Back in January I was diagnosed with sleep apnea after falling asleep at the wheel and having a mini wreck in my car. Doctor had me do two nights of sleep test, anyway I had an apneaic event 90 times an hour!
I am 25 year old guy, 5'10'', 400lb. I was referred to a lap band specialist. Tuesday I start my first of three visits with the nutritionist. If all goes well, should have the lap band done in June/July.
I am going through the motions of wanting this done and not wanting it done. I had success with Weight Watchers 4-5 years ago and lost over 75lbs, but gained 150 in its place. Lot of frustration that I didn't keep the weight off. I definitely think it was emotional related.
I want to loose my weight naturally again, but I am having hard time motivating myself to go back to Weight Watchers or try something else. I know the band is a tool, but I don't want to do it and gain weight back. Is that even possible?