OK, I've totally felt (and sometimes still feel) the same way as yall (abby + noah)! I'm a 19 year old college student and I've had the band for almost two years now (banded 9/06). Losing weight and being healthy is a total life style change. It's not something that can just happen in a matter months...it's just not. It's a struggle and I don't see any one saying that it's easy.
Before you get the band, you need to understand one thing. IT'S NOT A SILVER BULLET! If you get the band, you will lose a lot of weight, but you still have to be strong. I'm a strong willed girl, and fearlessly went into surgery because I wanted to be thin. Period. There was still a whole lot for me to learn though :tongue: and I still am learning
I totally say get the band, but gurl you still gotta work. I am still working myself! I've lost like 40 to 50 lbs. And I have my ups and downs. Sometimes I just want to have Mc Donnalds and sweets and what ever I know will kill me. But that doesn't mean I'll never be thin. Ever since I've lost the amount of weight that I have lost, people look at me in a different way. Even though I've got another 20 to 30 lbs to go, that gives me my motivation to move on. I don't hate myself and I'm not at risk to die anymore, but I know I'll get there still.
You have to get back on the wagon and I'm sorry to tell you that it's gonna be so hard. I know how you feel and you need to heal yourself emotionally as well as physically before you can really be happy and healthy. :tt1: You can do it! It's a day by day process. Start by cutting down the amounts of bad foods you eat untill it gets to the point where you rarely have them. Gurl, IT'S HARD I KNOW! But you gotta do it. The band just helps you really, but the work is still up to you:frown:
OK, so losing the weight and getting healthy is like climbing a really really tall mountain. Think of yourself post band as a climber with no shoes or climbing gear or anything. The band is your gear! (Am I making any sense?) The band makes it possible to climb the mountain, but you still have to be the one doing the climbing. YOU CAN DO IT! BELIVE IN YOURSELF!
I babbled an awful lot, hope that helped!