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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Tracy1976

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 09/07/1976
  1. Happy 36th Birthday Tracy1976!

  2. Tracy1976

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    WOW!!! :sad: Well done!! You must be extatic!!! What an inspiration!! Good luck with the next few pounds...hope to hear you hit your next goal soon!! :frown: xxx
  3. Tracy1976

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Morning Jojo I don't have a goal weight as such....just would love to be a size 12/14.....so I have a LONG way to go lol:laugh: I'm aiming for another stone before Easter cos I'm coming back to the UK for easter holidays and would love to show them all what I can achieve!! Will PM you more details... xxxx :frown:
  4. Tracy1976

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    :thumbup: well done on your weight loss hun!! I had mine out 10 days post op...there are stitches in all wounds hun! It didn't hurt at all so don't worry about it! :wink2: xxx
  5. Tracy1976

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    JB...oh no hun....fancy falling!! Make sure you rest up until those ribs are healed. Maybe once you're up and walking around the weight will start coming off too!! Keep in touch and let me know how you go!! Sending lots of nursy hugs and good vibes to feel better!! xxx Paul Thank you, its the nurse in me that makes me not want to be a 'patient' and get on with things....I don't take kindly to being 'ill'!! I can manage 2 sessions of 10 mins on the cross trainer.....not major exercise! Don't get me wrong, the first few days are uncomfortable, especially round my port site and drain site, but I managed with paracetamol and found it easier to be on my feet pottering round than sat in a chair (my 2 yr old helped with that too!!)....and the bed??? that was the worst for me as I'm a side/tummy sleeper! I was sleeping on my side from night 2 using a pillow on the left hand side to support my tummy...used it until a few nights ago! Someone also suggested to me to buy one of those support belts for your stomach, you know like weight lifters wear, which holds things tight and helps if you're sore! I managed without but a friend of mine bought one and swore by it! Have you tried the post office for euros? When we come home to the UK we use it as we've always gotton a better exchange rate (I live in germany with my soldier hubby!) xx Jojo, great weight loss babe!! :thumbup:) I was the same when I tried thicker food! Thought it was stuck lol! I'm now on mashed things and find it a lot better as I actually feel realy full, where as with the liquids was never totally 'full'! Hope the pain subsides soon hun xx
  6. Tracy1976

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi JB Have clicked on which one you are!!! :wink2: I was also banded the 5th by Dr C...went down after you!! I've lost 18lb since the band was fitted but have been exercising and have to admit that I started pureed food after a week cos I was so bored of soup and slimfast shakes! Have had a dabble with a bit of salmon too...don't seem to have much restriction so was gonna go for a fill this week, but have decided against it until next month! Bought a cross trainer so been using that and generally feeling fab! Maybe you're not eating enough hun....maybe by having some pureed food it'll kick start your weight loss!! Have you been steering clear of high fat milk, yoghurt etc? How's it all been going in general? Are you still in the UK, or have you gone back to India? Lotsa loves xxx :thumbup:
  7. Tracy1976

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    lol Cankster...not at all sore or swollen anymore, wounds all healed nicely and I'm raring to do some exercise....bloody 6inches of snow and ice still so no walking for now! :thumbdown: Have decided to take your advice, and am going to wait until April....off to buy a crosstrainer this weekend I think as still can't use the rowing machine apparently! :thumbdown: I knew I could rely on you lot to give me some advice!! x x x x Hows it going Cankster? Did the girlfriend do her nursing duties well? Lie I said, I'm all healed (outside anyway) and raring to begin a slimer life! Have lost 17.5lb in the 2 weeks so fairly chuffed although its defo slowed down now I'm on puree and not just liquids!! xx
  8. Tracy1976

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Morning all Just looking for a wee bit of advice/reassurance!! I was banded on the 5th Feb and am considering going to Brussels on the 27th Feb for my first fill....3 weeks post op....do you think its too soon? Dr Chris is on holiday this week but have emailed Frederik who said he thinks it would be fine! Although 2 other women I know with bands have said its far too soon and I might get erosion if I push it too soon...apprehensive or what?!?!? I can't get down in March as my hubby (in the army) is away on exercise, and I didn't really want to wait til April....what do you think?? We live in Germany thats why I'll be going to Brussels, and its a 4-5hour car drive so don't really want to do it on my own with 2 kids in tow!! Thanks in advance, hope you're all well!! xxxx
  9. Tracy1976

