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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sherilynn

  1. Honestly, I educated myself so much on LBT, I didn't have a ton of questions. Does your doctor have a website? That might be a huge help as well.
  2. sherilynn

    What I'm scared of...

    I'm being banded 1/30. I am afraid of a few things now. I suppose may it's pre surgical jitters. 1) I'm TERRIFIED of PBing. I'm afraid I'll choke or something. Not worried of being embarrassed, just afraid of food being lodged in my airway somehow (better get the anatomy books out!) 2) I'm a huge fan of "Nip/Tuck" and keep recalling an episode where the patient having surgery didn't get enough anesthesia, and was 'awake' but unable to react; therefore feeling her entire surgical procedure. (Far fetched...but has really happend!) 3) I'm afraid that I'm being a guinea pig of sorts. Phen Fen was approved by the FDA, and we all know how that turned out. I am starting to question the 'long term' of the band. I know people have pacemakers and other foreign objects in for long periods of time. ...Like I said - maybe just the jitters. Boy, they're going to have to give me some really good 'happy happy' in my IV when I get to the hospital!:cry
  3. sherilynn

    Kidney stones?

    I have had a stone. TRUST me, it's a pain that is UNBEARABLE!
  4. sherilynn

    My Life, Hopes, and Dreams OVER!!!

    Please do not measure your life by this pending band by saying your life, hopes and dreams are over. That can not be true. Just look at this as a side step for right now. Right NOW you can not get a loan; but you can do alot of things to work toward a healthier you, while waiting maybe a year for your credit to improve. OR...during that time, while making healthy choices alone - you can get back on the journey of doctor visits; and fight the insurance company. I know it's a huge undertaking...but do not despair. You ended the journey b/c of other health issues. Can you now continue the journey at this point? I'm sorry I can't say more to help. I just feel horrible and feel the pain in your post. Hopes and dreams don't end with a rejected loan application. You can't let that happen to yourself! Remember, when one doors closes, an another one opens - ALWAYS. Good luck. Sheri Lynn:)
  5. sherilynn

    No Pre-Op Diet

    Nope; don't have one either. But also was told not to gain weight; so watch out for the 'last supper syndrome'. Good luck
  6. sherilynn

    New and Nervous

    Lisa G!!!!!!!!! "It is scarey, but so is the alternative"; my new mantra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW, that hit me hard; thank you!
  7. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    Has anyone heard a peep from Sunshine2? Her surgery was yeterday. Just a few more days left until I jump on the Band Wagon! Just grabbing some last minute items I'll need, this coming weekend. Other than that; everything to prepare has been purchased. Even some 'sale' pants that I got at the Avenue for $4.99/pair! IMAGINE THAT!
  8. sherilynn

    Had Pre-Op Class today - FABULOUS!

    Yes, with Linda! Its very obvious she works hard on those classes. She was so well spoken; excellent speaker. I can't wait to work with her in the future. I'm having mine at St.Claires.
  9. sherilynn


    Congrats! You're now one of the January 30th Bandsters; one of the Quadtruplets!!!! No preop diet for me...but I'm still watching carefully! We're so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :faint: :faint: :faint:
  10. sherilynn

    Surgery and "AUNT FLO"

    I'll be getting my period two days after my surgery. I'm on the pill; so it comes like clockwork. Though, I realize Anesthesia may affect this. At first I was worried about cramps, etc., but then realized - GREAT...I'll have my percocets from the hospital to deal with that! hehehe
  11. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    Hey Sunshine2, and all Bandsters for Tomorrow.... GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD LUCK!!!
  12. I understand that the issue would be extra air being swallowed, but that would only happen if I'm careless. I use a straw for everything, trying to break myself of them now.
  13. sherilynn

    Clothing swap anyone?

    OKIE..... THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  14. sherilynn

    banding & dealing with work?

    Look at it this way, obesity IS a disease. If you had cancer (god forbid) or some other disease that people are more 'sympathetic' to, you wouldn't really be as concerned, right? That's how I felt about it. I have obesity. It's killing me. I am having it taken care of. Insurance (FROM MY COMPANY) has approved it - I'm taking the time off. As for the weight loss being obvious down the road, I took advice from this board: "I'm eating less and working out more". It ain't gonna be a lie!
  15. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    Sunshine2, I'm in the same boat; my company will pay up to 16 weeks. I would definately want to be on AT LEAST mushies to get back to work. And I want to see how my sugars are affected with just liquids the first two weeks, and how eating less affects how I feel. It's all so new to me; and I don't want to take any chances. Tomorrow is my PRE SURGERY CLASS!!!!!!
  16. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    PeaCeJ, Congrats on your band! I too will be banded in Dover on 1/30. However, I have Dr. Abkin. How did you like the bariatric center there? I've been incredibly pleased with their women's center. Any advice is GREATLY appreciated; especially any heads up so I know what to expect. Again, congrats. Wow...just think how great things will be!!!!
  17. sherilynn

    Time off work?

