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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tattooed

  1. tattooed

    First appt. tomorrow

    Good luck to you both! I have my first appointment with the surgeon tomorrow as well!! Excited and can't wait to get the ball rolling!
  2. hi everyone!! I'm back after a little hiatus. I started my lap band journey in January of this year. I was referred to Pennsylvania Hospital by my PCP. I started the process with Pennsylvania but dropped out of the program for a few reasons. I am starting the process all over again. I changed my PCP and the new one gave me my referral today!! I am going to see Dr. Soriano at Jeanes Hospital in Philadelphia. At the moment, my BMI is about a 38. As far as comorbidities, I do not have any of the major ones most insurances look for. I do have degenerative disk disease (3 herniated disks in the lumbar area with radiculopathy in my left leg), arthritis in knees, ankles, and feet, prehypertension, depression, and I believe I may have sleep apnea (at least a mild case of it...). I get chest pains, tightness, and shortness of breath when I "overexert" myself...although if I were a normal weight overexerting myself would not mean walking a couple blocks to work or climbing the steps in my house to the second floor! I have my consultation with Dr. Soriano on August 18th and am very excited. I spoke with a VERY nice woman in his office and explained my situation to her - 2 other hospitals (friends referred me to check them out) would not accept me into their bariatric programs because I did not have any of the major comorbidities. She spoke with the coordinator and set me up with an appointment right away!!! She was surprised I had been turned away without even having a consultation with the doctors at the other hospitals! She also said I should have no problems with my insurance since Keystone Health Plan East is excellent and as long as I clear my testing coming up, I should be approved. Now I know this is getting ahead of myself, and I am just happy to have the referral. I feel like this is a tool to not just help my improve my health but also to help me get my life back! So that's me and my story so far! Good luck to all in their journeys!
  3. ...getting to know all about you! So, I was wondering where everyone was at in their Lapband journey?? then I was thinking it'd be great to get to know more about my peers who are on the same journey that I am! Sooooo... I go for my consultation with the surgeon next thursday. I already attended the information session, and will be attending my first support group next wednesday. Very excited, already got my referral from my PCP to go see the surgeon. No medically supervised diet necessary (woot!). A little about me...I'm Lizz from Philly. I am a mom to an awesome little boy, and me and his father have been together for 6 years now. I love tattoos, piercing, heavy metal, and hard rock! I work in criminal law and i love my job! i've always been a big girl but was active and athletic. My weight is at its highest since I was injured back in December and I feel now is the time to try to do something for my health and myself. ok enuff said! let's here from some of you! :thumbup: My goal NSV....fitting into my old size 12 levi silver tabs! :thumbup:
  4. So last Thursday, I went to the mandatory information session that is required by my surgeon in order to start the process. It was very informative, however, somewhat repetetive to me since I have been researching the Lap Band procedure for the last two years. It was great getting to meet the program director and learn about the different surgeons in the program and their surgical preferences. Although I had already picked my surgeon, I felt better about my choice after the session. One downer was, one woman who was sitting near me, made the comment that "I clearly did not need bariatric surgery and was taking up appointment time for those who DID need it..." :bored: :wub: :confused: I was so upset. I did respond by saying, that she did not know me, nor know my health issues for wanting/needing to get this surgery done. After that, I felt a panic attack coming on because I looked around, and I was clearly, the tallest, youngest, and "smallest" weight-wise in the room. I kept thinking that the surgeon is going to meet me and laugh and send me on my way. All because of this woman and her comment!! After taking a breather and finishing my paperwork, I was calmed and the session began. Anyway, next step is my meeting with my surgeon on 2/18. Can't wait and hope that woman isn't there that same day!
  5. of what happens between initial consultation with surgeon to actual surgery? I'm not sure how this all works, for example... I go for my consultation next month...is that when my paperwork is submitted to the insurance company? or do I have all of my testing done, then the paperwork is submitted? when I go in for the consulation, what should I expect? I'm so confused with all of this but I'm determined! :thumbup: Thank you all for any info/help/insight!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbup:
  6. oh and another question regarding the 3 month/6 month supervised diet w/ the nutritionist....does it usually say in the policy that it is required? or is that something that they have to tell you??? ok that's prolly not the best way to phrase the question... My insurance, Keystone Health Plan East, does not say anywhere under their bariatric surgery policy or on the policy given to my employer that this is required. it merely states the standard requirements to qualify for surgery...bmi of 40 or bmi of 35+ with a co-morbidity, must be medically necessary, etc etc... just curious! thanks again everyone!
  7. Thank you to everyone who replied! And Thanks Nanc for accepting my friend request!!! :mad: I've been reading about many the many different experiences that people have had when getting their Lap Band. I'm ready to do whatever needs to be done, but it just seemed soooooo confusing to me! I'm glad to be somewhat straightened out and to have an idea of what to expect! Thanks again! :wink2:
  8. tattooed

    Hey Ya'll!!

