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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MaineJackie

  1. I am still trying to learn what I can eat and what is best for me to eat while keeping things interesting and tasty. My new favorite snack: I cut a cheese stick into bite sized slices. I take grape tomatoes and cut them in half . I toss them with a dash of light caesar dressing. For lunch, I will add some cooked chicken breast to it. Just sharing.... Jackie
  2. Hi everyone~~I finally got up the courage to jump into this thread as it was pretty overwhelming! It will take me several months to read back through the 103 pages of posts LOL. I just want to say that I appreciate all the positive energy that you all bring to the boards. Even the negative nellies out there---make me realize that I am doing pretty damn good. So far, my band journey has been uneventful. I am slowly losing weight and have no real pre-conceived goal in mind other than wanting to be in onederland. Beyond that, I will see how I feel and how I look and go from there. I did notice today, that I was able to move around and do stuff that pre-band would have been a challenge. (I live in Maine and had to put down the winter rugs in the entryway---I had to cut it to fit and was lifting and bending). It is amazing how losing just about 40 lbs has improved my mobility and how much better my knees and hips feel.
  3. I had pain where it hurt unebelievably to take a deep breath. My doctor things there might have been a nerve trapped by my port. However, if they nicked your liver and if they failed to give you your heparin etc. I would have a low threshold for calling the on-call surgeon.
  4. MaineJackie

    swallowing pills

    Remember to check with your pharmacists. Not all medications can be crushed or broken.
  5. MaineJackie

    Swallowed gum

    My surgeon doesn't allow gum for that very reason. It could obstruct the outlet and that would mean surgery or scoping to remove it. You are only a few weeks out. If you don't have much restriction, you might be okay. I would call the surgeon and ask.
  6. MaineJackie

    Maine Anthem POS

    Hi, I have Anthem but not the POS. I recommend calling them and asking them to send you the policy regarding tummy tucks. Then you will know what they cover specifically. I am early in my journey. I am anticipating I will need a panniculectomy (removal of excess abdominal skin) and I will go to Plastic and Hand in Portland. Jackie
  7. MaineJackie

    3rd fill in 5 weeks

    I just had my first fill yesterday. I now have 3 cc in my band. I go back in 2 weeks for another fill. Then I will be seen once a month, for at least 6 months. My surgeon said if I go 2 weeks, following my meal plan etc, and do not lose weight, it is time to get in for a fill. I am not sure I have much restriction yet. I do feel much more satisfied for a longer time period. So I guess that is restriction Jackie
  8. So--today was my first fill. I was worried about nothing! I apparently have a good amount of scar tissue but it wasn't a big deal. I have 3 cc in my 10cc band. I go back in two weeks for another tweak. So far, no issues eating....I had a yogurt and blended food tonight. Phew......I am glad that is behind me. Now...to they gym I go......
  9. MaineJackie

    Have not exercised

    I just started exercising as well. My doctor doesn't recommend walking as she sees it as 'inefficient". Also, living in Maine, it is starting to be that time of year when walking outside can be more of a challenge. I go the gym and ride the recumbent bike. I was riding for 20 minutes last week, 25 minutes now this week......and I will keep adding to it slowly. I don't go crazy for that 25 minutes...if I need to slow down and stop....I do.....for a minute or two......and then start again. I have an issue with my leg that makes some exercise challenging. I am hoping once I drop some more weight, my options for exercising will increase. When the weather is nice, I will add walking as I just like getting out and getting fresh air. Plus I live in a great neighborhood where everyone is out walking (although I may need to rent a big dog or a little kid to fit in...) I do know, my challenge has been making working out a PRIORITY. I have "scheduled" it into my week. Monday, Thursday, Friday evening....and either Saturday or Sunday. This is for life....so I can ease into it.
  10. MaineJackie

    I survived my first fill!

    Hi, I am not sure about restriction or not.....I don't really feel different, although I do feel satisfied for longer. I am on mushies for 2 days, then soft food for 2 days, then "normal" eating. Congrats on your success so far!
  11. Hi, I am struggling a bit with the high Protein, low carb diet primarily because my crazy work life makes it difficult sometimes. My primary job has me running all day to meetings and between our 32 locations. Plus I have two other jobs and two days a week I leave the house at 5 am and get home at 10pm. When I did Weight Watchers, I could always make something work. Now...it is more challenging to eat on the run. The other day, I ended up in a mexican place, and got a carnitas quesadilla and ate just the meat, veggies and cheese in the middle---no tortilla/sour cream etc. I am just wondering if any of you follow weight watchers with the lap band.
  12. Surgeries---have I had surgeries! appendectomy cholecystectomy hysterectomy laprascopic ovarian cysts x2 ovary removal emergency repair of incarcertated incisional hernia The last one happened in May--complicated by 3 abscesses that had to have drains in them...... And I had the lapband in October without any issues.
  13. MaineJackie

    Outrageous Octobers 2010

    HI, I was banded on 10/27 I am down about 34 lbs but the scaled hasn't moved at all in about 2 weeks. I go for my first fill tomorrow! I have no restriction and can eat just about anything. I do get a satisfied feeling though. I haven't pushed it....I stop when I feel satisfied. I did something yesterday and it now feels like I have a muscle pull near my port....it hurts to move and lay certain ways. Jackie
  14. MaineJackie

    Does anyone do Weight Watchers?

