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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sherilynn

  1. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    Never had a problem belching before (Oh...how ladylike!)...hope I don't after the band!!!
  2. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    Hey all, 12:30 is my appointment with the crooked Cardiologist. Hopefully my clearance will be faxed over to my surgeon...UGH! As far as the panties go...I'll save mine as a souvenir - tent, parachute, tablecloth, car cover.....
  3. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    Well....in my younger years, I'd say something like "Wouldn't be the first time". But I'm a more 'mature' woman now with some class!
  4. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    Well, then I guess it's HIS problem...I'll be out like a light! lol. Then I will go for the brazilian. lol
  5. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    This is probably the silliest question, and I would THINK the obvious answer is 'yes'….but under our hospital gowns, do we go into surgery without panties? Just asking, since someone said the doctor operates from between our legs. I guess I was just starting to get my creepy, freaky thoughts. Like 'what would my boyfriend think'! lolol :biggrin1:
  6. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    So far, nothing has been cancelled...just not 'cleared'. Tomorrow, God on my side - I'll walk out of the Caridiologist with that clearance...and Tuesday will still be THE BIG DAY. Shouldn't be an issue, my Stress Test, etc. were no more than three weeks ago!!!!! Send some good vibes my way!!!!!!
  7. sherilynn

    Hey PRE-Banders...!

    At this point, I can't wait to look back at all my anxiety I'm now expressing here just 6 days out - and laugh - because I'll be a pro!
  8. sherilynn

    Picture Page

    Can someone give me instructions on how to post some pics as well? Thank you, Sheri
  9. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    Hey all. I went for my cardiac tests in December, Nuclear Stress, EEG, so on and so forth. Dr. B (the cardiologist) wanted me back in his office on 1/10 to read me the results. They don't have late hours, so that means more time off work. I called the office and asked if he could just call me on the phone for results, since I knew I'd be out of the office upcoming. Sure enough, he called me, all was fine. He said "You'll have your clearance". GREAT, right? No…not so 'right'. Turns out I called the office last week, as I've been feeling a bit dizzy or lightheaded. I've gotten on some more meds the last month or so - and was also taking some OTC meds for a sinus infection. No biggie, right? WRONG! The nurse went onto tell me that I won't be able to have surgery on 1/30 until he give me clearance. Huh? I called my surgeon - and sure as anything - the doctor NEVER mailed in my clearance. So now they have me by the 'b*lls' (you know what I mean). So NOW…I have to take time off of work tomorrow - anyway…to go into see the doctor. He wants to take my vitals. If all is good, I'll have the clearance. The kicker is this: the nurse told me that the clearance was in my file - just never mailed!!!!!!!!!!! I am livid! I know he's just trying to 'save his butt'…but come on!!!!!!! So now, I have to wonder if my Tuesday surgery will happen or not. I'm sick over it. BTW, I stopped the OTC pills - and haven't been dizzy at all.
  10. Hey all, I had my pre-admission testing this a.m., and then went to Dr. Abkin's office for Pre-Surgery Class. I'm not sure if all Docs have this class, but mine requires attendance. The Nurse Practioner was fabulous! Honestly, I didn't learn anything 'new' that I haven't learned on this board. What I did learn was pretty much a step by step of what I can expect at the hospital, what my specifics are for eating after surgery, what meds to take and hold on 1/30, etc. The best part for me; was definately having the feeling I was so much more educated than anyone else in the room. At the same time, was kind of shocked to think there are so many people out there who elect for this surgery - but don't gain the knowledge. There were minimal questions for the most part (Other than mine). There was one man in the class who, IMHO will fail. Not for lack of eating; but for his lack of awareness and COMPLIANCE. He will certainly not follow bandster rules. Said so himeself. "I don't like soft cheese", "I have to have my caffeine from soda...I don't drink coffee...I don't want to get up and be at the hospital at 5:30 a.m., I don't like dairy products, Can I fly the next day, Can I go in a hot tub, Can I jet ski. Oh yes....I am very serious. THESE were his concerns. Honestly, I'm not trying to have no value in his concerns, as they are his. But seriously man...isn't there anything MORE important you should be asking? About your meds, Protein supplements (of which NO ONE in the class is prepared with!). :omg: I think what it comes down to is this board, and all of you have SO incredibly well educated me going foward...I'm spoiled. :clap2: Anyway, I left the class feeling great. About my decision for the band; which I did doubt here and there - but no longer. I felt great about my new HEALTHY future; especially when the nurse said how HUGE of a difference just 10% of weight loss will affect/improve my recent diabetes diagnosis. And I felt great, knowing that I am going to finally have the tool to help me beat down these beasts of fat, hunger, obesity and illness. Thank you for playing a huge part in my preparation!!! :scared:
  11. sherilynn

    any regrets?

