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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sherilynn

  1. sherilynn

    What if you get the Flu??

    That is such a HUGE fear of mine, as I don't just upchuck...I violently vomit! I know there are meds to take to ease nausea...but if you're truly sick with something...I'm not sure if it's good to hold in the vomit?
  2. Hey Skinnymom... I know that if my surgeon wanted me to the hospital; I'd be there without a doubt!!! Don't be afraid of what they find; get there and get it taken care of before it escalates to something worse. You're not doing yourself any good by fearing the hospital. It's a far better place for you to be when you're sick, than at home!!! Trust me, you'll be in good hands.:party:
  3. sherilynn

    types of protein drinks?

    I've posted a comment about Protein powders that I've found on a few other threads here. I really can't stress enough how much I TRULY enjoy the ones I found. I purchased a bunch of 'samples' from them; so I could try a bunch of flavors, etc before 'investing' $40 + on an item I may not even like. Anyway...I found 'Simply Vanilla' by Matrix on www.bariatriceating.com. IT IS YUMMY. In other words, for my post surgical diet, I can definately see me drinking this; to get in my protein grams for each day. I'm talking delicious - I made it with milk. Their Chocolate is fantastic too. The samples are just $1.75; but well worth it considering that I didn't waste money on a gross tasting item for $40. I also tried the Nectars Lemonade. SO GOOD!!! Can definately see me freezing it as an icepop with protein. Feel free to email me if you have questions. :faint:
  4. sherilynn

    Best gas pain relief remedies post surgery???

    In preparation for my surgery, I knew to shop for Gas X. However, I was able to find Gas X STRIPS; that dissolve on your tongue! I'll let you know how that works out! Hopefully I won't need them at all! lol Wishful Thinking.:party:
  5. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    Ok all...I'm offically ONE MONTH OUT! So, this time next month; I'll be getting 'fine'. lol!!! Just think...this time NEXT New Year's...we'll all be healthier!! Wow...I could be off my Sugar pills, High Blood Pressure pills too! Awwwww, I have a tear in my eye thinking abou it.
  6. sherilynn

    Hey PRE-Banders...!

    At this point, of COURSE being rid of high BP, Type II, and all these aches and pains can't possibly compete with the thought of a cute little sun dress with high heeled sandals. lol Seriously...health is #1. I am 37, never had children-yet - want to...but know how dangerous it would be for me, and my unborn with all this extra weight. I laugh...I'll get to goal, and get pregnant!!!hehehe
  7. sherilynn

    Hey PRE-Banders...!

    GET OUT!?? I'll loose weight in my feet as well? I can't even imagine giving up my shoe/boot collection! Heck no! Guess I'll be buying alot of inserts for them to make them fit! lol I'll have to find out about a clothing swap on line....
  8. sherilynn

    Hey PRE-Banders...!

    One thing that I'm looking forward to when loosing weight; being able to take advantage of all these AMAZING after holiday sales on clothing. Do you know how torturous it has been, being out shopping with my Mom all week and not being able to buy anything for next Christmas to wear? I mean, I can't even GUESS at what size I'll be. I passed up an awful lot of UNDER $10 items I'd normally kill for to buy in my CURRENT size. I only bought shoes. lol:girl_hug:
  9. I've been in for minor 'female' surgeries...when I'm given a 'twilight' anesthetic. I'm starting to horrify myself with the thought of general anesthesia. I've been great up until now; just a bit over a month out...and I'm thinking needles, blood, stitches, and anesthesia. I've gone so far as to get out a living will. Can they give me anything to calm me down when I'm there, feeling like 'Dead Man Walking'?? Uhhh, I know I should concentrate on the outcome; look to the future, but I'm getting scared.
  10. Hey all…week is almost over! On my way into the office today, I was thinking of all I had to do for the holidays as well as all the pre stuff I need to do before my 1/30 surgery date (shopping for items I'll need), etc. And I said outloud in the car…"This will be my last 'fat' Christmas". I just started crying. I've been fat for many of my 37 years now. I may not be at 'goal', may not be 'skinny' a year from now - but I know that I won't be 'fat'. WOW - it just really hit me like a ton of bricks, I guess b/c I never, ever think of my 'end result' of this surgery and all the effort I have already put in plus all the effort I will be putting in. Whew!:faint:
  11. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    Hey all...I've been testing some of the powder shakes from www.bariatriceating.com so that I didn't buy a $40 container and hate it. Some of the samples are FABULOUS...I highly recommend. Also, the Better than Boullion I think will be my life saver - delish! Comes in SO many flavors. Found it in Shop Rite up here in NJ. I also found Gas-X "Strips"...just like the breath mint strips; they dissolve on the tongue, pretty cool, huh??!!! Did my Nuclear Stress test today; ugh - oh so glad its over with - and hopefully all is well; as that is the last required clearance I needed. :bananapartyhat:
  12. sherilynn

    It just dawned on me...

    Thanks 3Beauties...I know in my 'logical' mind that you're right; but it's my tummy mind that had me thinking differently. 3Jacks...You put a tear in my eye...as you're OH SO RIGHT...I am thinking of hanging this years Christmas Outfit on the fireplace next year, instead of my stocking. lol :bananapartyhat:
  13. sherilynn

    It just dawned on me...

