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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by JWH

  1. I will go to NYC but I will not go to NJ. I have ridden the ferry, it is very nice but it is still better to be in town for the cost and trouble of traveling across country. I do not want to shell out for :laugh:the expense of going across country to not be in NYC. I will pay up to $300 per night for a hotel room. I am more interested in activities such as Broadway shows, museums, sight seeing and shopping with a group than a whole lot of meetings. I will not attend a class on nutrition but I would attend an exercise class and/or yoga class and a meditation class. It is doubtful I would attend a panel on anything unless it were lipo and plastic surgery. Cosmetics, beauty gizmos, all of that would be fun. I would be interested in small groups that are very issue specific, such as weight loss or banding for people over 50. I hate big dinners where they give out awards and people give speeches so I would not attend an event with a compulsory dinner (one where the price of the dinner is included in the conference price). I hope this input was helpful.
  2. JWH

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Hi Raynie, Just call them and schedule it. They have an 800 number. Jess
  3. JWH

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Hello All! I have been so involved with a project due this week that I get up early and work until I fall back into bed at night. I am sorry I haven't kept up with the boards. I am so sorry to read you had trouble. How awful! I'm glad you reversed it right away. That is exactly what I am afraid will happen to me. I have set my first banding date for after New Years. I get motion sickness. I know I will need very little fill and many days until I no longer feel nauseous. Since I started eating real food, the weight loss has slowed to about 2 pounds a week. Of course, all exercise has stopped recently because I am so busy. I am working the diet religiously. I hope the weight loss goes up again after this week when I am back to regular exercise. It's amazing to me how much better I feel now than I did almost four weeks ago! I am eating less than I used to, and I am still losing weight. Woo-hoo! Hang in there gang, we will all be in great shape. Jess _____________________ Banded Oct. 6th Dr. Ortiz Tijuana Start 250, surgery 235, today 222
  4. JWH

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Hi Gang! It's official! Today I only have 99 more pounds to lose! woo-hoo! I no longer have over 100 pounds to lose! I'm so psyched. Jess ____________ Banded )ct. 6th Dr. Ortiz Tijuana, Mexico
  5. JWH

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    The hunger drove me crazy the first two weeks. I am now 3 weeks out and unless I skip a meal, I am not hungry. I think it is because I am eating more calories. I do not go over 1200 calories. That's my ceiling. It has made a huge difference, though, in my energy level and it has reduced my hunger considerably. I am also keeping it high Pro, veggies and no breads or cereals. That has helped a lot, too. Hang in there new bandees, it does get better, I promise. Jess ______________ banded Oct. 6th Dr. Ortiz Tijuana
  6. JWH

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Hi All! How is everyone? The boards are kind of quiet, is there a lot of gas going around? Hang in there, it does get better. My heating pad was tremendously helpful for that for me. And so was walking around. I am so excited! I have two more pounds to lose and then I will have less than 100 pounds total to lose! Which is kind of sad when you think about it, but I am thrilled nonetheless. Take care everybody, Jess
  7. JWH

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    The follow up on my chest pain is: I did call my doctor and it is normal. I wonder how long it takes to stop hurting. Good news: cleared to swim! Yea! I watched Biggest Loser last night and I was very impressed by the woman who was ousted. She has lost 88 pounds to date and looks phenomenal. She has also run two triathalons. WOW. Someday that will be me, well, maybe not the triathalons. Have you all heard Sharon Osbourne is removing her lapband? Jess __________________ Banded Oct. 6th Dr. Ortiz Tijuana
  8. JWH

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Mary, Congrats! And how great you have no gas pains! Consider yourself very fortunate. Speaking of gas, decaf can give people gas. Call you doctor's office. Jess
  9. JWH

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Hello October Bandees! I have a question for the early bandees, does anyone who was banded at the beginning of the month still have pain? I do. I am assuming this is normal. I discovered if I use the Better than Boullion chicken and a spoonful of organic babyfood mixed vegetables it makes a yummy soup for the early liquid days. I also discovered Unsweetened Chocolate Almond milk. This stuff is great! A little sweetner and it's 45 calories for a nice treat. Protein can be added to make a protein shake as well. I get mushy food at the end of this week! Yea! Good luck to all our upcoming bandees and congrats to the ones who have made it through. Jess
  10. JWH

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Hi Purtynailz, Usually 8 hours before surgery the patient gets nothing, not even water. With Dr. Ortiz I was told to stop eating and drinking by midnight the night before. Hope this helps Jess
  11. JWH

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Hello All! Boy , I'm away for a day or two and I miss a lot! 38 of us banded so far and more on the way? Is that right? Wow! Quick post for me today. Ok, skin beginning to get loose, not really pretty. Plus, it'll get worse. My weight loss has slowed down, but I am feeling better. A lot better! Jess
  12. JWH

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Hi All! I am very excited to see weight loss and progress from everyone! Way to go! Good job Joanne! Today I had kind of a bad day. No energy, just needed to sit and be still. Kind of depressed even though I'm losing weight because I can't move around like I want to. Oh, well, it's surgery, so this shouldn't surprise me. The good news is the pain is much, much less.
  13. JWH

    So CAL Bandsters

    Does anyone still look at this site? CHULA VISTA here! Jess ______________ banded 10/06/06 Dr. Ortiz, Tijuana Start 250, surgery 235
  14. JWH

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    TICKERS tickerfactory.com follow the directions use the img code copy and paste (And I finally figured out how to get to my private messages on this site)
  15. JWH

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Ok, whoever wants to send me an IM or private message has to talk me through it b/c I can't figure it out. Sorry. My email is spiraltime@gmail.com
  16. JWH

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    By the way, I forgot to mention AWESOME! That is huge! Congrats Pistol! And Congratulations to our most recent bandees as well! Cute ticker Kayleesmom. Jess
  17. JWH

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Hello All! Joanne, I see we are band buddies, Yea! Good job on the 10lbs, WOW! I lost most of my weight pre-op. I have lost 6 pounds since the 6th, but that's because I can't eat. Another pound lost today. I have never lost weight this fast before. It must be the no-eating plus the body ramps up the metabolism to heal. I started my Protein shakes again today. I definitely feel better having more protein than just the broth. So, gas pains or tummy spasms for these momentary jolts of pain? I can't help but wonder if my stomach isn't simply objecting. Aza, I am glad you will not drive yourself home on the second day. I also wish there was someone who would go with you. On my second day I could still barely move around. I am in the small minority for complications, but thank god I had a friend with me. Be very careful and keep us posted so we know you're okay. My oldest daughter, who is in college, sent me beautiful yellow roses. Her card says: "Mom, I can't wait to start borrowing more than just your shoes." I am so touched and so motivated. Jess _________ Banded 10/06 Dr. Ortiz Tijuana 250 start /235 at surgery
  18. JWH

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Hey All! Banded Oct. 6th, this is my 4th day out as well, and feeling a bit human again! The gas pain seems to be gone. However, I have this random pain in the upper abdomen that spreads into the chest. I can't figure out if it is the band on the stomach causing this pain, or I am kidding myself and it's still more gas. The big news: NO MORE NAUSEA! Yahoo! Anyhow, took a shower, dressed in real clothes, went shopping to get my daughter foundation garments for Homecoming, did dishes, walked dogs. It's almost like I'm a real person again! Eating is still a bit of a problem, liquids, dollop of yogurt, half of a little cup of applesauce, broth and about a 1/3 cup of very diluted cream of wheat. It literally took me all day long to get that much in. This must be what anorexics do. I guess that's what we paid for. Good news is, another pound gone, woo-hoo! Jess
  19. JWH

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. My doctor explained that a hiatal hernia is where the stomach slips up toward the esphogas. My doctor said if he encounters them, he simply repairs them. He said the repair is not major. I feel as if a truck hit me and I am sore. It may be from the hernia repair or simply from the surgery itself. Hang in there! Jess
  20. JWH

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    HI Gang! Well, my surgery went smoothly, my recovery very rocky. I was nauseous. I am still nauseous. I had violent upchuck episodes with nothing in my tummy. Fortunately the band did not slip. That TV thing is a trip. But it was reassuring to see the band in place and watch it work. It gave me a greater understanding of how it works and how to use it as a tool to lose weight. However, may I recommend, if you can avoid it, not throwing up immediately after abdominal surgery. I was very jealous of other people in the same clinic, banded on the same day, popping up out of bed, walking around, taking showers, going on sightseeing tours. I can tell you my reaction was the only minority. The doctors think it may be because they gave me too much medication. Or I am prone to sea-sickness (I am) and they moved my stomach which brought it on, or a reaction to anesthesia, or they just don't know. I am not on any pain medication at all since the day after surgery. Also, not recommended. Little by little I feel less nauseous, I feel stronger, I am able to walk more. The gas pain is horrible. It feels like I broke an upper rib. The breathing inspire trainer helps A LOT with the gas. USE IT! The deeper I breathe, the better I feel. I know by next week I will feel much better. It is the third day after surgery and I am sooo hungry. broth is not doing it for me. I hate popsicles. I am not a big juice fan either. But I have lost 4 pounds from starving. Who knew it was so easy to lose weight! ;> Congrats to new banders! Jess _______________ Banded Oct. 6th Dr. Ortiz 250/235 at surgery
  21. JWH

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    THREEBEAUTIES: I have told more people than I actually wanted to tell. I am not sharing with everyone. The people I have told are the ones who most share my life or those I usually share meals with because my eating has already changed and it will never go back to what it was (Thank God). I felt those people needed to know so that they wouldn't be waiting for my "diet" to end as it has so many times before in the past. Eventually, probably everyone wil know. I'm not keeping it secret, I just don't want to have the "discussions" with everyone. It seems as if everyone has an opinion or a story to share. Foregoing that was the biggest motivation for generally keeping it to myself. Jess ________________________ weight at start: 250 weight at surgery:235 (unless I lose a pound overnight) goal weight 125 band date: 10/06/06 Dr. Ortiz Tijuana, Mx
  22. JWH

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Shelleybeans, KayleesMom, Chrispygal CONGRATULATIONS! :clap2: I am so thrilled and happy for you. I am so proud of how well you've done so far! EXCELLENT!! Your stories actually brought tears to my eyes. And they help me to be calm and stay excited. Thank you for sharing. Tomorrow morning is my time to join the club. Since I'll be in Mexico, I am not sure when I'll be posting. However, I'm bringing my laptop and if there's wifi, I'll post ASAP! :bandit Jess ________________________ weight at start: 250 weight at surgery:235 (unless I lose a pound overnight) goal weight 125 band date: 10/06/06 Dr. Ortiz Tijuana, Mx
  23. JWH

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    CONGRATULATIONS CHRISPYGAL!! Woo-hoo! I hope Shelleybeans had as problem free a go of it as you did. Maybe if you keep your feet up when you are lying down the gas shoulder pain won't be so bad. At least, that's what I remember from my two other abdominal surgeries with gas used to expand the abdominal cavity. Ok, feeling a little nervous, I go in on Friday. I am excited, though. I have the same problems with IV's. For me, the IVs really are the worse part. Jess
  24. JWH

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    I hate the liquid diet but I am sticking to it. Part of what makes me heavy is I don't have the self-control other's do with food. Also, I need to lose as much weight as possible before surgery for health reasons and to make the surgery more successful. So I am proud of myself for sticking to this! Plus, it works, lost another pound.
  25. JWH

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Hey Gang, So I'm on this liquid diet that is very low in calories: 3 shakes per day and salad. I am felt a little light-headed after yoga today. Anybody else feeling lightheaded on the liquid diet? Anyone else exercising? What kinds of exercise are you doing? 5 day count down to banding! Jess

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