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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sherilynn

  1. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    Hey Shues, I would say that the thing I didn't 'like', or have much of before surgery was milk. But I've been having at least ONE glass of 'Plus' skim each day. I'll either have it with my protein mix, or even have it as a treat for myself with the Hershey's Light syrup in the evening...warm - to help me sleep. I've also got on this kick with tuna salad with pickle relish. Don't ask why. lol I did try the Bumble Bee Tuna Sensations; Sundried tomatoe and basil....NEVER again. I like the 'small packaging' of items like that; portion controlled for me! But that flavor...UGH...disgusting - IMHO. As for eating chocolates now, with the PMS thing going on....I've gone over to the dark side. Been buying the 65% cacao chocolate. Milk chocolate I can eat forever. The dark satisfies me sooner.
  2. I can eat about 1 cup, or about 8 oz of proteins/veggies. I was 'told' my upper stoma can only hold 1/4 cup....Yea, right! I don't have good restriction right now - no fill. I can drink Water as if I don't have a band - no more sipping for me. But what's funny is that I don't always push it to 1 cup. I am trying to eat as little as possible, to see when I feel full. I take my time to get the brain signal. 20 minutes per meal. I don't eat to see HOW MUCH I can eat before feeling anything. I'm also eating 5 or 6 times a day, higher Proteins.
  3. sherilynn

    What kind of Vegetables do you eat???

    I too love salads. But our rule is to eat proteins first. I'm afraid if I do salad at my meal, I may not get in my requirements. I'm just now released into week 5 diet - whatever I want. lol So I'm being cautious. Just finished 1/2 tomatoe with some tuna salad.
  4. Fortunately for me, the digital scale I have at home, and the digital scale at the doctor/surgeon weighs me EXACTLY the same!!!! However, when I weight naked at home, and clothed at the doctors - there is obviously a discrepancy. Oh those dreaded scales!!!!!
  5. sherilynn

    Bad News

    Wow, thank you for the explanation. I had no idea how horrible of a 'problem/disease' this is for folks! I wish you all well!
  6. sherilynn

    Think I am leaving this board

    Maybe NOW the thread can be killed? It was a three day 'good bye'.
  7. sherilynn

    To weigh or not to weigh

    Right now with such limited restriction, if I see that scale go up...it's just not right for me, mentally. It's almost a feeling of diet failure - again! I know right now - I should be all about healing. OH yea, sure, whatever!!! lol I also know that the scale WILL flucuate daily, hourly. But when I weigh in, that fact goes OUT THE DOOR! Ugh. I'll weigh in another week. Then on 3/15 for my 6 week follow up. :faint:
  8. sherilynn

    Bad News

    I'm sorry to be so ignorant :embarassed: ...but can someone please explain to me what GERD is? I was under the assumption it was a sort of reflux, but I think I may be wrong. Anyone?
  9. sherilynn

    To weigh or not to weigh

    I had an appointment with a General Practice doctor today, first time meeting him. The nurse rushed me in, weighed me - and off again. HONESTLY, don't even know what I weighed in at. However, I think it's a blessing in disguise considering: I have always weighed naked in the a.m. Today I had on jeans, a sweater and heavy leather boots (we've got snow here on the ground). So if I was UP a good 5 pounds, I'd be devestated. So I was thinking I'd get my scale back from dear old Dad and just do a weigh in tomorrow - as once every two weeks is 'healthy' mentally for me. Then I remembered...this is my PMS week. I would simply be setting myself up for tears if I were to weigh in tomorrow. So...I'll wait another week. I will say the clothes are NOT tight; actually now fitting into things I haven't in three years. You're right - the scale is a 'tool'. To me, the scale is torture. I remember my Weight Watchers weigh ins. I would nearly hyperventilate when stepping up.
  10. sherilynn

    Last Supper Mentality??

    Ohhhhhhhhh, beware of that "Last Supper Syndrome"!! I had no pre-op diet, just liquids 24 hours before surgery. I didn't have 'crazy' large meals. But...I DID make sure I ate EVERYTHING - varying night to night with dinners out, etc. Luckily, I never gained a pound. Ironic, isn't it!!?? lol Good luck!
  11. sherilynn

    Got my surgery date!

    Congrats! Isn't that the best/scariest feeling ever!!!!!!!!!!
  12. I called my surgeon today to schedule my 6 week post op fill. I was told that I have a 90 day waiting period on my insurance plan; Horizon BC/BS NJ. I was sooooooo upset since I don't have too much restriction, and I'm sure by 3 months post op - I'll have regular eating capabilities. So I called my insurance, and they told me absolutely not - I can get a fill anytime I wanted. A fill would cost me about $1000k if I self pay. I called back the doctors office and left a message about me calling insurance on my own...I'm waiting for them to get back to me. But they told me many insurances have a 90 day recovery period before any fill will be paid for. You ever hear of this???
  13. sherilynn

    90 day insurance wait for a fill?

    I put another call into my surgeon again today. I told them that my insurance does NOT have a 'global' period. The doctor WILL see me for my 6 week follow up; but was told I won't get a fill at that time. What really sucks is having to take the time off from work for separate visits like this. I'd like my 6 we f/u appointment to coincide w/my 1st fill. But, I knew I'd need time off for things this year - so I've alloted the vacation time. I'll see what happens when I get my 'call back'...maybe another 3 days.... Funny, to collect money how fast they are to get back to me. hehehe
  14. sherilynn

    is crab a mushy food?

    I considered crab cakes a mushy, and I got by with them just fine. I also bought from Wegmans their 'seafood salad' and ran it through my Ultimate Chopper - so it was very fine. Good luck!
  15. sherilynn

    Recommendation on Vitamins?

