I just had my surgery on February 2, 2010 - I thought the weight would come off so much faster. I watch people that work at the same place as me lose like crazy. I lost 10lbs before the surgery and have now only lost another 8. I guess because I set a goal for myself of 2 lbs per week and seem to have lost & gained the same 2lbs for the last 3 weeks I am just frustrated. I have only had one fill last week of 5cc - I thought at the time it was a lot, but my appetite seems to still be big. I am exercising - but am so sad by this......I never thought it would be me. I have the realize band.......does anyone know what the average first fill is - I do want to be able to swallow my own spit - big I just know I should still not have an appetite this big! Any thoughts.