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Posts posted by MaineJackie

  1. I am sorry you are having such a hard time and I hope you find some relief soon. But I think you should tell your doctor the truth. The prolonged vomiting may have caused damage and the doctor needs all the accurate information to treat you appropriately.


  2. Well, the scale hasn't moved for a few weeks....in either direction (which I consider a good thing!!!)

    There are a few things that I think have impacted it:

    1) my dad, who lives with me, was really sick. He is now home and I found myself cooking more meat and potatoe type dishes so he would eat. I didn't eat the potatoes but I didn't make the best choices.

    2) i have slacked on exercising.....the weather is breaking now in Maine so I hope to be able to start walking in the next week or two. My surgeon doesn't like walking (says it is inefficient) but I think it is better than nothing.....

    3) I was severely severely constipated.......and I tried to eat differently to make that better......

    Any ways....I am not overly upset with this...I know I can get it back on track.

    I pushed my fill back two weeks because for the first time, I have had that "behind the breastbone" sensation that so many talk about.....not stuck....just not overly comfortable. I wanted to re-frame my mind about chewing etc before I added more to the band.

    There is no rhyme or reason to this post......just staying connected.

  3. I don't necessarily disagree with Spartan. I have made a decision to get healthy and that does not include eating fast food. Salads at these places are loaded with hidden calories!

    Have I been in a bind and had no other options? Yes. But that is the exception. I don't consciously think "Oh, I am going to go to DD today and get ________". My job has me on the road a lot, almost everyday. But I have not been to McD's, Wendy's, DD....since September. I have been able to find alternatives even in podunk Maine. I'll go into a sandwich shop and order a sandwhich, toss the bread and eat the meat and cheese....or get. 1/4 cup of chicken salad.

    I think the point is that for some of us, we can't have the same behaviors we had that led us to be obese in the first place. Many on this board harp about supporting new folks.....and if a newbie reads some of these posts, they may learn how to eat around the band and that it is "okay". Well it may be okay for you, but it isn't for me. I worked too damn hard to get this far (and have a ways to go) to risk my success for some crappy fast food.

    As far as foods getting stuck and then avoiding them....I had haddock last night and I felt it. Man was it uncomfortable! I am going to try again to figure out if I ate to fast and didn't chew enough (which I did!!). But the other day, sugar snap peas got caught up!!!

    Just my opinion........

  4. Had to go shopping tonight for pants for work......one pair that fits, just doesn't cut it......now, having been tall and fat all my life, when I find stuff that fits and looks good, like these black pants, I buy 5 of them so I can go all week without washing.

    Well....I was in Lane Bryant. Where I have HAD to buy my work pants for the last 18 years.....I walk in--go straight to the rack with the pants I like and grabbed a pair........and I fit into a size 16.......I was psyched about that and was excited until I was driving home when all of a sudden, I realized that one more size and I won't be able to buy pants at Lane Bryant anymore. Where the hell do normal sized people buy clothes??????

    I am an XL top now and have thoroughly enjoyed being able to buy tops anywhere.....but the pants got me all in a tizzy :P


  5. My plans for eating out have changed as my restriction has changed. When I had almost no restriction, I could eat any place. Now that I have really good restriction--I need to put some thought into it......I try to go places that have seafood as that is typically a good choice for me. I don't do chinese anymore (or try not to) as there isn't a lot of band friendly foods there. Italian....depends on the place....but worst case scenario--I get an appetizer usually.

    I think the key is.....plan plan plan. if you have to, get the doggie bag first and put 3/4 of it in the container before you start. Do not order bread....go easy on the salad dressing....and skip desert. Order Protein....avoid sauces, pastas....

  6. Hi,

    I am not sure why you are looking into nutrisystem for post op. I would think you would want to try following your surgeon's post op meal plan and see how you do before jumping to something like nutrisystem.

    I had the band, partly because I wanted to be able to live......i have found that the band has enabled me to have control over my portions and succeed "eating like a thin person".

    But...I understand that each of us has to do what we need to succeed.....so good luck in your weight loss efforts!

  7. I first try to figure out if I am truly craving something.....or am I hungry? thirsty? If I can't shake the craving, I will indulge it, but not right away. I will plan on feeding the craving--but later.....in the hopes that the craving goes away. My typical craving is for ice cream. I don't crave others because I try to have something sweet planned into my day and my meal plan for the day.

    I don't crave carbs anymore.....although I am sure, if given the opportunity, I could still at a bag of chips in one sitting.......I just don't give myself the opportunity!!

  8. I don't avoid all sweets. But, I don't keep trigger foods in my house......a bag of Oreos is gone in a day.

    What I find now, is that I don't crave them like I used to......and when I have something sweet, I am satisfied with just a little.

    My "treat" that I do keep in the house is Nature Valley's Dark chocolate Granola Thins. They are only 80 calories (but 11 carbs) however, one of them satisfies me.......

  9. I have had a stressful couple of weeks.....

    I got wicked sick about 2 weeks ago with the respirtory crud that was going around. I unfortunately shared my germs with my 80 year old father (who lives with me). He ended up with pneumonia and in the hospital. He is now home, but on oxygen full time.....and we have home health coming in etc. It is a big change, because although he wasn't the most healthy person around, he was independent and active. Now he is using a walker and hooked up to oxygen.

    I have done relatively well eating, although I haven't really tracked my food as much as I like to.......I go on Monday for a fill, not anticipating any loss on the scale.< /p>

    Hope everyone is doing well.....I haven't been a good posting friend.......although I do read everyone's posts regularly.


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