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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MissCherita

  1. HEY. Sorry it took so long to reply but im off 290 and West Rd.

  2. How is it going guys?? I have been doing ALRIGHT I guess. My scale hasn't moved too much but I cannot be mad at the band..... I have been making very bad food choices. I had to give myself a pep talk last night because I went through all these big changes just to go back to my old eating habits... I think not! Im really trying to do good. The SUCKIE part is I cannot tolerate meat anymore.. So now im trying to figure out what I can and can not eat.
  3. MissCherita

    Miami that me on the right. Down 100lbs

    Looking good girlie and LOVE the dress! where did you get it from???
  4. Hello Guys and Gals.. I am FINALLY starting to lose again. I broke up with my scale for 2 weeks :thumbup: and we just got back together last night....well It looks like I have lost a few pounds! I started working out on Monday and boy was it hard! Im slowly but surely getting back into it... GOOD LUCK PEEPS!
  5. Okay I got banded 2/23/10.... Im passing gas like every 5 minutes.. and LOUD.. I was ashamed at first but now its normal..lol Does anybody else have issues with passing gas. I have read about burping alot but my gas is coming out the other end, I never burp..
  6. Well I guess im not alone.. I see you have lost 53 lbs so far thats great! I been stuck at 38 lbs for the longest. But like i said I cant be mad at anything or anyone but myself. I need to get some kind of workout plan going on. Have you been exercising?
  7. Hello!!! I haven't been on in a while so im just now getting your msg.... Congrats on getting approved. All I can say is stick with your doctors orders.. we are human and we are bound to make mistakes... Trust me I have made PLENTY since getting banded. But I wouldn't change my decision for anything. Im down almost 40 since preop, 15 of those since surgery.. its going slow but I will NEVER see those pounds again!

  8. Hey there. I wasnt hungry at all for about 2 weeks after surgery. I just had my 1st fill yesterday, I think after you have your fills and what not thats when you will lose your hunger. But like i said I just got my 1st one so I couldn't tell you what to feel. JUst make sure you keep drinking your protein shakes and you should be good to go!

  9. Okay, Lately I have been bruising extrememly bad since surgery. I can just slightly bump my arm on something and the next day I have a huge bruise in the same spot. Anybody else getting bruised alot easier than before band?
  10. MissCherita


    Im really bad with the vitamins...... they are just so nasty! But I try to take them daily.
  11. Maybe in just not being a good sport BUT I'm 6 days post op and I'm still extremely bloated. How much longer will I look pregnant?? (Even though I am a big girl my stomache has never stuck out.) So Im wondering to all of those that's been banded for a while how long does the bloated and gassy feeling last? The walking seems to make it worst for some reason also, I got up last night and went to the mall thinking that would make me feel better but it seemed the longer I would walk the bigger I felt. So my questions are: * How much longer will I fill bloated and gassy? * When will the feeling of hunger come back?
  12. MissCherita

    Okay Okay... bandster hell?!?

    Yeah that is so true.. my appetite is finally coming back I ate some Soup from olive garden and kind of strained the chunks out and I feel pretty good. my coworkers are all like OMG you lost weight.. My scale is not moving as much but if they can see a differance Im happy!
  13. MissCherita

    Okay Okay... bandster hell?!?

    I'm doing a little better today. I'm back at work my gas has gone down a lot I'm soooooooo happy. Now im assuming the bloating will go down in due time.
  14. MissCherita

    Okay Okay... bandster hell?!?

    Thanks everyone, Im just being a big baby! I need the words of inspiration because I don't have support from anyone in my personal life. I come home to people eating pizza and fried chicken, and here I go drinking protein shakes! and vitamin water! yepppppp that sucks but its like I don't miss the food at all I just miss the texture of food in my mouth. weird!
  15. MissCherita

    Okay Okay... bandster hell?!?

    Im on liquids, Haven't been hungry but I have been drinking protein shakes. I'm doing pretty bad just one a day and alot of water.
  16. How long does the gas pains last. I just had my surgery on the 23rd and I was doing good yesterday but this morning I woke up to some serious pain. I been walking but nothing seems to help it. Tha gas x only helps for about an hour. HELP ME!!!
  17. Ok I was banded on the 23rd this month, I have been having extremely bad dry mouth. Is that normal and what should I do?!?
  18. I was banded on the 23rd of Feb. I arrived at the hospital at 5:30 AM and was told to give a urine sample to confirm I was not pregnant..guess what.. I was so nervous I couldn't go! It took an hour and a half to finally go. Just in time for my surgery to have the green light. I dont remember much going in because they gave me my "margarita" as I was leaving the pre-op area. I woke up around 10 AM and asked the nurse was it in there..lol she laughed at me and I went back to sleep. I woke up again around 11 AM in my room. I wasn't in any pain but my throat hurt like hell. I started coughing up blood and I was told that was normal because of the breathing tube. Later that day I went downstairs to get an xray with the barium swallow.............YUCK! I stayed in the hospital for a 2 days and now im at home. I have to say listening to most of the negitive stories on here about the pains and what not I was expecting the worst. Its really not that bad I have had a few gas pains but nothing major. I have not been hungry so I basically have been forcing myself to drink the protein shakes. WELL.... thats about it! good luck to everyone!
  19. MissCherita

    Feb. 23rd!

    Hello peeps. Congrats to everyone who has been banded this week and congrats to those that are coming up... I have to say the gas pains that i'm hearing so much about are not that bad! I have not been in serious pain, I bought 2 boxes of the gas x strips and only used 1 strip! Walking does help, tomorrow I guess i'll hit the mall with my grandmother, she volunteered to be my nurse for the day. I really need to stay off the scale I must admit, I was totally confused as to why I weight more then I did when I was going into surgery. I was 249 according to the hospital scale and according to my home scale I weight 255... hmmmmmmmm. Im liking the 249 better! Anyone else having the same issue, could it be the gas they put in me for surgery?? I haven't eaten ANYTHING since the day before surgery so I don't know why the scale is going up...... SOMEBODY....ANYBODY FILL ME IN!!!!!
  20. MissCherita

    Feb. 23rd!

    Hello my beautiful/handsome February peeps... I AM OFFICIALLY BANNED.. I just wished I would have been told I was staying overnight in the hospital! I got to the hospital at 5:30 and was asked to give a urine sample..............I was so nervous I couldn't even go! It took 2 hours to finally go. but I made it just in time to make surgery. My chest is hurting pretty bad from the gas.. im going back to sleep meds kickin in.....
  21. Was anybody on their cycle when they went into the hospital to get the actual surgery.. My period is regular and my surgery date is around the same time. I want to know how that went!
  22. how does it feel to be banded?!?

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