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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by HappyMom

  1. Oh I envy you!!!!

    I have had two fills (the third is scheduled for this afternoon) and I can eat pretty much anything that I want.....and as much as I want! No matter how much I eat I still don't feel full.

    After my first two fills I felt a little 'tightness'. A few days later my stomach would relax and go back to feeling pretty much nothing. Maybe that is what you are experiencing? Maybe your stomach will relax a little and loosen things up a bit? Either way, you are now able to eat the volume that my dietitian has all along said we were supposed to eat, 1/2 cup of food per meal. I just never believed her since I can scarf down a lot of food if I allowed myself!

    Either way, I really hope that I reach some sort of restriction after today's fill. I am dying to have some restriction to limit my food intake.

    Again, I envy you restriction!!!

  2. I have BCBS and was also only allowed outpatient surgery. I didn't have any problems with the surgery. I was wheeled in for surgery at 10 am and was actually walking out of the hospital at 12:15! I REALLY wanted to go home!

    My surgeon said that all of his surgeries are on an outpatient basis. He said that only his highest risk patients are ever anticipated to spend the night in the hospital and be monitored during recovery. He said that if a patient is having problems after surgery they will be admitted and stay longer, but that only happens in 1 out of 20 cases for him.

    Good luck to you! Don't worry about the 23-hour limit. If you are truly having issues after your surgery you won't be kicked out of the hospital. I am sure that your insurance will pay for additional time if your doctor deems it necessary.

  3. I also have PCOS, type II diabetes, and low thyroid. Both my Surgeon and Endocrinologist support my getting the band. I was warned ahead of time that I might be a slower loser opting for the band over other weight loss methods. I was not at a point in my life where I considered bypass surgery. The only surgery that I wanted was the band.

    I have only had two fills so far (third is scheduled for this afternoon) and I have lost a total of 46-lbs in about 4 months. I am not restricted as of yet and have lost the weight due to sheer willpower. I am hoping that the next couple of fills will help me out a bit!

    Please have patience with the process. PCOS will definitely slow down your weight loss but that doesn't mean that we won't eventually get there!

    I too took Metformin and Januvia prior to surgery. Immediately before surgery I went off both medicines...under the guidance of my Endo. Since the surgery my 2-hour after meal sugars readings are great, but my morning fasting number has begun to creep up. She has put me back on the Januvia which I take before I go to bed. This has made a great difference in my morning fasting numbers.

    Talk to your Endo and see what he/she recommends.

  4. I really enjoy the ThinkThin Protein bars. They have 20-grams of Protein. I am diabetic and the bars do not cause any weird rise in my blood sugar (unlike some others on the market). I actually think that I read somewhere that they were originally developed for diabetics.

    You really have to watch some of the 'protein' bars on the market. Some label themselves as protein bars but they really don't have much protein in them. I figure if I am going to use 200 calories on a bar I had better get a good amount of protein and a good flavor. My band is tight in the morning so I eat one for Breakfast every day. They go down really easily for me.

    Here is the website for all the nutritional information:

    think Thin: Protein Bars, Weight Loss Bars, Nutrition Bars

    I purchase my bars at Trader Joe's for about $1.60 per bar.

    Good luck!

  5. Take a deep breath and relax! You still have 11 days before your surgery so you still have time to effectively perform your pre-op diet.

    I would start from right now following your doctors instructions. Do not divert and try some other diet that he didn't recommend. Since he has specifically given you a diet to follow you should heed his advice.....especially since he is the one that will be opening you up and performing major surgery!!!!

    I am not sure what your doctor has specifically asked you to do, but you did state that he asked for no more than 20-grams of carbs a day. Your grapefruit juice has approximately 23-grams of carbs per 8-oz serving and you are drinking 3 servings a day for a total of around 75-grams of carbs....just in your juice!

    Every doctor has different requirements for their patients. You will find on this board some people that didn't have to perform a pre-op diet, and some like me that were only allowed 3 Protein shakes a day. PLEASE stick to what your surgeon is recommending. Like I said, he is the one performing your surgery and knows what he wants you to do in preparation for the big event.

