I have found that the knot just behind the breast bone is the warning sign to me that I'm full and had better stop eating before I become miserable. My wife and I (she is not banded - I am) have had great success consuming a liquid Protein bullet in the moring for Breakfast, a Protein shake for lunch and homemade Soups for dinner. We typically have a sugar free popsicle for a night time snack. Because my wife is not banded she needs a little more to maintain that full feeling. She supplements by eating more Soup at lunch, cottage cheese, or Jello pudding cups. I have been good by adding a bannana each day and a few sugar free coffee nips.
Each Sunday I cook enough homemade stew and soups for the week. I puree the stews and soups to get the blend I need when I am on full liquid. Stewed meats are easy to consume (but I am careful to hold down the quantity.)
The IDS New whey Liquid Protein (Bullet) is what I take each morning that really helps curb my appetite. Tastes a little like flavored medicine, but really worth it.
The Protein shakes I make are: Progressive Harmonized Protein
You can get these at the Sunflower Shoppe in Fort Worth. Web site has addresses and maps.
They have on-line coupons (for example 25% off any one item). They are a bit expensive on the IDS bullets, but may be worthwhile if you want to try just a few to be sure you can live with them. The Protein powder at regular price is about the same as ordering by the time you add the shipping. If you use the coupon, it’s cheaper. Just read that on the first Tuesday of each month you get 25% off Vitamins, protein powders, etc. You should try it.