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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by punkinvine

  1. Insomnia at the moment... trouble keeping things down yesterday. Now I am so hungry. Hot chocolate... then sitting up a while so I can process that. Band adjustment next Tuesday will hopefully fix my issue. I have a swim pass and planning to use that on Friday. Walking lots is keeping me on track. I did drink boost several days to keep some Protein in a normal range. Planning chicken wrap for lunch tomorrow. Chili for dinner. Boring Breakfast of Cereal and milk. I need to push in some fruit. I did my Gummy Vitamins and minerals... tons of water!

    Warming up outside. The primrose and daffodils are awesome. More outdoor work means more moving! YES I LOVE SPRING!

    Bacon... travel makes it a challenge but through Christ all things are possible.

    Shannon....Robbin try some herbs or fresh lemon/lime for extra natural flavor. It could help the sweet tooth. Just an idea!

  2. Snowed here last night. Brrrrr................... Out feeding the birds. Beautiful morning just cold. Clearing out much extra closet items. Donation center is open. I tried oatmeal this am... not working out. Ok for me... Boost it is! Will be getting a brisk 45 min walk. Planning a lettuce cheese wrap for lunch. Hope all of you can eat and move according to plan today! HUGS!

  3. Just getting back in the digesting well phase. Anyone else experience issues after they have had an oral antibiotic? I was well and then had sinus infection. Treated with amoxicilin 10 days and boy oh boy... acid reflux and upchuck queen here. I did the probiotic gummies and ate yogurt. Still a mess for 3 weeks. I must say I am down 12 pounds so at 10 pounds below goal wt. But not worth the icky stomach issues. The last 4 days I have been able to drink plenty and eat about 2 cups of food total a day. More like my old self. Feeling content and normal today~ YIPPEE and thankful. I do think stress is a culprit for me as well. Life is joyfilled and we have so many blessings! I need to get back in the exercise program . It is warming up here next week so to the push plow in the garden I go!

  4. Hello just back from crazy life. Now I can focus again. Grand daughter has great news from treatment. All systems are go at our place. Cooking some cheesy potato Soup for dinner. Had a boost for lunch. So chilly outside for April. I need to get my am exercise routine on at dawn again. Tomorrow am is a great day to begin! Miss everyone...

  5. Hello PEEPS!

    I just started painting my bathroom the recommended color by the decorator. It is awful drab brown pooooooooooo color and I just said ENOUGH~! Going back to the closet to get my soft bucket of Navajo white and here we go!

    Our world is just sort of upside down. I had a big struggle with stress/too tight band. Got into a real weak state after my Mom passed away in early Sept. I had trouble tolerating any food by mid NOV. I was down to 120 pounds and puny looking. My hair was brittle and falling out. What a mess. All Fluid removed from my band and I have been trying to get back to a green zone with very small fills. I think the stress issue was major in my situation. The problem with being a Momma's girl is when we have to give them up. Doing well now trusting God to have her in his arms in heaven. It's good and I am onward now.

    Our little grand daughter is 4 and has a brain tumor returning. She leaves for Chicago for Proton Therapy this week. LIFE is just a roller coaster! So as I always try to distract myself ... LOL. I decide to get a decorator to choose paint for the bathroom. Whoaaaa... well it is just going badly and dry enough now to put a crisp linen color on and be my style. Nothing from vogue... well my name is not Vogue so it's just right for me~!

    S-Tell me about the pouch thing you are talking about. Our monthly group seems to not have new literature or ideas at all. I go and we share but nothing new on their horizon.

    Hugs and praying for all of you on your journey. Hope to check in daily. I need accountability as I try to get back on my success road. I have gained some wt... a little too much. Now to get it back in check . Lap band since 2009... I can do this with God's help and all of YOU!


  6. Made a quick vacation trip to Seattle and Oregon. I needed an adjustment.. Small Fluid out. Seem to have good results. Feeling de stressed and much better. Had weighed 129 last Monday and weak. All is well now and energy on the rise. All the beautiful scenery is good medicine. Hiked all around the city yesterday and dinner at Space Needle of grilled salmon fingerling potato and greens. Lots of Water and water!