    Again, take a deep breath and just start over from right now. I am certain that if you stick to what your doctor recommends you will be in great shape for your surgery!

    Congrats on your surgery in just 11 days!!

  6. hey happy mom-did u have surgery yet? at lovelace? any stories to share? i start my preop on the 5th....w/surgery on the 19th.........and also a bcbs (of nm) patient.

    Hi there - I had a great experience being banded at Lovelace. Which surgeon is performing your banding......Dr. Smith or Dr. Sanchez? The staff at Lovelace is fantastic and I couldn't have asked for anything better.

    I really wish you luck with your pre-op diet. It was a killer, but the time really seemed to go by quickly. Please send me a personal message if you have any questions about Lovelace or the banding process itself. I would be so happy to share my experiences! Good luck!

  7. I have Anthem BCBS of California and I was pleasantly pleased with how smooth the approval and coverage process has been for me.

    I had approval within 6 working days and wasn't required to have any supervised diet or any other testing. The only requirements were a BMI of +40 or a BMI of +35 with 2 co-morbidities. I qualified with the lower BMI and diabetes and high blood pressure.

    I spoke in length to the insurance coordinator for my surgeon about approval situations and differences in insurance comapnies. He stated that even if he had two people with Anthem BCBS each would have different requirements due to restrictions put upon them by their employers. I was lucky that my employer had absolutely no restrictions pertaining to weight loss surgery. I was covered under the general BCBS guidelines. Another person that was trying to get surgery at the same time as me also had BCBS. She was denied because her employer put in a specific clause not to cover weight loss surgery. I guess that it saves the company money to eliminate certain benefits for their employees. Kind of blows if you ask me.

    It sounds like you will have an easy time of it since you know that your employer now allows the surgery under Anthem BCBS. I really wish you luck with your approval and please keep us posted!

    • Who did you guys tell?

    I have only told my husband...and of course my doctor. I just don't feel comfortable telling anyone else about the surgery right now. I haven't even told my mom whom I speak with almost every day.

    • What are you regrets about not telling?

    At first I felt a little lonely not being able to discuss the surgery with anyone else other than my husband. I realized that even if I had told my family and friends they wouldn't really understand. No one else that I know has had weight loss surgery. I have found a local support group that meets once a month. I have actually made some new friends through this group and have them for support now.

    • What are your regrets about telling?

    I chose not to tell because I was unsure how people would react. I am self conscience about my weight and I really didn't want others to be discussing my weight and progress amongst themselves. I also wasn't sure of some of theirs reaction to hearing that I had weight loss surgery. I felt 100% confident that I was making the right choice for me.....I didn't want to have to defend that choice to someone else.

    • What's the purpose of telling?

    If you tell you may find that your friends and family will be really supportive. I sometimes feel that I underestimate my family and friends by me saying that I really don't want to deal with their reactions to my surgery. They may be great. I have to admit that it is nice to keep the surgery just between my husband and myself. I don't want the added pressure of everyone watching my progress.

    • Should I wait for results then tell?

    I have mentioned to my husband that I may let on about the surgery once I come close to my target weight. I just don't know. I guess that I will decide when I get there!

    • Are you able to eat in front of people without having to explain your eating habits? What do you say to explain them?

    I have no problem eating in front of anyone. I just have to be conscience about the size of the bit that I take and how much I chew. No one has ever voiced a suspicion about me having surgery.

    If you are having questions about to tell or not to tell, my advice is probably not to tell. Once you say something to even one friend or family member PLEASE expect that everyone else will find out. If you are not comfortable with everyone knowing then don't say anything. I am lucky that I have my husband to help me. He has been absolutely fantastic and has not and will not tell anyone else about my surgery until I am ready. My family is really close so if I had chosen to tell my mom then she would tell my dad who would let it slip to my sister who then would announce it to everyone at the annual family picnic!

