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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TracieCat

  1. TracieCat

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    So far today.... NO BREAKFAST.... I ended up sleeping in late so will have my 3rd meal later tonight and call it snack time, even though it will be a small meal of some sort, maybe a greek yogurt and some cucumbers or some chicken breast and a yogurt. lunch... Small can tuna in Water, drained, added in 1 tsp fat free mayo and a bit of pickle relish, heated in microwave to make a tuna melt and added a sprinkling of fat free cheddar on top to melt. 1 cup of black bean tortilla Soup - (another Nutrisystem meal, yep, am trying desperately to use these up so they are out of my house, lol). The taste on this one actually is pretty good. I have had it with a bit of mild salsa mixed in and some fat free sour cream on top and it isnt bad. SUPPER... To be determined but am most likely making some baked cod fish fillets in the oven and will eat one small filet, maybe a tiny portion of some wild rice and/or quinoa, and some type of veggie, probably oven roasted broccoli with sesame seeds/olive oil/garlic (I usually eat 1/2 to 1 cup of veggie depending on if I have anything else with the Protein or not). Oh and will down a 26 gram protein shot later today.
  2. Two days to be exact. It is so hard to believe how quickly that year has flown by for me. For the most part, I am thrilled with how well I have done and how well the band has worked for me. I am so proud of my weight loss and so happy with how many advances I have made in my health. My blood pressure medication I had been on for the last few years, gone. Cholesterol medication, gone. All blood labs, NORMAL for the first time in my adult life. Gained mobility from reduced pain, so I have been getting out more and doing more things with my husband and family. I am better able to keep up with and do things with my nieces, they mean the world to me and I have gotten so spend so much time with them lately, especially this past summer. Getting a sleep study done next month to find out if I still have sleep Apnea, which I am thinking I likely do not, just judging by how I feel when I end up falling asleep without my mask on. I wake up still refreshed with no headaches, etc. I used to have to use daytime oxygen through a nasal canula, even if I was out and about I had to take along a portable. NO LONGER, I was approved by my respiratory Doc to come off of it, and haven't had to use it in months. (although I still have to use 4 liters at night through my bipap) My moods are better (although still slightly off due to perimenopause and moodiness. lol). But I am never depressed, that's for sure. I have a better outlook on life and feel more positive. I feel more like being around other people and taking part in LIVING. I am thinking of possibly signing up to volunteer at either our local Animal Shelter or another local charity organization when I feel up to it (the pain again). I have gone from wearing a 5x in clothing, to now where I am wearing a 2x and can fit in SOME xl shorts, I am wearing some of my hubbys old shorts! lol... And hoping I will be into a 1x by next year sometime. I can still wear some 3x things if they are things like tshirts, etc. However, alot of 3x tops now are too large and hang off of my neck and shoulders too much. What a great feeling. I recently this summer had a dear Aunt pass on which was not such a great experience for me, but as a result, I have been gaining posession of all of her clothing little by little (she was a clothes hoarder) and I have many many sizes, she had great taste in clothes and so a good many of her things, I will be keeping. The rest is being given out where I can give them to those that need them. I mention this because I wont even have to buy clothing for quite a long time unless I see something I absolutely have to get (which is likely to happen soon anyway). I CARE how I look now, which I didn't really much a year ago. I rarely wore makeup, wore my hair in a ponytail almost constantly, hid under giant tshirts, mostly all dark clothing. I still love my dark clothing, dont think I will ever get away from those. But OMG miracle of miracles, I am finding a new found love for COLORS lately, who would have ever imagined I would like something like PINK. And I take care to keep my hair nicely dyed now, I wear makeup, prettier jewelry, etc. And am loving every bit of feeling like a woman again. It is nice to have that pride in myself again that had been lost to me for a long time. And I know that my husband is delighted as well to see me so happy and enjoying myself so much. I got to do some running around this summer activity wise. We went to an Irish Festival last weekend and I got the chance to meet and get a photo taken with one of my very favorite bands (Gaelic Storm), did lots of walking around that day. Went to the annual Folk Festival in town here in late July/early August for two days in a row, more walking walking walking which I am thrilled I can finally do. Saw some other bands live, went and watched my nieces at swim lessons, many picnics with family, went to a local Animal Park. Most of these things I would have never been able to do a year ago because my pain and fatigue would have stopped me and I would have not wanted to take part in them. I still have to walk with a cane some of the time due to the hip pain, but I do leave it at home more often than not these days, even though I walk with a pretty prounounced limp. Next month my husband and I will be taking for us what is our annual Halloween trip to Niagara Falls, Canada, and I plan on doing lots and lots of walking around, and getting together with some friends while we are there to take in a show and dinner together. I will pay for all of that pain wise later in the evenings, but what a blessing to feel better about doing it this year and knowing that it will be easier for me. Where I am not so happy has nothing to do with my band or my loss but with me on a personal level. I am still trying to kick my hiney into gear to get moving as far as exercise goes. I do have severe chronic pain stemming from Osteo/Degenerative arthritis, I have bone on bone pain for which I have been seeing my local pain management center for years. They are helping me med wise as much as can be done but at this point, all that will eventually help is surgery, looking to have that done in January. HOWEVER, I definitely could be doing things that would not affect the hip. I need to start doing some upper body cardio and some weight resistance movement. I am getting the hanging down skin on my upper arms, stomach breasts. And my weight loss has slowed quite a bit, which my surgeon tells me is due to my metabolism slowing up so I need to not only start the moving, but increase my intake of Protein as well (something where I have been slacking a bit). But anyway, I am struggling with forcing myself to do those things. I have babied myself for years and years and trying to break out of that mode of thinking is something I am finding difficult. But I know I will get there in my journey and once I do, even better days lay ahead. Other than that one thing, I am happy with all aspects of this weight loss journey and happy with my band. No issues with food tolerance, no issues with taking pills, no issues with liquids, no nausea, no vomiting. No problems at all band wise. My Lapband surgeon is having me speak the monthly support group meeting next week, so I will get to share this last year's experiences with others who are just starting out or who are awaiting surgery. That is pretty exciting and I am working on putting a speech together because I am not so great with public speaking, I will do better reading from piece of paper and they said that was fine. Overall from my highest all time weight, I have lost approximately 160 pounds, 83 of that has been since my surgery last September. I just wanted to share my happiness in reaching this first year's milestone and let others know that are just starting out what my experience has been like. It has been amazing and will only get more amazing as time goes by. Celebrate!!!!!
  3. TracieCat

