to do if my surgeon suggests the Bypass for me as opposed to the Band! I really don't know what I'd do.
  23. sherilynn

    How do the numbers DROP so fast?

    Hi Marcy, Nope not banded yet. My surgeon visit is 11/16 and we'll work a date from then. Just when I am SO convinced that I can do this, the Band is the perfect tool for me - SOMETHING is said to knock my confidence in this. Now that I'm facing diabetes - I really can't imagine how I can even think NOT to get banded. It's a long journey of that I'm sure. But I'm still young and want to live a long HEALTHY life!
  24. sherilynn

    Article on lapband complications

    Thank you Full Of Grace...I knew this could not be the greatest of data.:girl_hug:
  25. sherilynn

    Article on lapband complications

    Is this a scare tactic? If so...it might work. Seems to me that a 3 year old study is just that; OLD. I'm sure there must be advances. Right???:phanvan

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