  7. Today is a day to work out! Working outside getting ready for first freeze tonignt. Half a bushel of green and red peppers, a gallon of salad tomatoes, 20 red tomatoes, 5 acorn squash and 10 butternut squash. I painted the last two barn doors and happy to get that done. Tomorrow I think some leaves need raked. No worries about missing the gym. I am worked OUT~!

    food program is on the minimal side. Just not coping with much lately. I am going to see the dr. on Tuesday. Hope it may straighten itself out before then. I did drink a boost yesterday afternoon and had a smoothie today. I am working with the Vitamins and minerals however my volume is less than 2/3 C total. 1/2 C is tolerated better. Jeans fit nicely so it is still ok.

  8. Hello and hoping you are doing the plan and have better health than yesterday! I am doing pretty well . I had a few days of nothing staying down then with that resolved I did 5 days of normalcy and feeling fine. I am at 135 lb and knees are blessed~! We have the soy bean harvest going on so life is busy at the farm. I have red potatoes to dig this afternoon so that will count as part of my exercise plan. Hubby is doing a high veg. and fruit diet with meat one time a day or less. I also can benefit from his program of high antioxidants. On the way to the store for fresh blueberries and strawberries ! The plates look so pretty with carrots, celery and cauliflower! HUGS and keep on your plan!

  9. Good Day... Sunny and painting barn doors today. Cardio available in this little activity! Blessing we are able to do some work that would have been too difficult at my previous stature. HUGS today from a friend who struggles along the path of being fit! Amen that I can move forward in this !

    Little grand kids were over last evening and they were so much fun and active! Happy to be running after them... lifting them too! Blessed !

    I am having a bit of trouble keeping food down. I am on the mushy diet and still struggling at times. Stress is not my friend. Today is a new day.... HUGS to my friends here! HAVE a super weekend!

  10. :rolleyes: Good Morning, I am working on some outdoor things today as it is sunny and near 70. I have 3 sets of barn doors to paint and that will keep me moving. Cardio in lots of life places! Our little grand kids were here last evening and I am always thankful for my WLS when I keep up with them. I could not have done it before very well. It is so much fun now!

    I am struggling with food staying down. Stress is not my friend. I don't think I feel stressed so what is this about? I was great for a week then this started up. I have gone to the mushy friendly foods completely and still having trouble. Life goes on and so far this am I feel good. Today may be the day it turns around! Praying for that!

    The Salsa chicken recipe sounds great. Once I get this issue at bay I will try it!

    HUGS to all who are on this journey! I count you as my friends! Blessings!post-80878-0-28359400-1444485268_thumb.jpg

  11. Hugs to you Bacon! When life's load is too heavy for us. God will find a way when there is no way! "Derail" is an old term for me and does describe out of control eating. Being sideways with old habits... was a true description here too. I have given it up and found new ways to cope. Over 6 years out has given me multiple opportunities to get back in the old habit and finally kick it to the curb. It is very hard to learn a new way ... but it can happen. PTL for the band that keeps me from returning to that along with some great "wait and vacuum the carpet first" new habits I have adopted! Cleaning is also busy and calming for me. If it is good weather out I plow the garden or mow and that too brings me back to reality where the food is a necessity not a means of soothing. I had to adopt some new tool strategies along the way. Some kept me out of the food and some did not. Getting me outside or out away from the food even when I vacuum is key. Hope you too can get on to a plan that works for you.... Not trying to preach here! Just know I will pray for HIS will to be revealed in this struggle. Praying for your Grandpa and family too. Keep in the scriptures and you will find truths!

    I am off today to vacuum and clean because it is cleaning day! Exercise and clean works for me. LOL. Making Beef Barley Soup while I clean it can cook. Lots of thank you notes to mail and paper work to do after the loss of my Mom. Dog to the vet this afternoon. Bible Study and dinner tonight at church.

    May your day be full of blessings.

  12. Hello,

    I went to my monthly meeting last evening and the Chef was there. He did a great job with a meatball made from turkey and made a slurry (sauce with cornstarch) of Water and balsamic rice vinegar and the skillet drippings started just with cooking spray . It was good and got me in the mood to do some meat ball varieties in the future. Going to this meeting is always good once I get there. It keeps me focused. I have times when I think it is less than important to have a focus on MY food this long after my WL but never get lax in this department! Keep your self on track! No one else can! Also they did roasted butternut squash with cooking spray , salt and thyme. Very tasty sort of like a baked sweet potato fry. I could enjoy this often! I have much to be thankful for today and off to get some paperwork going. Keep moving! Your heart and soul are special!

