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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by pnw218

  1. pnw218

    Help! Running out of will power!!!

    me too! no will power here! I ate the candy! LOL ok. really not much. One or two robins eggs and a single reces pb cup in the last week. And I had milk with them so that balanced it out, right?? : ) I also keep a container of Sara Lee Cheesecake Bites in the freezer. I think 26 bites is a serving - and I will have 1 or 2, rarely 3, when I am in need of a treat. I think you drive yourself crazy if you always deprive yourself. Moderation, don't over do it.
  2. pnw218

    Numb skin?

    I had foot surgery on each foot, one in 1987 and the other in 1989. The areas on both feet are still numb. It is small and doesn't bother me at all. Just wish it would make my toes hurt less then I stub them!!
  3. pnw218

    Today's the Day!!

    Hey Mini! Just noticed that you are over halfway! Congrats!!
  4. pnw218

    Tortillas are No Go!

    LOL about moving faster! I had mexi food for the second time at our favorite restaurant last night. A few bites and I was too full. It was much less than I was able to eat the last time! I was very disappointed! The beans, ground beef and tortilla went down ok, I think it was the cheese - it was on there pretty thick. I sipped as much Water as possible to hopefully loosen things up. The tummy ache finally went away but it was definitely in my throat for awhile! :confused1:
  5. pnw218

    Okay new pictures!!

    AMAZING!! and only 8 more lbs to go! I sent my husband home for his camera. We took photos at one month and I totally forgot about them! We should go out to the Cheesecake Factory to celebrate! LOL
  6. pnw218

    Today's the Day!!

    What a pain and how stressful! Only you can answer that question - are these signs? Listen to the messages you are receiving from Him and then decide. For me personally, I would continue on and see how you feel when you get there. You can always change your mind if things don't feel right or ask to wait one more day. I don't know if God causes flight delays and earthquakes, altho I would imagine He could if He wanted to. I guess another way to think about it would be - are you currently taking care of your body the way God would want you to? Are you healthy enough to live your life serving? thoughts and prayers are with you! Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9, NIV)
  7. ITA .... it seems to go in waves. When I first got to this site, things were calm. Then the dr ragging started. It is highly annoying and a distraction from the good things here. I agree with what was previously suggested - that specific references to doctors and clinics are not included in public posts. If someone writes that they had a bad experience, they can pass their dr/clinic info via a pm to whomever is asking. I tend to be an optimist, not a pessimist ~ so understand that some people are going to complain about any service or product, just to complain.
  8. [quote I will not war with you either, in fact I am done. thank God for small favors!!
  9. Russell, I am not willing to hold a war with you via private messages. I have nothing to hide. 1) I will try to keep it simple: You said you a veteran of surgeries 9?? What does this mean? It means that I have had 9 surgeries. I have a decent idea of what to look for and what to expect. 2) Did you know that Betancourt isn't even a doctor? Dr. Almanza operated on me and he is a doctor. 3) Do you want to defend a place that is causing so much pain? Why? I have only relayed my experience and asked those who do not have personal experience to refrain from making negative comments based on hearsay. 4) and as I have said before, things can go wrong anywhere, anytime and to anyone. People die being sedated at the dentist for oral surgery. Wrong surgeries are performed on patients in major, respected hospitals every day in this country. Are you monitoring those situations as well???? no??? I didn't think so.
  10. Sorry - I can't play into your little trap here. No bad experiences at all and I am a "veteran" of surgeries (9) and medical procedures (6+). Why attempt to stir up drama? If you are getting better info somewhere else, stay there. As for people feeling threatened.... I get plenty of PM's from those who are planning to use the dr I did but are afraid of posting that publicly because how others have been treated - being told they were putting their life on the line.
  11. pnw218

    Tummy Tuck and Breast

    A girlfriend of mine had a mastectomy and reconstructive surgery later. The doctor used skin and fat from her tummy. It was a mess. The surgeon just did a lousy job. She looks fine with clothes on but her right breast doesn't look anything like a real one and her tummy has lots of scars. If you are doing it electively and not as reconstruction surgery, I don't think I would risk it unless there is a way for the dr to insure the breast doesn't turn out lumpy.
  12. that's awesome citygal!! and love your international security "connection" : ) I have a friend who's husband is retired FBI - was one of the president's men. When I left the country a year ago to go to Algeria, she was one of the few who knew exactly where I was going ... just in case I needed help getting out! You will do great! You have an awesome attitude!
  13. pnw218

    Mushies early?

    seriously. and here all this time I thought potatoes were good for you ... minus the butter, sour cream, bacon, etc.
  14. pnw218

    Tortillas are No Go!

