I was banded last Thursday the 21st, I am sore but walking around as much as possible, clear liquids only. I weighed this morning .. a 4 lb loss, I know it's only water but I will take what ever I can get. Been a professional dieter since age 15, lost and regained weight many times over. If dieting worked and eating a balanced diet on maintainence worked I would have been successfull at weight loss many years ago. Became so tired of weight holding me back in so many areas of life. I fianallly made the decision to get the lapband. I am a little afraid of it.... drinking to fast, to much, or later getting something stuck in it. I hope the fear of ruining it will keep me on track...respecting my body and making it work for me has to be priority now. I'm sure I will become more comfortable with it later on. I don't have any regrets about having the surgery done. :confused: