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slow but works

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by slow but works

  1. slow but works

    12 Days Post Op and still starving!

    DO NOT WORRY! I had no restriction in the beginning either. You may not begin to lose weight until after several fills (depending on how much they fill you at a time). I was hungry that first month too. Frankly, I ate. Dont eat the twix bars though. Eat liquid food. Drink the protein shake. I assume they gave you some. If you drink enough protein you will feel better. Have some cream soup. Try some cottage cheese. I promise you will feel better if you drink enough protein drink. Do not expect to lose all your weight right away. It takes time. The process is slow. Do not worry if you do not lose any weight at all in the beginning or even if you gain a few pounds. There will be time enough for losing when you heal from the surgury.

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