    I think the only regret I'll have is not having it done sooner. Giving up soda, I imagine, would be better than living with gout, NO??? There is alot of give and take with the band. You give it respect, it takes down your weight.
  12. sherilynn

    Thoughts and Prayers for Marz88 and family

    I am so very deeply sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you all.
  13. sherilynn

    Already discouraged!

    Yes...THIS IS NOT THE TIME FOR WEIGHTLOSS! This is your time of HEALING~! Weightloss is not, and should not be expected until after your first fill. :faint:
  14. sherilynn

    ISOPURE protein drink

    What is the actual brand and name of this product?
  15. sherilynn


    New? My suggestion - read this forum, thread by thread. There is more information here, than you'll get anywhere. And what you can't find - just ASK, and we'll all make our best effort to answer your questions! Welcome!! Sheri
  16. sherilynn

    My Brother please think of him

    You and your family are in my prayers.
  17. What I mean (more pre surgical jitters)...did many of you have health issues prior to the band? I'm going into this with High BP, Diabetes II, and aches and pains, sometimes a hip, sometimes a foot, the back, whatever the flavor of the day is. Recently, I'm tired...just tired to the point where I want to nap. Just seems that no one really comments on what has been eleviated with the band, such as those pains. I guess I'm just really looking forward, and HOPING the weight coming off will help me rid myself of this 'stuff/comorbidities'.
  18. sherilynn

    Restaurant Virgin

    This is something that I've thought about; how I'll handle the whole thing. Not so much what I'll order; but the emotional aspects...will I be sad b/c I can't eat my usual at my favorite resturant? Will I regret the band? Who knows. But what I've done is set myself a time limit. I will NOT go out to eat for at least three months time. Enough time to get used to the band, have some experience, and see some weight loss (hopefully). This way; there is no way I can feel regrets. "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels".
  19. sherilynn

    Bought a trampoline for excercise...

    I'm not too worried. It's a personal one, with a stabilizer bar. I won't be doing any 'show boating' on it - TRUST ME! lol
  20. Not a huge one, a personal one. Figured it might make excercise 'fun' for me, since I don't like it too much. Anyone do this for excercise?:faint:
  21. sherilynn

    Clothing swap anyone?

    Hi Pam, Please be 'sensitive' to each individuals situation. Even at thrift shop prices (and some are NOT cheap), not every one can afford to keep buying clothes that they can only wear a few months, or even weeks. Many folks on here are giving up their savings to self pay for this surgery, to save their life. What I'm saying, is if someone wants to swap, and feels good about it - please don't knock it. :clap2:
  22. So, I'll guess that sugar free Jello is ok as well, right? Closest thing to 'food' I'll get the day before. :faint:
  23. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    I need a name for MY band!??? Being that for all my life I've been called everything from 'Shirly, Sharon, Shelia, Shelly,...' I thought I'd go with something like that. But I want it to be clever, like when us girls say "Ruby" is in town.
  24. sherilynn

    Bought a trampoline for excercise...

    WHooooo HOooooooooooo! Looks like I made a good decision! It actually came with a DVD to work out along with, like a routine. I'm assuming that doing this along with music will be just as fun. And best part, I can transport it! I'll let you know how I like it. No time for it this week, and will wait on Doctor's orders before I do it.
  25. Hey all, just about 10 days until I'm banded. I am prepared with all foods for the diet afterwards. Probably OVER prepared (Enough Soup to feed my town!). At pre-op class we were told that we need to eat 60 gm Protein a day, about 2-3 oz per meal. Do you all measure your Proteins and be sure to eat them all, or do you stop when you 'feel' full. I'm just wondering if I will stop or not. I KNOW the band will stop me; but it may be too late. Again, my PBing fear is looming. Thanks, Sheri

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