    My parents hosted a wonderful Christmas Eve, lots of family; and tons of food. I have it in my mind to be sure to 'enjoy' this holiday - the last with a full sized tummy. Funny thing happend to me, before all the company, before the music and drink...I went to the fridge and sort of froze there a moment. I started to cry. I am not sure it's b/c NEXT Christmas I won't be fat; or if it's b/c NEXT Christmas, I can't eat all this yummy stuff. I hope it's not the later; as I don't want food to be a reason I doubt my upcoming surgery. Can you tell I'm getting jitters??? hehehe:faint:
  14. Hey all, Happy Hump Day! I just called my surgeons office (I'm scheduled for 1/30). I have my 'pre-class' on 1/17, and thought I was cutting it very close with regard to 'instruction' for liquid diet prior, etc. I spoke with his Medical Assistant who advised me that I do NOT need a liquid diet prior to the surgery…just 24 hours prior. WOW, that got me excited! However, I know it's in my best interest, and that of my liver…to do SOMETHING before surgery, in terms of physically preparing. Do you think I should put myself on a modified diet prior; or live as I have been? I definitely have to decrease my portion sizes, as I'd like to try to 'shrink' the stomach, so that the 'after' period is not as hard of an adjustment. Thoughts??????
  15. I couldn't help myself… I went onto the Lane Bryant website to check out their sales. My favorite panties are on sale but ONLY the size 12 in EVERY color…UGH. So…what I did was buy myself 10 pair of the size 12, and I'm going to tuck them away!!!! Just a bit over a month til Banding, and I'm shopping!!! Hehehehe
  16. sherilynn

    I couldn't help myself...

    I have to admit I'm a 'panties hoarder'...I have enough for every day for 3 months (easy) without washing a pair. Crazy, I know, I know. And considering how $$ they are...I freak a bit knowing they'll get big on me (A GREAT THING THOUGH). So seeing that sale - I grabbed them. hehehe
  17. sherilynn

    I couldn't help myself...

    They were $1.99!!!!
  18. sherilynn

    No liquids required! Cool!

    Heck all...I'm not feeling that I'm 'better' than anyone cause I don't have to do liquids. I'm just counting my blessings! I know how hard of a struggle it is for all of you who have to do it! I do plan on doing my protein shakes for 1 meal a day, moving onto two meals a day before the surgery. Definately getting off all sugars. I suppose I will have one final glass of bubbly this New Years!!
  19. sherilynn

    Negative People

    Maro... Hard to believe a friend would say "BUT" she had an operation! I'd be mad, sad and mortified - if you're a private person about the whole thing. What you DEFINATELY should do is BE PREPARED for the next time she says something like that. Figure on, "Yea, but I'll get skinny from that operation, too bad there isn't a band for IGNORANCE!" Ohhhhhhhh, that burns me.
  20. sherilynn


    I take alot of supplements; Biotin, D, E, Fish Oil, in addition to my multi. Will those all have to stop for a while after surgery? And what about my pills for blood pressure and diabetes, that can not be crushed or cut?
  21. Honestly, I haven't gotten much out of mine at all. I've actually learned more here on this board than anyplace! However, it's a requirement of my surgeon and insurance...so I do it.
  22. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    In preparation for my 'liquid stage'...I started to sample different powdered Protein drinks. I went to www.bariatriceating.com and bought some of their samples. They've been very good so far. Some, not as good. But that's the whole idea of doing the sampling!!! I'm still 1 month, 12 days out!!!!
  23. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    Don't forget about me!!!! January 30!!!!
  24. I can/have gone to the store, bought all the right things, have a treadmill waiting, will be getting new sneakers, clearing out the closet, bought smaller plates and forks, etc. etc. etc. I've read books, I've been here online and all over the internet. Been to the GP doctor, dieticians, bloodwork - I'm all set. Even was given my date - JANUARY 30! Heck, that's right around the corner! So, why is it that now after my 2nd meeting with my "REGISTERED DIETICIAN" (big whoop), that I don't feel so confident about the surgery/band. I felt like this after my first visit with them as well. Somehow they scare me into believeing that I can't do this; nor am I ready. I feel ready, I think ready, I see myself ready. The ONLY concern I have out of anything....I worry that I can't drink my Water and enjoy it like I do know. Won't miss cheese, bread, rice, lol. WATER of all things. I know that my annual Superbowl Party is just 5 days after my surgery...and I wonder how I'll get around all the eating/drinking, sidestepping questions I don't want to ask from our guests. Perhaps I'll skip the whole thing and stay upstairs. Anyway...what best ways can you advise for me to 'Mentally Prepare'??? :girl_hug:
  25. sherilynn

    Negative People

    Me too...in the same boat. Fortunately, I've had complete buy in from my parents and my Darling Boyfriend. The negativity is from my best friend. She thinks it's 'lazy' and I should just do WW again. Now that I have my date, she is not aware that I'm going through with it. If I don't tell her that I'm getting it done; it's totally lying to her. I was thinking of telling her I was going in for a D&C or something 'woman' issued. lol That would explain some time out of work to her as well. I don't want to lie, but if I tell her - I think she'll be mad, then upset, then she'll get nervous...as I'll be thinner than her (she too struggles with weight). I suppose I could tell her I'm doing it; and if she shys away from me, then she's not a real friend after all. But that saddens me, b/c I love her like a sister. Oh well....

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