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Hello Bean

LAP-BAND Patients
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About Hello Bean

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 11/21/1957
  1. Happy 55th Birthday Hello Bean!

  2. Hello Bean

    Gallbladder shenanigans

    I have several friends who lost their gallbladders due to large, fairly rapid weight loss. They were not banded, but I think it's the weight loss, not the band per se.
  3. So refreshing to hear about a supportive in law for a change!
  4. I second the massage or facial!
  5. Can anyone recommend books that you read or are reading concerning weight loss surgery? These might include books that helped you make the decision to have surgery, books that helped you in the process and post surgery food plan or cook books, etc. Thanks -Lea
  6. Hello Bean

    Easy Way Out....

    Good for him if he has been able to keep the 60 lbs off, but a huge majority of people cannot. What's the percentage of people who regain weight, 95%? WW is a very successful program for getting weight off, but it's the keeping it off that's the problem as WE ALL KNOW! The easy way out? Okay, people can have whatever opinion that they want. Just keep laughing all the way to the smaller sizes!
  7. Hello Bean

    2nd prolapse-heartbroken

    You have lost 77 pounds. That's HUGE (pardon the expression!). You are so far along there's no need to get depressed now. Enjoy your holiday with the knowledge that you are so successful!
  8. Hello Bean

    So Upset

    One day maybe I can say "Oh - I have some size 10 jeans that are a bit too big on me now. Would you like them???" Oh, sistah, that day will dawn!
  9. Hi I was reading your response to another member, and I saw you were banded in Mexico. I am thinking of going that route, so I always ask people about their experiences? In which city did you have it done? It sounds like you flew to San Diego and drove from there. Is that right?

    Also, I was looking at Fill Centers USA. What do they charge per fill?

    Thanks and good luck to you! -Lea

  10. If you have the time available to you, take a week. If nothing else, read two or three books that you have been wanting to read. Your brain will be glad that you did!
  11. Hello Bean

    Odd Feeling

    Just think, you are going to find some new favorite stores with cute clothes that you are going to look great in!
  12. But when I do sip an occasional glass of wine with dinner, I take accountability and understand the trade-off I'm making. __________________ I think that's the main point. If I'm going to "cheat", then I know and accept the consequences. I am soooooo happy for these people who follow every rule to the letter, but frankly, I don't think most of us can do that forever. I would guess that this is why people regain weight. One can only follow the rules for so long, and the more restrictive, the more difficult and the more likely one is to stop "following " it.
  13. I think it depends on where the disk problems are. I have a herniated disk in my neck (C5, C6). If the disk problem is lower back, I feel very certain that getting excess weight off will help a great deal. I need to get the weight off, but that will not help future problems in my neck. I did PT and had the epidural procedure and have been pain free (knock wood) for over two years. If I were you, I would not have the back surgery, continue your exercise, have the lap band surgery, and feel pretty confident that the weight loss will alleviate some or most of your lower back pain. I personally would not have back surgery unless I were unable to walk without it. PT can do wonderful things. A good physical therapist is priceless! Good luck to you.
  14. Hello Bean

    Post Band Fashion

    Also, if you are unable to sell/consign and are going to donate, there are organizations who help women who are job searching to obtain business style clothing. These are often women who are in recovery or have come from abusive situations and really need a hand up. Many of these women are plus sized, so any donation of plus size clothing is very appreciated.
  15. According to my plan, I have no coverage for bariatric services. Has anyone been successful in getting coverage in that situation? In other words, does "No" always mean "No"?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