    Good luck to you!

  8. I had that same tight feeling the first couple of weeks after banding. Once the swelling goes down you will be able to drink a lot more and faster. That uncomfortable pressure feeling in your mid-chest will ease up and swallowing will be much easier.

    My surgeon told me to not worry about stretching the 'pouch' in the beginning. He said that a 'pouch' does not actually exist until you are restricted. Until that point everything is just passing through to the lower stomach. I am definitely not advocating that you eat an entire pizza to test this theory, but I wouldn't worry about liquid stretching anything. I am very firm about keeping my foods to the recommended quantity, but I do guzzle a lot of Water and iced tea during the day.

    I am so like nursesandy in that I need to a certain amount of calories to lose weight. When I eat too few my body goes into a starvation mode and doesn't let go of any weight. You would think that eating 300 calories would make you lose weight, but for me it really doesn't!

    Good luck to you!

  9. This is just a suggestion......

    You may want to substitute your Special K bar and Cereal for something more Protein packed. The Protein will keep you feeling fuller longer. If you like the convenience of bars you should try a Protein Bar that has 20+ grams of protein in it. The strawberry Special K ones only have 1 gram of protein, 18 grams of carbs, and 9 grams of sugar (I am/was diabetic and am concerned about the sugar content).

    I love the convenience of protein bars! I have gone through many different ones until I found one that tasted good and was filling. Mine has 20 grams of protein and I am able to stay satisfied after eating them for 3-4 hours.

    Just stick with it. You are doing well and will do even better after a couple of fills! I am hoping for this for myself too!

  10. I agree with btrieger.....you need to try to take in more calories. I was just like you and wasn't consuming more than 300-calories a day during the first couple of weeks. My metabolism just stopped and I lost very little the first 3 weeks after banding.

    Don't worry about you not being hungry.....your appetite will definitely return after a month or so!

  11. I am with you about the Protein shakes. I cannot bring myself to drink another one! I now try to get my Protein in my eating eggs (usually just the whites), lean meats, and supplementing with Protein Bars.

    I researched online and one day found an article listing what they thought was the best low-carb high-protein bars. I went and purchased 8 different kind of bars and tried them all. Some of them were hideous, but I have found a brand that is not too bad tasting and doesn't spike my blood sugar (hence the low carb/sugar).

    The article stated that when choosing a Protein Bar it should have 20+ grams of protein, less than 230 calories, have less than 20-grams of total carbs, and less than 5 grams of 'net' carbs. This 'net' carbs thing is a bit of a mystery for me, but I did chose one that actually had the term 'net' carbs on the front of the bar. I am Type II diabetic (not on any medication anymore but still monitor my blood sugars daily) and I haven't noticed any adverse effects of eating the bars.

    I would recommend trying some of the Protein Bars out there. Just be cautious about what bars you choose. Some of them are labeling themselves as protein bars and they only have 5-7 grams of protein in them! I cannot waste my limited calories on eating something that isn't going to be beneficial to me!

    Good luck to you in your Quest to find another source of protein!

  12. I am right there with you. I was banded 3 months ago and I have had two fills. I have not reached restriction yet and I am HUNGRY!!!

    I lost very little the first month of banding. I couldn't believe that I went through with the surgery and I still couldn't lose weight. I was educated enough before to know that with restriction comes weight loss. I read all about Bandster Hell on this forum and thought that I was prepared....whoo, it is much harder than I thought!

    I have finally started to lose weight by basically going back to the basics....diet and exercise. I have limited myself to 1000-calories, +80-g Protein, and an hour of exercise a day. This is the only way that I have found to lose weight.

    I have to maintain a strict control on my calories since I am not restricted yet. If I wanted to I could eat the same volume of food that I could pre-band without ever feeling that 'full' feeling. I know that I will eventually reach restriction after receiving another few fills. I cannot wait for that day to come!

    Don't give up on the process. We will eventually reach restriction! Good luck to you!

