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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by xlstan

  1. Kevin I'm right there with ya... I'm 52 now and 377 when I started the liquid diet (one week down... surgery July 1). I was 326 a ways back.... seemed like I gained a steady 10 pounds a year. ashamed, yep... embarassed, yep.... can't stand it any more and that's why I'm here! j but hey... we're in good company... a good number of men on these pages over 40 who have done very well indeed with their bands... I wanna be one too!!
  2. My goal weight? When the doc said he'd like to see me at 216, I gagged... I haven't seen 216 since 8th grade... I weighed 225 going into high school!! But even then I was 6 ft tall. anyway, if he thinks it's possible.... why not???? I'm game!
  3. I'm one week into the Protein diet. Lost 20 pounds in one week! you don't think that starts the head games? "If I can lose weight this easy, why am I getting surgery?" "can I really do another week of this??? Listen to the noise in my stomach!" a little bit of poor me, why me, .. etc.. but then i just look at pictures of me, and the scale, and the tape measure, and the meds, and the entire range of clothes sizes I have,and yea... I can do this for another week, and absolutely I NEED this surgery... Let's not kid ourselves....if I kept track of the 20 - 30 pounds I've lost and gained back and lost and gained back ad infinitum, it would probably total more than what I weigh now... that's insanity. Excited... yep! Scared.. a bit... ashamed of myself for getting to this point? yep, throw that in too... What it all means is I'm really looking forward to July 1!!!
  4. xlstan

    What Pre-Op Diet Are You On?

    2 week liquids. Syntrax protein shakes are awesome! Roadside lemonade and Fuzzy navel flavors. 100 calories and 22 grams of protein per scoop. I'm not big on mixing powders with water, but these taste absolutely incredible in cold water.. nice alternative to vanilla, chocolate, strawberry. I get banded July 1... can't wait!
  5. xlstan

    What Pre-Op Diet Are You On?

    Sweet!!! good luck tomorrow!
  6. hello all! I have a July 1 surgery date and am so looking forward to it! I've already started my 2 week liquid preop diet, and to allay any fears, I'm four days into it and I geel great!! This is coming from a guy who is over 50, 6'5" and 380 lbs. I'm drinking about 1200 calories a day, and I can tell you honestly that I am NOT hungry... the Protein must be doing the trick. I have about 110-120 grams a day. Protein powders: ones I use and like: Syntha -6 strawberry... two scoops mixed with milk is thick and like a strawberry shake, 400 calories and 44 grams of protein. Syntrax - roadside lemonade and fuzzy navel - these are the only protein powders I've ever had that actually taste good in Water. most make me gag. each has 100 calores and 22 grams of protein. costco carries Premier brand shakes... chocolate tastes great, and it's 160 calories and 30 grams protein. My doc says "drinkable" Soups are fine, as is no sugar added oatmeal with splenda. The oatmeal will sure fill you up, and help prevent some unpleasant side effects from an all liquid diet. Me, I'm glad my doc requires this. I look at it as getting mentally ready. Yes, the head games have begun, second guessing myself, etc... but if I want to put a quick stop to that I just imagine a picture of me naked, and taped along the bottom are the meds I have to take due to my weight gain. That gets em over it quick. Counting the days and excited!!!
  7. so first an update... met with my dr's physician assistant today, and we will have my July surgery date set firmly by the end of the month. My doc requires two-week pre-op liquid diet. Now to the topic... a lot of family photos were taken this weekend, and as I was looking at them it dawned on me: I see in pictures what I never see or at least acknowledge in the mirror every day. when I see a picture of myself, truth is it gets me sickened and depressed... I don't realize just how fat I am until I see a picture. Is that crazy or what? I guess it makes sense since I've read of so many folks here who have lost a LOT of weight and yet don't see it... maybe it goes both ways? I mean, honestly, I know that I have to ask for a table rather than a booth at a restaurant, and still need to approach the chair gently.... etc... etc.. but damn why don't I see it? wierd... Anyway... it really is an eye opener for me to see those pictures. I'm saving a lot of them for some damn good reminders of BEFORE... and I'm really looking forward to July. Thanks everyone for being here! Stan
  8. for my lap band, that is ! July 1. Start my two week liquid pre-op diet on June 16. it's been over a year getting to this point, and I can't wait! All I've done in that year is proven to myself that I cannot lose weight on my own. I am so ready for this. See if any of this sounds familiar.... I boxed the clothes that I expanded out of, and marked them with a date to reopen, when I KNEW I would lose the weight this time! end result... the reopen date passed by a year ago, and they are still in the box. In the meantime, I've managed to get myself put on metformin for type II diabetes... how's that for an impressive piece of taking care of myself??? So I've basically been punched right between the eyes with this, and it's a good thing. It makes me more ready to make the total lifestyle changes that band success requires. so anyway, here's to counting down the days!! Stan
  9. Karon, sounds like you and I are on the same page... I get banded July 1, and June 16 I go to see the doc one more time, and the nutritionist, and start my two-week pre-op diet. I'm actually looking forward to it, since it'll be the real start of what I believe will be an incredible change... best of luck to you! Keep me posted!! here's to no more metformin!!! Stan
  10. xlstan

    only in pictures?