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey all Just a quickie to say good luck to all you people off to be banded :biggrin: I'm nearly a week post op and feeling bloody fantastic!!! Lost 12lb...I know its gonna slow down but hoping not for a week or 2 yet as I have so much to loose! Still on liquid diet, having stitces out on Monday so think I'm going to start puree then too!! Oh the thought of ready brek makes me drool!! lol Hope everyone is well, and hope you're feeling better Cankster!! Was lovely meeting you and you answering all my worries!! :thumbup: Lotsa loves xxx Oh and I agree....go for the taxi and hotel package, saves so much messing around once you're there!!! xx
  10. Tracy1976

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    WOOHOOOOOOO I'm a bandster!!!!!! :thumbup::thumbup: A bit sore still but not half as bad as I thought!!! Met Cankster the first morning I got here and saw his war wounds and he told me al the inns and outs which was great!!! There were 4 of us from the UK getting done together yesterday which was nice...all had a las meal together and several glasses of wine...then visited by Chris Deprez in our rooms for a quick chat and money handing over etc...hotel clean and not too bad size wise, food expensive, shops near by, hospital very clean and excellent nurses...Dr Chris lovely....tells you all good and bad stuff, Frederik also lovely!! A bit sore so not gonna go into details...lemme know if you need any advice on anything etc though. Thanks for all the well wishes...roll on 4am when the axi pick us up and off home we go in a jet plane!!!:ohmy: xxx
  11. Tracy1976

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey all This is more than likely my last post as a non bandster!! :thumbup: I'm off tomorrow morning at 4am to catch my flight to Brussels from this cold, snowy german place I am living in at the min!! I wish sometimes that I was back in the UK (roll on April til we visit home!!) cos this snow is driving me insane! I'm terrified they're gonna cancel my flights tomorrow!! Banding on Friday :smile2: then home again Sunday! How nervous but excited am I now?!?!?!?! lol Thank you all for your wisdom and advice pre op...will be picking your brians post op I'm sure! Hopefully no more kasepimmels (german for a cheesy mans bits) will come trying to put down all those people who are a great network of support for us newbies!! Thanks again all......you made me feel so at ease!! :w00t: xxxx
  12. Tracy1976

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Yes, this is the same for me too...although its my hubby not wife!! I keep telling him that I love him even more for his support through all of this and I think it might have hit home now that I do love him whether I'm a 'larger' woman or slimmer! Silly man!! :)
  13. Tracy1976

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hiya Julie I got the package, straight from Dr Chris (and Frederik) and hotels and taxis are included....was 4150 euros......2 slleps til Brussels then one more to my new life as a bandster!!!! lol 2nd March isn't long away either, woohoo!! in fact 4 weeks today!!! I'll be able to tell you more next week about my experiences! The hotel I'm in is called the Campanile hotel at Vilvoorde and the website addy is www.campanile.com I'm flying over, but as I live in Germany my flights and cost would be no use to you!! Am going with KLM...make sure its BRU on the airport code, there are 4 airports in the vacinity!! Hoping to have a fill the beginning of April cos we're travelling home (back to the UK) to visit our families, and go to Amsterdam to get the ferry so a 2 hour diversion may be on the cards!! Having my fills done in Brussels too cos its only 4/5 hour drive from home (as in my Germany home!!) Yes I'm complicated!! I have 2 homes, my army home (Germany) and my home home in the UK!! lol Enough waffle, will speak soon! Good luck finding travel and hotels...see what the price difference is with Frederik, you might find that its cheaper getting them to book for you!! then you dont have to worry about taxi's from the train/airport either (god knows why this has changed colour at this point! I give up!!) Lotsa loves xxx
  14. Tracy1976

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Good Luck hun, I go Thursday to be banded on Friday...I'm nervous too!! Not sure on how to answer your questions as I haven't been but will be interested in the answers!!! :confused: xxxx
  15. Tracy1976

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi again and sorry for all the questions!! I'm booked in and ready to go for the 5th Feb (next week whoop whoop) and very nervous and excited!! The pre-op diet....is it just low fat and low sugar?? My friend has also given me some milk thistle tablets...are these ok to take? I'm also starting on multi vits as I have a stinking cold and am scared they won't be able to put under anaesthetic with it!! My hubby isn't coming with me as he needs to stay and look after the children...we live in germany as he is in the armed forces so have no family readily available....but hopefully I'm taking my friends if her hubby can get some time off work too! I am so scared that something will go wrong...I'm a born panicker.....also a trained nurse, although haven't practiced for a god few years now, which doesn't help in this situation...knowing too much about what can go wrong!!! Anyway, no more waffling from me! Hope everyone is doing well, both pre and post op! Lotsa loves xxx

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