    My one year BANDiversary!!!

    Thanks kindly, I am so proud of myself and although I tend to have some slips along the way food wise (I am sure we all do), for the most part I am really pleased all around with how well I have done. As a side note, got some great news today. My Mom has been hospitalized, she presented to the ER with extreme respiratory distress and they felt her CHF had gotten much worse, she was put on O2, a bipap and medications, her BP was off the charts, her pulse and respiration were haywire. They felt she most likely had suffered a mild heart attack as well but today they feel she did NOT have a heart attack. She has a leaky heart valve (which cannot be remedied) and if often causes false results on heart tests for her. Today she is out of ICU, off the bipap, just on a nasal canula for oxygen and they say she most likely can go home on Sunday. Really happy about this news, we were all so worried about her. She almost died some years back from a Dissecting Aorta and spent about 2 months in ICU under heavy sedation, this is where the leaky valve issue stemmed from. She does however need to QUIT smoking, which she doesnt seem at all determined to do, I wish she could find the strength though, she will just end up in this same situation before long otherwise. Anyway, she is doing wonderfully today, sounds so chipper and happy on the phone today and I will head up later this afternoon to visit.
  4. TracieCat

    I made it to my first goal

    Congrats to you!
  5. TracieCat

    I LOVE Vanity Sizing

    I am no help on the shopping issue but just wanted to chime in to say CONGRATS to you for getting into such a smaller size, WOW, way to go!
  6. Congrats Jennifer, I hope things go smoothly for you. Hurrah!
  7. TracieCat

    today is the day

    I am one of the ones that do my protein shakes with some sugar free pudding powder. Love the vanilla shakes with vanilla pudding, yum. And I almost always make my shakes up as a frozen smoothie. My surgeon approved me doing them that way as long as I dont let them sit and drink them pretty much right after making. I mix up my shake, then pour it into my smoothie maker with a giant handful of crushed ice, the pudding powder and sometimes a splash of vanilla flavoring and process the heck out of the whole thing till it becomes smooth, icy goodness. I then half eat it with a big long soda spoon, half suck up with a big straw. Now I want one. :D
  8. TracieCat