  13. Good Morning... today is house cleaning day. I have begun the getting rid of phase this week. LOL Life has a way of changing and so do the importance of things! I have tons of card making /crafty items. Still in wrappers of course. I had visions of time spent making delightful cards. With 4 grand kids (3 and under) I have no idea what I was thinking.Maybe I was thinking our boys would be single forever. Blessings on us they married in their mid 30's. Now I have a Thomas Train Table with all the parts. Geo Track and a Kitchen set designed for toddlers in my sun room. Love every min. of it. The craft things need to be packed up. This is just how the weight loss has changed me too. Not very interested in sitting. I love to do things and move and just keep busy swinging and chasing little ones. Thanks be to God for all the blessings! I am at 136 lb today. Feeling like doing things and making plans! Bye bye arthritis!

    Praying for ALL of you to have success in that body of YOURS too!

  14. I have not been at home due to illness in the family. Now that things have come full circle and we are home the slow cooker makes sense! I should do this. Thanks for getting me in the groove. I rinse a whole chicken. Put Lowery's seasoned salt inside it. Place a rib of celery and an onion in 1/4 ths in the cavity too. Turn on the slow cooker 4 hr high or 8 on low. Delicious and several meals are possible after we have the roast chicken the first time. I like chicken salad, creamed chicken and chicken and rice Soup made with the leftovers!

  15. I slept all night and no issues with food or acid stomach. Just thinking life is back to normal. Daughter in law messaged and our young 3 year old grand daughter has a brain tumor and cyst recurring. Today she had and MRI and it is back but small. She had this removed in March. I can only trust and obey God at this time. I have no other words. Keep us in your prayers. I am not keeping dinner down at all this evening. Stress is not my friend....... :unsure:

  16. Today was a wonderful day! I was with my daughter for a small out patient surgery that went smoothly and I was able to visit with her and do a little TLC with her. She is a super Mom to a 22 year old and 17 year old. About me I could spoil her for a change! I was actually just chilling out while I waited at the hospital. Autumn day of bright sun and gentle breezes can make you just happy! We shopped this after noon in a favorite old time Amish type grocery that has plenty of produce... butternut squash, acorn squash and apples purchased by me! I really enjoy these foods in small servings. I bought muenster cheese as it is my favorite... lots of Protein and calcium! I made a salad with tomatoes, lettuce and cheese for dinner! Hope you are on track today! Blessings!

  17. Good Evening! Just getting back into the life pattern. My upside down summer is behind me and we have started life as we know it. Well it sounds good! LOL My Mom had many serious health issues and at 91 she was not enjoying any good days. She passed away after 3 days of downward spiral.My husband and our 3 children took care of her at home till the end. That was her final wish. Of course with big family... she was the oldest of 9 and an additional 2 step sisters as well. We had much planning and preparing to do after her passing on Sept. 4th. It was smooth for the most part. My food issues were of course increased. When I am stressed I over produce stomach acid. I lost about 8 pounds but then recovered ok. I have been taking a break for myself each day. I am attempting to eat more fresh fruits and vegi's . So far I think I have done ok considering the stress level. Good to read your posts and to see you are all on the path of healthy eating. I did have a few strawberry daquari's in the last few weeks. There is fruit involved so I rest my case! Hugs to all and hope you can keep up your journey toward better health!

  18. Good evening... just flew in to say wow life has it's complexities x 10. I am still hanging onto the lapband program and doing my best. We are eating from the garden as we love summer. I do a Tomato lettuce bacon wrap at least once a day. (the lettuce is the wrap) My aging Mom has fallen and been quite ill demanding much of my time. Thus I am off the computer and doing what needs done. Glad to be retired so I can keep her at home as she chooses. She is very sweet but quite frail at 108 pounds and has difficulty doing much. She can walk about and enjoy drives in the car. WE are working keeping her congestive heart failure at least manageable at home. I am gardening and mowing for exercise and enjoy the summer weather to do just that. Thankful to look at ideas you all have and keep up the good work. We have 6 grandkids and 4 of them are 3 years old and under. Fun and lots of exercise with them too . God provides! Enjoy each day and be thankful for our improved health! God is good. I could not have kept this pace 7 years ago! LIFE is so much better! (((((Hugs))))))))