    I got the centrum chewables, they're fine. But once this bottle is gone, I'll be going back to the Ladies Vitamins I buy from Walmart that i've been taking for two years. You probably won't have any trouble swallowing pills post surgery. As a matter of fact, I was on percocet IN the hospital, and I had to swallow those whole.
  16. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    Wow Shues!!! You are amazing! You've been through alot - yet still come here and encourage us all with your amazing story of triumphing (is that a word??). 37 the hard way, huh? I must say - I am in awe. I know that any depression that I've had in the past, I've dealt with it and GAINED weight. Congrats on that turkey burger, I'm sure you considered it a feast!! I hope you're well on your way to a safe, happy recovery. I hope you can appreciate how much your story has inspired me as well as others. We all have an uphill battle, some of it depression, some negativity, some of it comes in the form of just plain old evil HUNGER. We're all in it together!!! Warm Regards.
  17. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    Nope, no fill yet. Tuesday will only be 4 weeks for me, and doc won't do them until at LEAST 6 weeks out. That would put me around 3/15. However when I called him last week to schedule the fill - I was told that my insurance has a 90 day 'hold' for fills - won't cover it until then, which would put me at the end of April. The cost to me would be nearly $1000 dollars after surgeon and hospital fees. I called my insurance, who told me that i have no such 'hold' on my policy - I called surgeon back to let them know...and I'm still waiting on a call back to see what the deal really is. All I know is if I have to wait until the end of April, I'll certainly gain weight back. What a shame if there really IS a hold...since I've suffered to loose the 17 lbs or so that I have already lost.
  18. I'll be 4 weeks out on Tuesday. For the last nearly 2 weeks, I make a point of snacking. B/c my restriction varies, sometimes I can go hours and remind myself to eat to refuel. But sometimes I'm hungry every two hours. A few people here have pointed out that they eat 5 small 'meals' a day - so perhaps that's what I'm doing. I find that proteins are the only thing I'll snack on, for the 'full' factor. String cheese, cottage cheese, shaved ham or turkey, tofu. Now, this weekend, I'm dealing with my first bought of PMS since surgery. Pre-band my sweet tooth is endless - and post band I'm finding the same thing! So, rather than 'suffer' through - I had a little bit of ice cream, and I've sucked on some 'dark' Lindor chocolates. Pre-band, I'd have eaten a whole candy bar at a time...not now. I'm just trying really hard to make better choices, at least until my first fill.
  19. I remember looking at the clock at 12:15, and then again at 1:20!!!! Amazing, isn't it??
  20. sherilynn


    Believe me, as much as I adore my trips to the caribbean, there is no way that I'd be ready to travel, but then again, I'm not quite a month out (tuesday!). I would definately believe that 8 weeks out I'd be fine. Best bet - check with your doctor. Keep in mind, everyone heals and reacts differently. You'll want to be sure to travel someplace with good filtration, etc. You won't want to chance a hospital or doctor visit while you're in some of the Caribbean countries, while others have wonderful facilities. Where are you going? **I'm being nosey, but the Caribbean is my passion.
  21. sherilynn

    Think I am leaving this board

    Chris, I applaud you! :clap2: You had the guts to finally say what I've wanted to say to many of the naysayers who come to this board, don't like the answers to questions they ask, don't like the advice that is given and then threaten to leave the board. Everyone is here to support each other, there is no other place online or anywhere else that has been this wonderful to me and hundreds of other Bandsters. I do not always like the answers or advice I get, but I deal with it and move on to the next day. I don't threaten to leave the board either - this is my support system. I would venture to say that people like Dahlia are quick to 'quit' alot of other things in their lives, b/c not everything is 'sugar coated' and all answers that they get are 'what they want to hear'. To people like Dahlia who think it's a 'threat' they're going to leave the board, I said "Buh-bye"! And I'd be willing to bet the next place you move onto for support, once they give an answer you don't like, you'll quit that as well. I honestly do wish you good luck. Yes, I'm very lucky to have my band; but it was by no way 'luck' that got it for me.
  22. Do you seriously think with no fill - we have NO restriction? I can't see how that is true at all - being that the band is 'banding' our tummy together. It may not be tight; but it's like squeezing through a tunnel instead of open road. Right? Oooops, maybe I'm wrong!!
  23. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    I made Chicken nuggets (made of tofu) today. I made 5 oz worth - 7 nuggets. I ate 4, no problem - at 1 bite of the 5th...and stopped. My Band stopped me I guess. Not really pain; but uncomfortable for sure. So - I had 4 nuggets and was stuffed. Heck, at Mc Donalds; I could finish off 9 or 12 with NO problem...plus fries...plus soda. Wow...maybe this IS working after all??// lol Seriously, I am finding that I have way different restriction from day to day, hour to hour.
  24. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    I'm finding myself getting hungry every couple of hours. However, less in the a.m. - I force myself to have something, just to keep up my energy. I can eat more in the p.m.s. Has anyone else found themselves to be hungry every couple of hours? I'm doing a few small meals now - trying to stick to proteins, since I know they keep you more full for longer. I suppose the p.m. is a good time to stay full with a protein shake, though I've heard its best to have them in the a.m.
  25. sherilynn

    90 day insurance wait for a fill?

    Nope, about One THOUSAND dollars - Doctor fee w/o insurance is $440 and the hospital is about the same price (he does fills with fluro at the hosptial). Shoot, for $100 bucks, I'd be getting a fill every month! The way I see it, to pay out of pocket for my FIRST fill - may not even be worth it, since from what I'm hearing the first fill isn't always providing good restriction. Again, tonight - I feell like I ate like a monster! 3 slices of Hormel turkey and a very small red potatoe. NOTHING compared to what I've eaten in the past - but certainly not the 1/2 cup recommendation either.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