    I think this is such a personal issue. So many things dependant upon returning to work such as commute time, type of work, flexibility with dress code, and overall Doctors 'say so'. I'm going to take 2 weeks; as disability is covering it.
  18. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    In my private messages, I just found the email address to get a bracelet from Allergen/Inamed: write to Don_Mills@allergen. Supposedly they are free, and take about a month or so to get. I wrote today, we'll see what happens...I would like one, for sure. I'm not a fan of purple, so the teal from the manufacturer may be the way to go for me.
  19. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    Does anyone have the information on how to get the teal colored 'bandsters' bracelet? I tried it once from here; but never got my bracelet. ***The kind that Lance Armstrong made famous for cancer; but these are for bansters
  20. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    To all of todays Bandsters....We're thinking of you!!!! :kiss2:
  21. sherilynn

    Secret? Yes or No.

    Funny, I told my Grandmother I'm having a cyst removed from INSIDE my belly; hence the liquids afterwards.
  22. Hey all, My doctor said I didn't have to do a 'pre-op' diet. So, I've just been pretty much eating what I want; nothing outrageous, not gorging myself either. But I just read on here how someone had to resort to 'open' surgery, b/c their liver was too heavy for the doctor to lift laproscopicaly!! So now, I'm in a panic, b/c I've totally ignored all the 'preop diet' posts; figureing they didn't apply to me. I have about 17 days until surgery on 1/30. I want to do something on my own, in terms of a pre op diet. Any suggestions? I mean, I was thinking of doing something like all soups, or protein shakes, plus one meal. Ok...I'm totally in a panic you guys. I'm afraid my liver will be too fat (like the rest of me). Even if it's just for a week prior to surgery, I still have some time left, right? I can not understand why some doctors require it while others dont??? I mean, he's the doc, he knows best...but just from reading here - he's definately not the norm. I think I'd feel better if I had a pre op diet assigned to me. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!:faint: :faint:
  23. sherilynn

    Afraid I've blown it....

    Alexandra, You and I have the same surgeon. I was not told 'don't go crazy'...which I haven't, but i also went through the holidays with the 'last supper' mentality, making sure I ate what i wanted. Of course I stayed away from the sweets; the diabetes made sure of that. I'm going to get onto a low carb diet pre-op. I have my preop class this Wedensday and see what they suggest I do for the few days prior to surgery.
  24. sherilynn

    Secret? Yes or No.

    Hi Kelsy, I have an office *BI**H*, who is nosey, and minds everyones business; a real know it all - and does the whole office gossip thing time and again. SHE is the only reason that I'm not telling anyone. I may tell them in a few months after I start loosing. My fear is that she'll 'out' me...she's got ways of nosing into things, she'll contact someone who knows someone, etc. I've seen her do it. Uhhhhhhh, I can't stand working with her. She's the one - who when I'm making a phone call, will hear me on the phone saying something to my mom, dad, boyfriend, whomever - then have the NERVE to comment on it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, she's really bad. So, if anyone out there works with SUE...beware! LOL Ahhhhhh, that's liberating! hehehehe I've told my parents boyfriend and best friends - thats' more than enough. I will say when I told the peole at work I was going out for a couple of weeks, one girl asked "Are you going out for stomach stapling'? I said no - b/c I'm not. But I was a little horrified. Then again, she and I did have the conversation one time. Still was embarrassing.
  25. Hey all. I had another visit with my Dietician this past Saturday. I left there with a head full of information; how my metobolism works, etc. He told me, after my test results (some breathing machine), that I have a high metabolism, so I burn fat before carbs in my body. Anyway - he stressed over and over how I MUST work out; and strength training is super important. He also told me that the test revealed how much of a sedentary life I lead. No kidding. Don't get me wrong; I love to go dance, swim, bike, etc. But where I live; considering the winters - not to mention the bears, I won't be out for walks anytime soon. My point is; I HATE to work out. I hate the whole going to the gym idea. I know that I must excercise after being banded...and it terrifies me, b/c if I don't get the workouts in, all of this will be for nothing. I know I should find something that i like to do; a disguised way of excercising. I have a treadmill; and hope to get on it for 4 days a week to start; maybe a mile a day to start. Will that benefit me? As for weight lifting/strenght training...I have no idea. I keep thinking I'll join curves - but last time Idid that I never felt like I was getting a workout; never broke a sweat. HELP!!! **Too bad I didn't get a work out from shopping. hehehe

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