  13. Hi there! I was banded just two weeks after you, I am 12 weeks out.

    That is fantastic that you are doing well on one fill. I have had two and am anxiously awaiting my third which will be administered mid July. Hunger has been my constant companion these last 8 weeks or so!

    I don't see a difference in myself, but others have commented. I have heard that it is harder for you to change your mental perception of yourself than it is to change your physical appearance. I just can't get out of the fat mindset.

    I have been upping my exercise and have really noticed a difference. Normal daily activities just aren't as hard as they used to be. I am very happy about that. The greatest news of all is that I am off of all my diabetes medication! Whoo-hoo! My blood pressure is lower and I am doing really well! Great job band!....and me too!

    I put on a swimsuit for the first time in 20 years...yikes! I made myself sign my little boys up for swimming lessons all summer long. Since my youngest is just 24 months I have to go in the Water with him. I am constantly wondering if people are staring at me. I know that I need to get over this, but how do you?

    You take care and I am really excited that we are both doing well. Again, I am jealous about you not being hungry!

  14. Sorry...I know that this is posted in the Men's Room but I also had a lot of questions about this topic too.

    I was also told prior to surgery that I will only be able to eat about 1/2-cup of food per meal, and that my new pouch wouldn't accept anymore than that amount. They stressed that you should eat slowly until you feel 'full' and then stop.

    I have had two fills since surgery and I am able to eat as much as I could preband if I chew it all well....not that I allow myself to do that. I have yet to feel that 'full' feeling no matter how much, or what, I eat. I have not come across a specific food that I can't consume.

    I asked my surgeon during my last fill if I am doing damage to my pouch if I am able to eat more than the 1/2-cup recommended. My surgeon looked at my pouch and band under flouro and said that everything is just fine. He explained that since I have not yet reached restriction the well chewed food is just passing through the band and not staying up in the pouch.....actually a 'pouch' doesn't really exist until you reach restriction.

    It is comforting to know that I will SOMEDAY be restricted and feel that 'full' feeling. I can't wait to be able to eat a 1/2-cup meal and actually feel satisfied. Hunger is my constant companion!

  15. My little guy was about 22 months when I was banded. I was also told that I couldn't lift anything heavier than 10-lbs.....well he is 25-lbs.

    I told my surgeon about the kiddo and he said that it should be o.k. after the second day. If I ever noticed any shooting pain or my incisions were to open I would have to stop and call him immediately. I had to lift him the next day after surgery (husband had to go to work and the little guy needs his pants changed). I kept my back/stomach straight and didn't extend him outwards from my body which causes your stomach muscles to flex. I had no problem at all.....I also have had 2 c-sections so I was used to the lifting after surgery thing.

    Good luck to you and take it easy if you can. If you feel any sort of pain please contact your doctor.

  16. I think that you not having a pre-op diet is probably some of why you are hungry now. The pre-op diet that I had to go through was really restrictive and pretty much flushed the carbs form my system. I was told that your body goes into ketosis after a few days of not getting carbs. You hunger will diminish and your headache will go away. I lost my 'I want to eat anything that is not strapped down' feeling around day 4 or 5 of my pre-op diet. I was one of the lucky ones that didn't have any appetite after being banded for about 4 weeks.

    Please try to stick with what your doctor has prescribed for you. You stomach just got a heck of a shock with the surgery and needs time to repair itself before it is tasked with processing solid food. In the long run, the liquid diet will help your stomach heal. Another good thing is that you are going to lose a bunch of weight with the liquid diet!!!

    About restriction - I just had my second fill this week and still do not have any kind of restriction. I can pretty much eat anything that I want and in any quantity that I want (bad me!). I was told that restriction is a process that will occur over several fills. My doctor tries to get his patients there slowly so they learn to eat better (chewing & quantity). Most people that you talk to will not experience any restriction just due to the surgery....only the lucky ones!!

    Good luck with your recovery!