    morbidly obese... wierd... that's another example, I guess... I know I am.. I've seen the numbers, I watch my scale beg for mercy when I get near it, the BMI scale goes from morbidly obese to OMG... and yet I don't see it, or rather didn't see it, until now. amazing how we just settle into a routine/a weight/ a lifestyle and just shrug off the consequences. I'm glad you all are here, because empathy is a wonderful thing! Stan
  11. Hello all, so... I'm in the waiting phase now... meet with the doc's PA on May 18, schedule surgery some time in July. I've read a lot on here about to tell or not, and I gotta tell ya, some peoples' reactions flat out amaze me. I'm 6'5", I weigh 375 pounds.... I have a 56 inch waist... and people say to me..."you're not that big.." WTF????? are you kidding me? It's like I'm being exposed to a whole new level of insanity. I've read on these forums that a LOT of things can and will change as a result of this surgery and the way you change yourself, including your friends. Didn't know what to think of that, but I'm starting to see it already. So I guess my question is how much has your change of life affected your family? I suspect there may be some adjustment pains as life changes? Thanks! Stan
  12. xlstan

    are you kidding me????

    Meliwriter you make some really good points! Thank you! I'm not banded yet, but I AM starting to eat less, and already I've noticed that some people seem upset if I don't have seconds and thirds... they actually argue with me if I say "no thank you." and this really is all about a choice I've made for me and my health, and sticking up for that is something that folks that know me definitely are NOT used to. I can see already this will be an interesting ride, but I am positive that it's gonna be better than the slow suicide of weight gain I've put myself through. thanks for your comments! Stan
  13. xlstan

    only in pictures?

    wow... good answers all of you!! yea, I get around half way decent myself, and if it weren't for pictures I just would never really graps how big I've become. And howdybooth... I've read your responses to other things, and the recent "enough already!" and I really appreciate everything you put up here! you're dead on! This is strictly a health thing for me as well, and I actually am content with myself on the inside, except for the constant battle I have with weight. Otherwise, I'm a pretty happy fella, but it will be interesting to see what happens post surgery. No one here where I'v lived for the past 10 years has ever seen me at a reasonable weight, save family members. And Ivy, like you... fairly popular, well-liked at work, comfortable in my own skin.. until I see the picture. Then I back the picture up with the meds I'm on due to weight... blood pressure, diabetes, etc... my big "epiphany" was when I realized that all those meds are like putting band-aids on gaping wounds that are bleeding out... they help a little, but they don't fix the cause. In other words, my doctor puts me on pills to help me combat what I've done to myself, but then he finally said... "you know, this isn't working.... maybe it's time to consider surgery". and here we are. Thank you all! what a long, strange trip this is.... (with apologies to the grateful dead) Stan PS .. Dawn of Dibley.... is that like one of my favorite shows " The Vicar of Dibley"?... just wondering...
  14. hello all, So I'm closing in on surgery in July, and I've heard from a number of folks about what they can/can't eat now after surgery. For instance, one guy I know told me he can eat baked zite, but not angel hair Pasta. macaroni and cheese with elbows is ok, but mac and cheese with shells comes up. I'm just trying to learn more as I head for surgery, so can you tell me... what surprises have you encountered/ lessons have you learned since banding when it comes to what goes down and what doesn't agree? and while we're at it, can you specify what slider/cheater food is? Maybe I'll know what specifically to stay away from... thank you all! Stan
  15. xlstan

    help I have lost my restriction

    OK so I'm not banded yet but this scares me and opens up a new question... at 1500 calories a day you're gaining weight? So then my question is to all you guys... what's considered normal caloric intake after banding? At 6'5", can I expect to feel full on 1500 calories? Serious question.... please don't get me wrong; not trying to be a smart-ass, it's just that eating three times that is what got me here, so... seriously... how much is a normal caloric intake for you all out there? Thanks! Stan
  16. xlstan

    Tricare-Triwest Issues

    Well, here on the east coast I have Tri-care. I'm retired Navy and use Tri-care standard. I can tell you that here on the east coast, it's as others said... 100 pounds over ideal weight, BMI of 40-45, OR.... less than 100 pounds/lower BMI but have co-morbidities such as HBP, diabetes, etc... I can also tell you that insurance wise, the process here has been fairly simple. My problems have been with doctors communicating with other doctors, giving their blessing, etc... I can also tell you that my doctors' office here is very happy with Tri-care and they told me it is highly unusual to get a denial from them. I did not get denied; approved first time through. Hope that helps, and if you have any questions for me, let me know! Stan
  17. xlstan

    are you kidding me????

