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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by MaineJackie

  1. When I was researching which surgery was 'right' for me....one of the reasons I took the band was that I felt I would have better long term success. With the RNY, and the fact that you can't eat sweets (without risking dumping syndrome) I thought that would make me feel deprived.

    I think the band has given me control. If I want to have something sweet, I can still have it....but the band has helped with my feeling satisfied with less food, so I am less likely to over eat.

    Can you eat "around" the band? Absolutely. chips, ice cream, Cookies, chocolate....all go down wicked easy. But for some reason I no longer feel like I need to have these......and when I do, I can control my portion size.

  2. I am having a similar issue with my daughter. She is 17 years old...and she is overweight. She has about 40 lbs to lose. And she seems to be putting weight on.

    I am now down to her size and in some things, I am smaller than her......I know this is bothering her. She doesn't want to go to WW or a nutritionist because she "doesn't want to change how she eats".

    It is breaking my heart but I NEED to keep losing for my health. I know she understands that....but at 17 it is hard for her to fully understand.

    I don't talk to my daughter about how much I have lost. And I try to help her make better choices. But overall it is a tough situation.

    My BFF, who is also obese, hasn't been very supportful. She can't have WLS due to certain health issues. And her weight is going up right now.....so while she will acknowledge my successes some of the time, I know she is secretly upset with it.

    Keep up the good work though.....you are doing GREAT.


  3. Due to the potential implication of a port infection....you really need to make sure your doc stays right on top of this. It is sometimes hard to know the difference between an infection and the different things that can go on when an incision heals. There may be a retained stitch, or you may be reacting to the internal stitches, or you could be developing a seroma.....the key is not to mess around.

    I was lucky...I healed without an issue. But I have had other surgeries that have led to infection and intraabdominal abscesses......so I think it is important that you be very careful.

  4. I don't disagree....this is a great forum for connecting with others who are going through, or have faced, the same challenges. However, I do not think it is the place to ask questions relating to something that is very prescriptive from your physician. The specifics of the pre/post op diet vary greatly from physician to physician.

    I think asking others in this forum about how they managed, or suggestions they have, related to what you are going through are appropriate....but asking to fill in the blanks about a very specific guideline from your physician is not appropriate for a public, internet forum.

  5. I don't drink often, but I do go out occasionally. I usually go for a drink that doesn't have a lot of sweet stuff in it....I have aquired a taste for martini's. I only have one.....and while they may be empty calories, they are not every day (or even every week or every month) so I don't lose sleep over it.

    I would avoid carbonation and drinks that are packed with extra stuff that adds the calories.

  6. I am not a smoker but part of the process in my surgeon's office inlcuded the blood test for nicotine. And if it was positive---that was the end of the road.

    The surgeons get copies of your records...they will see if your PCP reported that you were a smoker or not.

    Also...as a nurse, I need to tell you that the recovery for a smoker can be complicated. In addition to the affect on your respiratory status and the risks with anesthesia, post operatively you are at risk for respiratory complications and impaired wound healing.

    Not matter what...do not lie to a doctor.....they are using what you tell them to guide how they care for you and the need accurate and truthful information.

  7. Well, I started this journey wearing a size 26/28.

    Last night, I went closet shopping and pulled out some pants from the WAY back.....well, the 20s are loose and the 18's FIT !!!! :Banane45:

    Plus.....I went shopping the close-out rack tonight and the 14/16 tops fit!

    Wow this feels good......


  8. I just make sure I don't have a drink available. It was difficult to get used to it. I do sometimes take a very small mouthful to wash out my mouth after eating....but this is literally just a sip......and not every meal. (like when I make chili, I just need to get the taste out of my mouth). And usually, I am watching the clock....and an hour after eating, I am having something to drink.

    I admit, when I go out to dinner, I have a "drink" sometimes with my meal. But I sip it...and I find I can't drink much anymore. I have left more in the glass in the last few months than I have ever left behind!

  9. I am still new at all this and learning.....but I haven't had bread since pre-op. This has a lot to do with the effects on overall weight loss mixed with some fear of getting stuck.

    I have eaten Pasta...although a small amount. I can still eat chicken and pork tenderloin but I am finding that I need to really have it moist--I haven't gotten stuck yet, but it definitely feels different if it isn't moist.

    My standby is eggs. It is my quick fix when I don't know what else to make.

    I haven't tried rice. I am avoiding most carbs due to the effects on weight loss.

  10. HI......I am looking for some words of wisdom.....

    My best friend is also obese. She cannot have WLS for a variety of reasons. She is also more concerned about appearances and fashion etc than I am.

    Well.....as I am losing weight, she has been gaining weight. And while she is supportive....she doesn't go out of her way to offer me any encouragement or accolades.

    I feel selfish for feeling this way. I know she is unhappy with her ballooning weight......but I guess I would love for my BFF to acknowlegde how well I am doing.....

  11. HI...congrats on your progress so far! You are doing great!

    You are in the phase, often referred to as "Bandster Hell". Once you start getting fills you will start to see the scale move again. This phase will pass.....my surgeon told me that was when I needed to focus most on developing new eating habits (like chewing chewing chewing....small bites etc). So far, my surgeon has been right on track!

    Keep up the great work. :lol:


  12. Happy New Year everyone!

    I enjoyed the last version of this thread---great idea to start it again.

    Life here is good! My most recent fill (now at 4.5cc) this week is working well. I am losing weight again....and feeling satisfied for 3-5 hours after eating. Keeping my fingers crossed that this lasts for a while. I already have my next fill scheduled in 3 weeks, just in case......small adjustments from here on out.

    Enjoy the holiday everyone!


  13. I can't wait to be able to buy some classy business attire. I hate that they think all fat, tall women like bright or floral prints. I want a classic cut suit. With a nice plain silk blouse. All the plus sized blouses are embellished with something hokey.

    I am down from a 26/28 to a (loose) 22 right now. I have issues with my belly......I had emergency abdominal surgery in May...complicated by 3 abdominal abscesses, requiring drains etc......so my belly is mis-shapen and lopsided. I don't anticipate it shrinking much and already know I will need a panniculectomy. But I suppose that is what they make Spanx for !!!!!

    I need to have surgery on my foot....I have been putting it off because I couldn't imagine hauling this fat ass around on crutches for 30 days. I can't wait to have the surgery because I can then buy nice shoes.....surgery is in the spring......sexy shoes by mid summer.

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