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    Today's foods... Breakfast... 1/2 cup Steel Cut Oats with a splash of Silk soy milk (about 1/4 cup) and some splenda. 2 hard cooked egg whites lunch... Small piece of chicken breast diced, maybe equal to 1/2 cup? Done with some homemade BBQ sauce. 1/2 cup sesame garlic green Beans, splashed with some soy sauce Supper... 1 Nutrisystem meal, rotini with tiny meatballs (dont usually eat this stuff but I was given a case of it so am trying to use it up where I can) another 1/2 cup of the green beans I may have a greek yogurt later this evening or a high Protein Gelatin snack, depending on if I stay up very late into the night or not. My Mom is currently in the hospital (she had a mild heart attack) and I have been worried about her so surprised I was able to stick to eating like I should.
  9. TracieCat

    Greek Yogurt

    I have never tried Fage but I have a carton of it sitting in my fridge now to try soon. I mainly stick with Chobani, I haven't met a flavor of it yet that I don't absolutely adore. Right now, I am particularly fond of the Pomegranate, the Black Cherry and the Peach, although my favorites tend to flip flop around from month to month.
  10. TracieCat

    Sept. 2010 Bandsters !!!

    I just finally broke through a plateau here too, about a month with no loss and then in the last few days, five pounds FINALLY whooshed off of my body thankfully. I also think it has mostly to do with my food choices, not eating quite as healthy as I have in past months and it showed on the scale unfortunately. Back on track and Dr. check in this Friday, glad I at least have some loss to show for the last month. Not that I'd get any kind of huge lecture but I do feel like I let them down when I mess up, which I guess sounds odd but there it is. I think because I have done so well and they have been so thrilled with me at the office and are among by biggest cheerleaders, I hate sliding back into any bad habits. Glad my Dr. is going to be adding in some psychological counseling into the practice, I believe I could benefit from it.
  11. TracieCat

    5 months post op and first fill

    Haven't had that in quite awhile, sounds like something I need to add to next weeks menu. I like adding in some green peppers and mushrooms into mine as well and I usually do add some ground turkey cooked and crumbled into my sauce. YUM.
  12. TracieCat

    5 months post op and first fill

    What is in Baked Ricotta if I may ask? it is like a noodle free lasanga type of thing? ( have made this before)
  13. TracieCat

    What was your Saturday menu?

    I am kind of late in a reply, but here is what I had on Saturday... Breakfast - 1/2 cup steel cut oatmeal with 1/2 cup Silk Soy Milk lunch - 1 small can Tuna in Water drained and mixed with 1 tbsp fat free mayo and a bit of pickle relish, 1/2 cup cooked green Beans with sesame seeds and a splash of teriyaki sauce dinner - Turkey Burger, small green salad (leaf lettuce along with a few cherry tomatoes and lite balsamic dressing), few tablespoons of beer rice (a brown rice recipe) I also had a raspberry Chobani Greek yogurt and about 1/4 cup of roasted chick peas I am pretty boring most days and we eat alot of the same things over and over again, although I am trying to slowly add more variety here and there with my own recipes. Oh and lots of water and crystal light,and some iced coffee made with splenda and fat free creamer.
  14. TracieCat

    OMG! OMG! OMG!

    Glad you are doing well, congrats to you!
  15. TracieCat

    Pringles are evil!

    My downfall is when we allow low fat wheat thins to come into the house. I do okay if I can convince myself to forget they are here and divide the box up into little baggies and just take one baggie occasionally and I tend to try to make it part of a meal so I am not using it as a snack food. If I eat straight out of the box, my hubby and I can consume the whole box in one evenings sitting. yipe. My thing is crunchy foods too, loved them before my surgery and I still love them, although try to avoid them as much as possible most of the time because of how I used to overeat them.
  16. TracieCat

    newbie - how bad are the side effects?