    LOL gas, things moving faster .... any and all of it! : ) I do like beans tho, will try some soon!
  15. pnw218

    Dating 2 guys is getting complicated

    Sorry Bill, but I have to disagree. Maybe one or both of those guys is seeing other girls and that's why they haven't asked her for a committment? Plus, I think being casual friends for a longer time before getting serious is a good thing. When I have been single, I have dated more than one guy at once. If they asked what my status was, then I told them. There are other reasons to move forward carefully.... Tiger, Jesse James, John Edwards ... LOL
  16. LOL *peacock poops* I was forewarned not to be surprised about a blue or purple surprise, but never had anything come out colorful. I felt so deprieved : (
  17. pnw218

    pre-op spa day!!! hooray

    Have a great time!! I talked my dh into a pedicure one day. We were out of town so he felt safe he wouldn't know anyone. Of course, I took a photo and shared it with the world!! We have done the spas on cruise ships before and he enjoys the massages, relaxation rooms, etc. I go to a Korean spa nearby but it is women only. They have awesome facilities; part is used wearing a medical type gown, the rest is birthday suit. I have convinced many friends to join me there. I just tell them that there will always be someone bigger than you and someone smaller than you. Just relax and enjoy! They always love it : ) I am planning to go again in the next week or two. Warned my husband to set some money aside a few days ago! You deserve to do something nice for yourself! Very cool that your hubby went along with you!
  18. pnw218

    Meeting the guidelines

    Had to laugh! I got sick after having the original Icy from 7-11 a hundred years ago. Then I had kids and they loved those dumb things! I still won't drink one! and ITA!! Way too many commercials for food, nifty $1 specials and restaurant coupons in the mail. Just makes me cranky : ( haha! My last two weeks has been slow going however I am still losing a little here and there. I will go back to logging food/drink on Monday. Needed a mental break. I don't know that I have ever gotten 64 oz in one day. I usually get close on calories and do fine on carbs and Protein. It will happen!! I believe!! :blushing:
  19. pnw218

    Dating 2 guys is getting complicated

    You go girl!! There is no law that states how many friends you can have! : )
  20. I am so glad I did the sleeve instead of the lapband! It truly is too easy! Good luck getting ready for sugery!
  21. pnw218

    Mushies early?

    I was having potato soup, yogurt, mashed potatoes and farina Cereal by the end of the first week. Not very much at a time, but enough to make me feel better. I mainly followed the Cornell University guidelines. http://www.cornellweightlosssurgery.org/pdf/dietary_guidelines_sleeve_gastrectomy.pdf Everyone is different. I certainly wouldn't over do it or add anything too substantial. Listen to your body and act accordingly.
  22. Hi Bookleen, I started at 33. Wasn't enough for my insurance to cover plus they had a one year program that needed to be followed before they would even consider a patient for surgery. I have had no regrets. I do miss food - was more mentally addicted than I knew. However am rarely hungry and so far can eat anything I want. I am missing salad alot tho and will be anxious to add it back eventually. Good for you for being "creative" : ) Sometimes that is necessary! The sleeve is so very easy - it is just amazing!
  23. Good Luck! You will be so happy soon! Hopefully you will feel good enough cause San Antonio is great! Love the old missions and River Walk!
  24. will be waiting "patiently" for the news after your surgery! 24 hours from now .... it will all be over and you will be on your way!
  25. LOL about keeping one more organ! it might make the scale a little lower without?? :001_smile: I have met lots of people who have had their gb out. Like Lee, some adjust or never have problems to start with. I am not sure why I am doing better and able to quit the meds since vsg, just glad that I am : )

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