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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lcain25

  1. lcain25

    Acid Reflux and Aspiration

    i had the same problem. never had acid reflux but about 1 1/2 after banding started having it very bad. i just had a small amount taken out and that has helped a bunch! just a little heads up too, i went to the dr this week with HORRIBLE acid reflux. i mean i felt like i was going to have a heart attack. come to find out i had this strange stomach bug that causes painful acid reflux, gas in the chest and ulcers!! i've been on antibotics for a week and seems to be helping. no more acid refux. (well not as bad) good luck!1
  2. lcain25

    Wanting my band out :(

    First, how long have you been banded??? Give it some time, and you'll be so thankful for HAVING the band. It can be tough at times but its better than the alternative.
  3. Hey everyone, Just curious to see if anyone has had a tummy tuck and/or breast lift (mommy makeover) in Mexico? If so, how was it ?? the good the bad the ugly? What about cost? Do they pay for airfare and hotel?? Any and all info would be fantastic! Thanks!:tongue:
  4. lcain25

    PS in Mexico?

    thats great. will they pay for your friend to fly with you? i know some times they will pay for 2 people to go to mx. were you able to save a lot more money having it done in mexico?
  5. lcain25

    Hi I'm New!

    oh yea, forgot to say that that 60 pds. does NOT include the weight loss from the baby, i had lost his weight of 25pd before i went in to get my first fill .
  6. lcain25

    Hi I'm New!

    congrats on your first step! i'm also 5'4. i was banded two years ago(on july 10) well, when i first was banded i lost 24pds and then had a big baby surprise. i was very excited (he's my third) so i had to be unfilled, during my pregnancy i gained weight ( i always do, lots) when my baby was 4 weeks old went in for my fill i weighed 221 and im now down to 161. Evan is now 11 months old so it took me 10 months to lose 60 pds. still want to loose about 30 more pounds. and its been slow, but well very well worth it!! so long story short, had band, lost weight had baby, gained weight, got filled, lost more weight!! good luck to you!
  7. wow thanks for the info. i have a question for you. i feel like i may be too tight only because sometimes i can eat a "normal" amount, but mostly can only take a couple of bite. it seams that after i eat i get really bad back pain. ??? weird, did you have anything similar? i did have night time acid reflux. but not all the time. also i would wake up and feel like i was drowing because fluid would come back up and i guess get in my lungs and would have me in a coughing fit. if this sounds familiar will you let me know? its been several months since my last fill. thanks!
  8. Hey ! you and I have the same story. I was banded on July 10, 2006. Had a baby surprise and delivered my handsome and awesome son on June 24th 2007. He just turned 11 months old! Anyways. when i found out that i was pregnant i did not want to get all my fluid out of the band. i gained a lot of weight with my other two children. But, i did have to have some removed because i was too tight. When my baby was 6 weeks old i went back to be filled. started working out more (kept working out during my pregnancy) * also, before i was pregnant i think i lost 25 pds with the band. anyways, i have lost 60 pds since i went in for my fill. (i've had two fills since Evan's been born) now, i weigh less than i before i had my first child. Actually, i havent been this small in about 10 years. (im 5'4 started out at 221 and am now 161) i still have a way to go. i know that i do NOT need another fill, i think i might actually be too tight, but i don't want to take any out. i don't know if this has helped you (i type kinda spastic!) but i just wanted to tell you to hang in there. get another fill if you don't think your at the right spot and start working out again! you'll get there! good luck!! if i can give you any more info or help just let me know!!
  9. Okay this will be a crazy & weird question to ask, but I'm curios to see if it's happened to anyone else. I work out at least 4-5 times a week for an hour . And I mean i "work" out!!! I do spinning twice a week and then I do a crossfit training class(kind of like bootcamp) well, for the last month I didn't loose any weight. i chalked it up to gaining muscle. I have been unable to go to the gym for two weeks (sick children) and i have lost 3 pds this week!!! Whats up with that. I've noticed when I DON'T work out as much i start to loose more weight? make any sence??? would love to hear if this has ever been a "problem" for you!
  10. i use spark people. its pretty neat. you can track your calories and fitness. i've enjoyed it.:thumbup:
  11. lcain25

    ???What is going on?