    I am about 8 months out from my surgery ( think I am calculating that right anyway. lol) and I have never vomited, not even one time. I have gotten sick about three times, each time was my own doing in overeating and they sure were hard learning processes for me. I did get very nauseated, upper stomach pains and I could even feel the pain all the way up into my neck and my eardrums. Those symptoms passed in about a half hour each time. I did have something close to sliming one time when I ate a meat on a stick from a Chinese place, I think because of not being able to chew it up completely. I also have a bit of an issue with cornbread, I make a low fat/low calorie version and I have to eat a small piece VERY slowly or it feels like it might get stuck. But anyway, when I felt like the meat on a stick was stuck, I didnt throw up at all, I just drank some Water and eventually I felt it sort of dislodge itself and pass down through. Yipe, that was scary. Won't be eating that again, or if I do, will cut it in TEENY tiny bites and chew even more than I likely did before. Wishing you the best of luck with your surgery.
  17. I haven't lost complete interest but I sure am not food obsessed like I used to be and alot of times, I have to force myself to eat a meal. I am thinking this might be part of why I have been stalling or slow in my loss, I am not eating enough, which is quite an odd thing considering the person I used to be before my surgery. I just don't think about food too often, not in the way I used to in any case, unless I am anxious to try out some new recipes I have concocted.
  18. TracieCat

    Able to eat normally

    For me personally, I have only had one fill since my surgery date last September and I can eat normal sized portions with no difficulties, although I have trained myself to take smaller than an average portion over the months that have gone by. I have noticed my weight loss has been slowing or stalling a bit lately though so am thinking it might be time for a fill for me. But I sure can eat a regular sized portion if I so desire and I can guzzle almost a whole bottle of water in one swoop. I imagine this will change once I get another fill or two in there.
  19. TracieCat

    Has anyone signed this?

    WOW... if that is real, it sure is an odd thing for a Doctor to have a patient sign!!!
  20. TracieCat

    Great Products!

    Crystal Light (I am not a huge plain Water drinker and love the different flavors) Wii Fit and Wii Sports Resort (yay for mad bicycling cardio, it gets my heart pumping) Water Bottle to refill and take with me wherever I go. (which is not brand specific but still important for me) Teriyaki Beef Jerky (my go to Protein snack when I feel I haven't hit my goal with other food or shakes for the day, I like Walmarts Great Value brand) Chobani Greek Yogurt (best brand I have ever tasted, the pineapple is to die for and helps me get my protein grams in for the day) Gas X pills (lol, I have been gassy since my surgery and I keep some in my purse for travel and here at home) Fitday.com to keep track of my food nutrition for the day. Lose It - App on my Ipod where I also keep track of my daily nutrition South Beach Living protein fit bars (used rarely if I am going to have to miss out on a meal) Genisoy Protein Crunch Bars (also used as an occasional meal replacement) Chamomile Tea - For occasional stomach upsets (I am a big hot tea drinker on a daily basis anyway) I am sure there are other things I am not thinking of offhand.
  21. TracieCat

    What's your Band's name?

    Oh hahaha, I never even thought of naming mine but now this thread has me wanting to!
  22. Congrats to you Cynthia! I am really happy for you and hope I will have that same happiness once I am closer to my goal weight. Way to go!
  23. I definitely don't take the size bites that I did preop but I have never done the tiny eraser sized bites either. I take a fairly normal sized bite and have no problem swallowing. Of course, I also don't have any issues taking all of my many pills either.
  24. TracieCat

    Why do some people not need a fill?

    For myself, I have only had one fill since I was banded, my band is currently filled at 3 & 1/2 cc.... I have never from the beginning felt any huge sense of restriction, although the times when I HAVE strayed and overeaten (twice that I can remember), I sure did know it and got pretty ill almost immediately. I think even the Doc thinks I am one of those rare patients who not only doesn't feel a sense of restriction, but also no hunger and no problems to speak of with foods (other than potatoes which give me stomach pains). I think that thinking about my health keeps me on track at this point because before my surgery and current weight loss, I was not doing so well health wise. I still have alot of problems but they have vastly improved. But the Doctor did say that some patients just don't need those fills as much as others, but at some point, likely soon, I WILL end up needing one. So far he trusts me to let him know when I feel like that time is here and he doesn't like to rush filling bands in his patients. For now, I am another person as the poster above that lives a way of life as if I am restricted and watch my portion sizes and get my Protein and Water intake in. Still working on building up exercise wise as my health allows.
  25. I weigh in every day, although do sometimes forget to do it so it ends up being every second or third day. But I find that weighing in once daily helps to keep me on track and gauge how well I am doing. The support group I go to run my my surgeon meets once a month at the hospital where I was banded and they don't weigh us in there but I do get weighed in once a month at the surgeon's office.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