    Good call!!! It's true.. I've lived here in the valley for 10 years,and been overweight the entire time. No one here has seen me at "fighting weight" like I was in the navy. Of course, old navy buddies have to do a double take since they've never seen me this big. And Dave, you're dead on too... I have not made exercise a staple, no questions asked part of my life yet, but I AM getting closer. And I know that when I do hit the gym, I'm much more mindful of what I eat since I don't want to blow what I just did. But that's what I'm hoping the band will take care of for me, in the sense of portion control and hunger. Sometimes, even after going to the gym, or working very hard outdoors all day, I"ll blow it all with a six pack and two ( or more) burgers. That's a bit of insanity right there. Plus, since obesity is such a widespread and growing (no pun intended) problem, I sometimes think that people don't realize what unhealthy weight looks like... kinda' like that "how do you boil a frog" thing... you know.. a little at a time, they never notice the change in temp so they don't jump... anyway... again.. I'm glad you all are here... all of you. Like I said... man.... what a rollercoaster ride!!!
  18. xlstan

    are you kidding me????

    God I love it!!! I'll have to remember that..."I'm not sick.... it's the meth!" awesome! Actually, I've heard some of the comments made about me, never to my face,.. and I'm beginning to think that some folks don't want me to change simply because in my present state they can feel good about themselves by pointing at me... make sense? What's gonna happen when that goes away? guess it makes them nervous. And thank you all for the pointers about everything being different, and to watch out for depression. That certainly makes sense to me... so I can't stuff myself silly anymore... now what?? Food has certainly been a drug of choice for me. In the meantime, I wait for my appt on the 17th, then wait for my date in July. Gives me plenty of opportunity now to learn to chew, chew, chew.... which is definitely taking some work because I'm pretty much a shoveler. anyway, thanks again for all the input... damn I"m glad to know I'm not alone on this rollercoaster ride!! Stan
  19. xlstan

    looking for male mentor

    Hey there! Well, I know I'm finally approved for surgery, now just waiting for the date which should be in July. So can you tell me about some of your rough times, and a little more about the emotional support? I'm just trying to be as prepared as I can be going in to this. Thanks! Stan I had lap band on Jan. 10th of this year. I am 50 and was at 320lbs. So far including what I lost on the liquid diet, I have lost 50 pounds. What a difference it has made in my health. You will go through some rough times, make sure you get some emotional support both before and after surgery. Good luck and feel free to ask any questions you may have.
  20. howdy, I'm looking for a male mentor that I can lean on when needed as I go through this. I'm 52, 370 lbs, 6'4". been draggin' my feet about this for some time, and have done nothing but hurt myself in the process. damn sure haven't lost much weight. so I'm done screwin' around and I'm closing in on surgery, late June/early July...just waiting to hear. I'd like to hear from another guy that's been through this. Thanks!
  21. xlstan

    2 years since being banded

    have you gained any since being banded, or has it been all loss?
  22. Hello all, I'm Stan and I hope to be banded in October. about 80% through the process; get my GI series done today. I'm 6'5" and 380 lbs., 51 years old. Tired of carrying another whole person around on me,and I've probably lost and regained that person a few times now. As the day gets closer and I progress through the hoops, I alternate between excited about doing something good and frustrated that I have to resort to this. Sound familiar? Thanks!
  23. xlstan

    another new guy

    Well now the date is looking to be Late Jan., due to some dr. requirements, etc... but man I'm ready for this. At least the time delay has been good in a very clear way; I've definitely learned, from speaking with friend and relatives who have been banded, that the band is only a tool, not a magic bullet. I really needed to get that in my head and down pat. Now I'm looking forward to being banded even more!!
  24. xlstan

    Very excited and Very Mad

    I've argued this point a hundred times over in my head, but reality slapped me silly. I put away 3 boxes of 2XL clothes 2 years ago, the intent being to lose enough weight to fit into them and " do this myself."... I mean, after all, I did this to myself, I should be able to undo it, right?...WRONG!!! 2 years later I'm up to 4XL and the clothes are still in the box.... "here's your sign...." I personally know 4 people who have already been banded; friend and relatives, and not one regrets it at all... and they're all lookin' pretty damn good... I'm ready.
  25. Let's see.... my fat (obese) friends and family all have bad things to say about surgery while they down their third burger. My skinny friends and family all say try harder... they just don't get it. Luckily, my dr has been very supportive; in fact, he got me started on this path with this comment..."I was looking at your record. You've been seeing me now for 10 years, threatening to lose weight and you've gained back whatever you lost plus 30 pounds. Stop kidding yourself." A load came off my shoulders and we talked.. now I'm two months out from surgery and can't wait. This is definitely something done for myself. I can't stand myself anymore. If other people just don't get it, that's their problem. I know what it's like to live in fear of chairs and mirrors, and what's it like to shop strictly by catalog because jumbo isn't a popular size in the stores. and the list goes on... This is one crazy adventure, for sure.... all I can say is I now know a number of people personally who have been banded, and in each and every case their lives have improved so much for the better. Let's get on with it!!

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