    Just wanted to say hi to Amanda, Michelle, and Kelsey! I'm also Liz but from Philly!
  9. Hi Heather! I feel for you! I don't even know for certain if I'm going to be approved by my insurance and the anxiety is killing me! And I haven't even met with the surgeon's office yet! I hope everything goes well for you and I'm wishing you the best of luck! I couldn't help but notice you're a tall bander too! I'm 5'10" myself but my doctor is putting me at 5'9" to bring my BMI up...I've been trying to gain right now to make sure I at least get to a 35 BMI but it's soooooooooooo tough to just eat to eat! I've been trying to gain "healthfully" if there is such a thing! I'm at 230 as of this morning. I literally jumped from 215 to 230 since Christmas. ugh anxiety....and waiting....it's a pain in the butt! My new mantra has been "good things come to those who wait..." lol
  10. tattooed

    Keystone Health Plan East

    I'm seeing Dr. Schuricht with Penn Hospital. He did my friends gayric bypass many years ago and she loved him! He also came highly recommended by my PCP.
  11. Hi everyone! I was wondering if any of you out there in band land have/had experience with KHPE and your lap band surgery?? Mine does cover it as long as you meet the standard criteria. I am in the BMI 35-40 range but as for co-morbidities, I really don't have any. I do have 3 herniated discs in my lower back and arthitic knees. I am going to meet with the surgeon on 2/18 for my initial consultation and am nervous that my insurance may not approve me! The surgeon I heard is good at dealing with the insurance companies and "helping" the patient get approved but still...would just to know if anyone else has experience dealing with Keystone? Thanks!!!!!!!
  12. tattooed

    Hey Ya'll!!

    World tour here we come! Although can we put the tour off until after we're all banded? I wanna be able to rock out in some leather pants! Lol
  13. tattooed

    Hey Ya'll!!

    and oh boy...i just went back and read one of my earlier posts....:thumbup: i'm not 26...lol i wish...i'm 27!!! typo!!!!!
  14. tattooed

    Hey Ya'll!!

    I can play a mean guitar (on LEGO Rock Band that is...) lol :thumbup:
  15. tattooed

    Hey Ya'll!!

    Hi Jenny and Liz! I'm Liz too! I'm 26, from Philly and hoping to banded in either April or June...I go for my information session on 1/28 and my consultation is on 2/18. In the meantime, I actually have to try to gain a couple pounds to make sure my insurance in going to cover the procedure! I never in my life thought I would try to intentionally GAIN weight!! but hey, gaining a couple to lose 100 after a lifetime of yo-yo dieting! seems worth it to me! good luck to you both! and everyone else in band-land! :thumbup:
  16. Hi everyone, new here to the forum! i have been lurking for awhile and have decided to get started in the process of getting banded. i have been overweight practically my entire life. everyone would always tell me, "well you're tall" or "you're have a bigger build" and i always felt fat. now at 27, i am the most i've ever weighed! i was always an active person, but the weight just kept coming back plus some. now i have three herniated discs and knee problems which make it hard to stay as active as i was once. i have to take meds for my bi-polar disorder for the rest of my life. these meds help but all have weight gain associated with them. my entire immediate family has weight poblems. i feel like this will definitely help me to improve my overal quality of life. i have a 4 year old son who i love and want to be able to keep up with him. ahh and this is tmi, but my weight gain is mostly in the stomach and lower body. i have no chest whatsoever! sucks but it literally all went straight to my butt! i saw my pcp on friday, and he said he would refer me to a doc at the universit of penn. he wanted to check out my blood work so we're doing that on monday to rule out thyroid problems. if all is clear, he'll refer me so i could get started with that part of the process. i'm nervous, i know i need to gain some weight to have at least a bmi of 35 for my insurance company to cover it, but i'm so scared to willfully gain weight and then be denied. i cannot self-pay at this time or anytime soon. thanks for reading, any suggestions or thoughts would be appreciated. good luck to everyone in their journey!
  17. just an update - i got results from my bloodwork back and no thyroid problems! my family doc referred me to dr. alan schuricht at pennsylvania hospital. i called and am attending the mandatory information session the end of this month and i have an appointment for a consultation in february! i'm so excited! :thumbup: i hope the approval from my insurance goes this smoothly! good luck to everyone in their journey to a healthier you!

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