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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sherilynn

  1. sherilynn

    Steri Strip Seepage??

    Hey That Girl, Again, we're in the same boat. NONE of mine have fallen off yet. And I don't go to the Dr. until 2/14!!!!! I'm assuming the longer the better; less scarring perhaps. Fortunately, they don't itch. I was told to be sure and use Dial antibacterial when I shower. My port steri strip has a bit of moisture, but I'm told thats normal.
  2. Hey That Girl, I'm up at this hour, trying to walk off the gas pains. Luckily, I'm not scheduled to go back to work until the 20th. Yup; taking all I can get. I want 'normal'...I just hope this won't be it!
  3. sherilynn

    I feel like a big baby.

    Enterprise, you are my hero! As horrible as it sounds, I'm so glad to know there is someone out there who is struggling. Its frustrating to think I'm the only one. I keep hearing all these 'I had my band put in on Wednesday, and Thursday I climbed Kilamanjaro'! I'm up now, b/c I'm trying to walk off the gas pains.
  4. OH LADIES! I'm 8 days post op; and miserable. I've got it all over this board. I want relief from the annoying pain in my tummy and the gas pains! I just want 'normal' back.
  5. Good lord, yes I'm taking the GasX strips. Tonight, I'm so uncomfortable, I'll do anything. Maybe a percocet to just knock me out. I've got to get rid of this gas. Seems to me that they're tinier bubbles now, more 'piercing' in the center of my belly. Actually feels like little pins and needles. Uhhhh. Only me. :faint:
  6. Thanks all. This is really helping me to feel like I'm not the odd man out. It's mental also, now eating for 'strength' and not for the sake of eating. Hopefully these aches will go away sooner than later, especially the gas pains.
  7. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    I was banded last Tuesday, Aunt Flo was supposed to arrive on Thursday (I'm like clockwork b/c of the BCP). Well, she barely made an appearance - I'm talking a drop. Then she was gone. Makes me a little concerened, but I know that anesthesia can do that sort of thing. As for the crying - You're talking to the Queen. This past week; I just cry for no reason. I feel like such a big baby.
  8. sherilynn

    Pre-op diet

    I had to be on clear liquids for 24 hours prior to surgery. That was it for me. Just be careful of the Last Supper Syndrome! Good Luck!
  9. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    Hey Diva, I can say "HECK NO"! With this dancing, you'd better check with your surgeon...twisting is a no-no the first few weeks worth of excercise. The port is still trying to 'settle' into its new home - and dancing could be too much, distruptive infact. As far as singing, my voice is still a little off from having the anesthesia tube down my throat. I'd rather see you get well before you did your play, or just put off the band until after the play is over.
  10. sherilynn

    Possible to lose w/o ever being filled?

    It sure seems to be the case with me. I'm 8th day post op. I have no hunger at all. I eat, out of necessity to keep my body fueled. Sure, creamy soups are not much, so I started with the cottage cheese at every meal just to have something more solid. But no more than 1/2 cup; I can't eat it - I'm stuffed. I'm guessing that my tummy is still swollen from the surgery, and that this may pass very soon.
  11. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    Hey all, I thought I was getting better, but got hit with this cold. I'm 1 week out today; and really haven't any desire to eat or drink. Is this b/c I have restriction? I eat maybe 1 cup MAXXXXXX at any given time. I'm really trying like mad to get my liquids in; but haven't reached 64 oz yet. I know, I know, its just a week. But at this point, I'd for sure think that I'd be hungry for SOMETHING. Heck, pizza wouldn't even float my boat right now. I just feel like I should be at another place. I see my doctor in 8 days. I guess my biggest complaint is feeling sort of weak due to not eating. THOUGH, I know I'm dying...lol - plenty of stored up 'fuel' on this hiney! Bugs me too, that burping has a different feeling, it almost hurts - definately uncomfortable. Maybe still gas bubbles from surgery? I just want to get up and GOOOOOOOOOO. Want to feel 'normal', I want to feel 'well'. I guess I'm sick and tired of feeling sick and tired this past week. :think
  12. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    Hey Sunshine2, Yes - I bought it and read it over the holidays - I thought it was fabulous! Today is another not so good day, still feel 'very sluggish' for 2nd day in a row. I am not hungry and definately not thirsty - so today will be a huge struggle for me. I have everything ready for me to eat and drink - but I hate forcing it all. Thank goodness for my protein bullets...I can get all my protein in just 6 oz. of liquids! Still not the best way...but I'm not feeling it at all. Don't know if its just mental, or if I'm physically not hungry. Read BGB post that she ate three eggs! I think I would die at that point - I can't even eat 1/2 cup of soup now, w/o putting it down and being 'done'. This part has to get better for me, or I won't be healthy. Still Debbie Downer today, sorry folks!
  13. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    Hi Imsusie, No worries about being too personal on THIS forum! I'm not having a probelm with going to the bathroom at all. Yes, still a ton of gas bubbles coming up. I don't think I'm dehydrated, I'm getting in plenty of liquids; other than today where I have no energy to drink...but I'm trying! Doc did call me back - pissed me off big time actually. He actual comment to me was "Well, why didn't you call the original doctor that gave you anti-nasea medication, instead of calling me, if you don't think this is surgery releated'. I was so taken back. I said, "Ok you're right - no problem". Now - it could be me, b/c i'm having a bad day - but I thought his comment was rude. If he was going togive me the RX anyway - why make the comment?? He is foreign, from Russia; so maybe it's something culteral - I don't know. At this point, I don[t have the engergy to even put into it. I got the RX; what I wanted - now I'm happy. I meet with him for my 2 week on 2/14. Maybe I'll bring him a Valentines heart. lol
  14. sherilynn

