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About rgdm

  • Rank
  • Birthday 11/11/1956
  1. Happy 56th Birthday rgdm!

  2. 5 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 5th Anniversary rgdm!

  3. rgdm

    A Funny thing Happened to Me...

    You think Black people need to be forgiven for their race and all blond women are stupid?? Well for every nasty thing anyone has ever said or will every say to you, please remember, it is only your Kharma chiming in. Have a nice day.
  4. rgdm

    A Funny thing Happened to Me...

    That's why he's in a scooter. All that anger and nastiness has bottled up in his body and keeps it from functioning. Shake his comments off, like dust from your feet. At least you're doing something positive in order to enhance your health ... he's just smoldering in his own crap and crying out for:help:!!!

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