  17. I have been banded for about 2.5 months. I have yet to run across something that I can't eat. I last suppered myself all over town the week before my pre-op diet. I probably packed on 5-lbs just gorging myself on my favorite foods and feeling sad about never being able to eat them again.

    Since I have been banded I have actually been back to most of my favorite restaurants. I am not really restricted (2nd fill yesterday) and I can eat just about anything if I chew really well. The bonus of it is that I take half of it home now and get to enjoy it again the next day!

    The only thing that I was told specifically not to have is CARBONATION (i.e. soda, beer, etc). I really miss soda. I do not drink coffee so my soda was my addiction. I am now addicted to diet Lipton Green Tree with Citrus. It doesn't satisfy my carbonation fix, but it does help me get over soda.

    Don't worry about not being able to enjoy all your favorites. You still may be able to....especially before you have reached restriction. The good thing is that you will be eating slower and in smaller quantities.

    Good luck to you all with your surgery!

  18. I do not think that anyone that has undergoes lapband surgery is taking the 'easy' way out! The surgery is pretty daunting, the recovery can be a real pain in the shoulder (!), and you have to be very conscience of what foods you eat and how you chew for the rest of your life. Banding is not taking the easy way out.

    I have worked to lose every one of those pounds listed on my tracker. I have not yet reached any form of restriction and have relied on pure will power not to eat like I had before.

    Getting the band doesn't automatically mean that you are going to lose weight. Anyone on this site will tell you that it is easy to actually gain weight after you are banded. It is up to us to make good choices about food and exercise. The band does not automatically do that for us. If you do not change your lifestyle and mental mindset the band will not be an effective tool.

    Please don't think of yourself as a failure. I think that we all have chosen banding as way to be healthy and happier in life. Choosing health is not a failing.

    Blow off the article and everyone else who says that you are cheating. You, and all of us banded, know that we are bettering our health and our lives. What is cooler than that?

  19. Ruth -

    You look absolutely fantastic! I really hope to be where you are within the next year or two!

    I am really glad that your slip was able to be fixed with an unfill. I am really fearful of having a problem with my band. The recovery from my surgery was a bit rough and I definitely don't want to do it again!!!

    Thanks again for sharing your story!


  20. Thanks for the update! I am very glad that you didn't have too hard of a time with your surgery. Isn't it a wonderful feeling to have smaller breasts?

    I remember sitting in the plastic surgeons office and speaking with two younger girls who where there to get enlargements. I just couldn't believe that someone actually wanted to go from a B or C up to a D+ cup! On purpose even!

    I have never once regretted having reduction surgery!

    You take care and I hope that you continue healing well!

  21. I have thyroid and PCOS problems. Those along with Type II diabetes and HBP really took a toll on my body. I have been dealing with the PCOS since I was around 30. The rest of the medical issues surfaced due to my 2nd pregnancy at age 36. My diabetes specialist has stated that people with PCOS do have a harder time losing and maintaining weight loss. She was really on board with me having the lapband surgery to give me an edge with weight loss management.

    I have always exercised and I truly 'thought' that I was eating well. Before I was banded I started using FitDay.com and logging my foods. I was a bit amazed at the quantity and calories that I was eating. I guess that I was unaware of my portion sizes and my random bites of this and that throughout the day. I think for me it really did come down to the random bites from the kids Snacks or meal plates.

    I would suggest that you use a tool like FitDay or WWonline to log your foods for a couple of weeks. Be completely honest with what actually goes into your mouth. Weigh your foods and measure your portions. If you find that you are actually eating within a healthy calorie limit then maybe the band won't be too beneficial for you.

    I have been banded for about 2.5 months and have lost around 38 pounds. It seems that I am a slower loser than most others that have posted on here....about 18 pounds of that came during the pre-op liquid stage. I am happy with my weight loss and am working to find a balance between exercise and food quantities. Even with my PCOS I am steadily losing weight. I hope that the band will be my answer to actually keeping off the pounds that I am working so hard to lose!

    I really wish you good luck with your decision to get, or not get, the band!

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