    I am just getting started...

    Welcome Sandra! If it weren't for the support of these amazing people on this board, I'd never have gotten through my surgery as well educated and prepared as I am! Good luck!!
  15. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    Slate, You're right - so I called back. I told them I want something. So, they're going to call the doctor. Sometimes the Nurses 'play' like doctors and give the commands. But they're so not wanting us to vomit; I would think they'd be all over it,giving me any RX for it that I want! So I'm waiting for him to call me. We'll see.
  16. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    Me, not feeling so well today. Has nothing to do with surgical feeling bad; I feel cold/flu like. Yesterday I went to the supermarket - that was horrible! But stupid me decided to go to Sam's club with my Mom for a couple of things - another dumb move. I feel horrible today. Not even a desire for food today, everything tastes horrible to me - all the Soups just seems nasty or spoiled; though I know they're not. AND...I took a 4 hour nap in the middle of the day; I never do that! I feel a bit naseous, called the surgeons nurse, and she told me that there was nothing that she could do for me - no Rx to call in or anything. I'm not happy with that - there should be a pill or suppository or something. She told me to just 'hang in there'. I feel like calling back, but don't have the strength to be honest. Sorry to be Debbie Downer. I just didn't expect to feel like crap on top of the surgery stuff. And that is doing well. Steri Strips are still on - almost a week later; how long do they stay on???
  17. sherilynn

    Pain that just won't go away?

    Definately see a chiropractor first. You don't want to be stuck on MORE meds for a long term period do you? I know I want to get off as many as possible. As far as some people 'don't believe in them'...I have to say that Chiropracitic is a science. As opposed to something like religion; which is based on writings. Nothing to argue - I just get frustrated when people 'don't believe' in them. It's not fairy tale.
  18. A few of us, including me - well wished Colleen yesterday. Today, our posts have been removed. Anyone know why??
  19. I received three deliveries of 'get well' flowers from different teams at work. What is the ettitquette for me saying Thank You? Do I send one card to each team (they're in different states!), or can I send an email to them? Can it wait until I return to the office in another week, or do I do it from home??
  20. sherilynn

    What's the ettiquette?

    The problem is that I work in the Corporate Hdqtrs, and this team is in Texas, California, and North Carolina. The other team, all in my home state - one handwritten will do them fine.
  21. I'd like to understand why chocolate is such a no no on this board? I'm only asking b/c once a month - I do get my craving. I also undertstand that hot chocolate is ok. I'm only guessing b/c of the caffeine? I'm not looking to gorge myself on candy bar after candy bar - but would like my now and then fix. Any answers?
  22. It will go away. Look at it as a good sign, all things are working. Just be sure to get in all of your liquids, and the diahrrea won't be a big problem, since it will go away around day 5.
  23. Hi Colleen! I have tears in my eyes; your enthusiasm is contagious! I am just 5 days out of surgery. I said out loud before going in 'What am I doing to myself?' The self doubt will definately creep in; took another two days this past week to show it's evil head - self doubt. I'm still not sure I made the best choice - this is all too new. What I did do was make a very smart step toward gaining a healthy life back. Don't be surprised like I was, there will be alot of soreness after. Day 1 and 2 - I never thought it would end. But it will get easier. Gosh, I can barely say enough to comfort you; I know exactly how you feel. Best of luck - we're all in this together. And this is the best place for any kind of support. BANDSTER!!!!!!!!!!
  24. sherilynn

    How did you decide?

    Cancer runs in my family. I've seen my Dad have to go through feedings with a tube running directly into his stomach. I felt that if God Forbid, I were to get cancer down the road; I want all my parts in their original places, in order for me to fight the battle as best I can. Simple as that.
  25. I can not for the life of me sleep at night in the bed. I tried on my right side last night; woke up with spasms in my back muscles. I guess b/c I'm trying to compensate and keep the left side safe and not lay on it. I'm normally a left side sleeper! sleeping flat on my back isn't working either. The reclineer, I swear is making my back feel even worse. Anyone else experience this back/muscular pain now? I guess it has to do with me walking funny also; I'm still not feeling totally upright.

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