  19. Hello and hope you are all doing your program and having life in the fullness of God! We are still on a roller coaster with family health issues . I am finding less time to do my program so I need to really focus and stay in the loop even more than ever. I realized I only took a 20 min . break the whole day yesterday. I must get this improved or I may wilt , wobble and crash! LOL. It is going ok but the trials of geriatric relatives are on going and glad to help. It does take up a day before you know it! I have been eating lots of asparagus and fresh garden lettuce. God is good. I am using this ro-ho manual tiller and it has given me the summer biceps. I worked that about an hour yesterday. As I planted some festival acorn squash seeds I spied a disc of metal coin sized with Roosevelt 1912, around the outside and the center is a bull moose. Approximate size of a quarter. We have gardened and tilled and plowed that same place since the early 1970's. Teddy and the bull moose decided to appear yesterday! God is good. I was needing a little sunshine!

    Enjoy what you are doing today and praying for sunshine in your heart!

  20. Greetings! God is Good! So last time I was here my hubby was having PSA test... not the best news however maybe it is the best news after all. Slight creep up and guess what he wants to do... Dr. Says recheck in 8 weeks. Hubby says... lets heal this! Eating meat 1 time a day all fresh vegi and fruits. No junk food. He said melon, blue berries, fresh greens and green Beans, no white potatoes. So out of a slight incline he has chosen mega healthy foods! I am so pleased. We had french onion Soup, strawberries and blueberries for dinner. He is drinking almond milk on Cereal. God has a plan here.... pray for the numbers to not go higher. He has already been through the surgery and the radiation. Our veg. garden is doing very well and blooms on the tomatoes. Snap Peas should bloom any day now. salad bowl lettuce looks to be ready in 5 days or so! Asparagus is on our menu daily. I have an old fashioned push plow. My biceps are in the toned firm phase due to this. It takes about 1/2 hour daily to keep this task up... shall we say "I am not going to the gym just working the push plow like Rocky Balboa! " LOL. Have a HEALTHY Band Day!

  21. Hello.... Getting in vit/min. Water is in the cooler. lunch out... I think Wendy's Chili will work. dinner chicken and asparagus. Going to Oncologist with hubby for a check up. All seems well so pray for the blood work to be spot on! We have been gardening. I am doing the whole garden with an old fashioned push plow or ro ho and my biceps are coming along. Fresh air and sunshine just make me feel good! PTL! Bacon glad you are recovering from auto roll over. Planting flowers and hoping to complete my vegi garden. I need to by some butternut squash seeds and then we have it all done and waiting for it to produce! Enjoy your day!

  22. Great going there with the personal trainer and also only 10 lbs to go to goal! Woo hoo.... Just still struggling with health issues in the family. Spent 4 hours in ER with my Mom and her rib is fractured. Thus lots of pain. I have been picking and eating asparagus and had ham/beans for dinner. Cheerios for b and lunch was sort of a strange spinach/cheese /chicken dish at the hospital cafeteria. Not wonderful on the cafeteria but at least it was on the healthy side I hope! Drank lots of Water today... vit / min in and walking a while . Feels good to get fresh air too. Tomorrow will be a better day... hair do and little grandson's Cradle School Grad! God gives us a peak to offset the valley in life! Thankful for that!

  23. Good morning from Indiana. We have been in the garden, yard and fields. That does automatically step up exercise. If I have an addiction it is to gardening and the outdoors. Removing old shrubbery and planting new at Mom's. Hoeing flower garden. Scheduled nap at 3p!

    B rice krispies

    L Lettuce cheese wrap

    S strawberry or 2

    D chicken wings and cabbage

    Extra Water needed this warm weather. Vit/min are in my pocket!

  24. Good Evening

    B cheerios/almond milk

    L gluten free Pasta and sauce (did not agree with me... better not try that again for a while)

    D potato cheese Soup 2 tortilla chips

    Snack... applesauce

    Dug holes and planted bulbs, raked and carried leaves to the woods. Beautiful weather. Blessings and a productive tomorrow for each of YOU!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