    Thanks everyone! I appreciate all of your responses. I am still new to life with a band--and I am still working on challenges. I like the idea of a cooler for when I am on the run---thankfully now in Maine it is freezing cold out so I don't have to worry about spoilage! I am going to find an online program that I can use to calculate nutritional value. I struggle with those foods that aren't easy to figure out---for example, I made a veggie lasagna for my family. I had about a one inch square of it. Now---it had cheese and spinach so I know there was good Protein, but I didn't know how to begin to figure out how much. I just got a new slow cooker and will be working on recipes in that......I know that my band is forever, and I really want to use this tool to its maximum. Thanks again. Jackie
  15. I am hoping to move out of Bandster hell on Monday....or at least start heading in the right direction. I get my first fill Which is a good thing since the scale hasn't moved in 2 -3 weeks. Not one pound. But I suppose the good thing is that it hasn't moved in any direction. I am a little nervous about the fill. Just curious more than anything. Plus, I take blood thinners and I am still bruised from surgery, so I am hoping it goes off without a hitch. Jackie
  16. I was glad to have my band done this year. It has not been a good year Healthwise (emergency surgery in the spring, complicated by an infection, requiring another hospitalization) so I had met my maximum out of pocket expenses for the year. I will owe nothing on it. Jackie
  17. My Bariatric Surgery Center holds clothing swaps several times a year. It is a chance to bring in clothes that do not fit you anymore and go home with some that do or will. It is a great service.
  18. Hi, I am newly banded. The pain at the port was so much more than I expected. I have had many surgeries and have a high pain tolerance. The pain at the port was unlike most post surgical pain I have ever had. I told the nurse at my post op support meeting that had I known it was going to hurt like that, I would never have had the procedure. However, it does get better. I had to sleep in the recliner for almost a week because of the port pain. I no longer have pain in the port although I do occasionally have these twinges, but they are minor. So hang in there. Focus on healing. It will turn around. :blushing:
  19. I was supposed to get my first fill on the Monday of thanksgiving week. I opted to move it to the next Monday. With it being my first fill, I am not sure what to expect etc. I don't want that stress to ruin my holiday. The food on Thanksgiving was never a big deal for me, it is more enjoying my family. If I had already had a fill and knew what to expect, I might feel differently. Jackie
  20. Hi, I was banded last week. So far, so good. Hungry a little but not horribly. I really think I am not eating enough but I am working on that. I am looking forward to being able to eat more real food next week. I am excited about my progress. But I am worried.....I am doing well but don't feel any restriction. I am worried about food getting stuck. If it gets stuck, do you vomit like you do when you are sick...do you have any warning??? I am almost afraid to start eating real food again. :frown: Sorry....my brain just won't stop!
  21. Something is going to get "stuck"?? Is it an immediate sensation? Or is it delayed?? If it is delayed, how long can it take to feel "stuck"? I don't have any restriction yet and haven't had any issue with getting stuck and just want to know what to expect.
  22. MaineJackie

    How long before you know if.....

    Thanks for all the great info! I am hoping not to ever get "stuck" but I know that sooner or later it will happen. I had visions of being at a lunch meeting at work when it happens and wanted to know if I was going to yack in front of everyone.:blushing: Jackie
  23. I have found it intersting, reading about how many of us are in the same boat. I was banded on 10/27 and have done well with weight loss so far, but I haven't done much since my diet has advanced. I am doing well with my food choices.....averaging right around 1000 calories/day and 70+g of Protein. I have no restriction and cannot wait for my first fill. I go the Monday after Thanksgiving. I do know I need to kick up my exercise (but honestly until the last few days, I was still too sore to do much.) I am thankful for this forum. I learn so much from each of you.
  24. MaineJackie

    Another newly banded in "hell"

    For me, what I am struggling with most right now, is not having any restriction. I really think I could eat anything that I wanted to right now. However, I am not! I haven't had bread/rice/sweets since pre-op. I haven't had any junk food. No ice cream. No chips. I did not go through all this to fail. But some of it has been sheer will power and walking away! I try to have alternatives available. I have SF 60 cal chocolate pudding for when I want something sweet. I haven't figured out what to have when I want something salty though. I am going to really start exercising this week. I was too sore to do it before now, so I am hoping that will help with the weight loss.
  25. Hi, My port site is "dimpled". (The skin is sucked in at the port site.) I am still having moderate pain at the port site.....pain that is still sharp and acute (not the dull, resolving type of pain.) I was just wondering if anyone else's port site is dimpled? Jackie

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