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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by deellio

  1. deellio

    Are the Side Effects Worth It

    ParrotheadCathy, Thanks for the reply, I went to see my friendly surgeon yesterday and they prescribed carafate as well as pulling the rest of the Fluid, not much about .3 CCs, out of the band and put me on warm liquids only for a few days. The carafate put out the fire, opening the band made it so I can swallow again, as long as I do it slowly, and I was able to have some nice chicken broth for the first time in a couple of days. Once the swelling goes down we'll be ready to get the show on the road. Thanks for the support Duane
  2. deellio

    Are the Side Effects Worth It

    I'm 5 days post-op and I'm firmly entrenched in the "why did I do this to myself" mode. I'm having issues with severe heartburn, which I never had pre-op. On the up side I've lost 38 pounds since Christmas day, on the pre-op diet and post op, and my blood pressure is the best it's been in several years. I keep reading that it will get better and I really hope it does, SOON. I have noticed an unexpected side effect, I sleep with a CPAP machine and it seems to inflate the stoma during the night, so I have a feeling of bloating and gas that really isn't. Bottom line is that I'm comitted now I just need to find a solution to the heartburn.

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