    i wouldn't be too worried about it. i have three kids 6,5 and 6months. before i was pregnant with number 3 i would still produce a little milk (similiar to what your talking about) and my middle child was 4. i think its fine.
  12. Okay, let me start from the beginning. I was banded on July 10, 2006. Shortly after having the surgery I got a "little" surprise, yes, i was pregnant. I was very excited (he made 3) but nervous, i had only lost 21pds. and from my last pregnancies i had gained lots of weight! well, i got unfilled and even though i was not eating as much and working out i still gained 50pds!! okay, fast forward to today. i had my first fill 4 weeks after my son was born. i was excited to get back on the losing train! i lost 21 pds. thought i need another fill, so went back when Evan turned 4 months old. so now i have lost another 9 pounds in one week. BUT, i cannot eat or drink anything. i can barely get water. i feel so week and tired. im excited about the weight loss, but not excited that i can't eat anything. and tired of being so weak, ihave three kids!! i cant be weak! i also have another issue, my throat feels so tight and like its closing in! what should i do? should i drive an hour away and get a little unfil, or do you think it will loosen up? its been 8 days since my fill. please help with any advice!! thanks!
  13. Thanks SOO much for all the GREAT advice. sounds like i need to make an apt. to go back and have it unfilled a little. I just paid them $125 for the fill, i wonder if they will charge me to unfill it? Let me put this out there too, i waited the weekend and it seems like it might have loosened up a little. i was able to eat a bean burrito saturday night. should i still go?
  14. lcain25

    2.5cc in band and TIGHT

    hi Rene as i was reading your post, i started wondering... "did i write this??"" you sound just like me. i just got my fill yesterday im now 2.5cc in my 4cc band. (maybe i'll lose three pounds too@!) I've been lucky so far. normally im tight in the morning by the evening im able to eat a little more. but last night i gulped down some water and it got stuck! well, iknow this was NOt helpful, just wanted to let you know your not alone. and this is my first fill i've had to pay for so im not wanting to get any taken out myself! good luck
  15. lcain25

    Breastfeeding with a band?

    Hey, i just had a baby 5 weeks ago today. i was banded in july 2006 lost 20pds and had a new baby surprise! when i found out i was pregnant, my dr. said it would be best to get an unfil. four weeks after i gave birth i was very ready to be filled again and really BEGIN my weight loss. so i have lost 6 pds this week and am still nursing and my baby is getting plenty of milk. my baby was 3 weeks early and weighed 8pds 10ozs he is now over 12pds. so i'd say he's doing pretty well. if your worried about the weight gain~ get a fill. good luck!
  16. lcain25

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Hey everyone, its been a pretty long while since i last posted. just a little recap... i was banded on july 10th have lost 26pds and just found out that i am 7 weeks pregnant. it was a big surprise and come to find out i got pregnant because i have a cyst on my left ovary which made me ovulate at a weird time. anyways, i have had 3 fills and am doing much better. i really have NOT gained any weight since becoming pregnant. thankgoodness! with my daughter i gained 60pds and my son i gained 50.!! my dr's say everything looks great and the baby has a strong healthy heart beat! thanksgiving was nice and i really was not able to over eat and then i went on a hike with the family. it was fun! Glad to hear everyone is doing well and i'll be sure to keep everyone posted with my little surprise!!! Lisa:clap2:
  17. Hey everyone, just found out that i was pregnant a couple of days ago. it was a big surprise for us. we have two children and i wanted more but wanted to wait until i lost more weight. well, i just got off the phone with my dr's office, i am scheduled for my 3rd fill tomorrow. (i was banded july 10th and have ONLY lost 26pds) anyways, the receptionist said they will probably want to take all my fill OUT!!! WAIT a minute, i haven't hardly lost that much weight and really don't have a lot of restriction. i am so scared. i gained 60 pds with my daughter and 50 with my son. i do NOT want to have an unfil. i really feel like the baby will still get plenty of nutrients from me. what should i do???? Help quick!!
  18. I just found out 2 nights ago that i was pregnant too! i've had the lap band on since July 10th~ lost only 26 pds and boy we had a big surprise. not that im not greatful! i have two children now and really want more, just wanted to loose more weight before trying. i do not use birth control (it really has bad/negative effects on me) but i do use the "calendar" and count my days and know my ovulation period. what is really weird is that my husband and i didn't have sex a lot last month and really not on my ovulation days. (i am very regular and always on schedule) so getting pregnant really feels like God's way of telling me it was time. the night we found out i went out and checked the mail, we got a special letter from our insurance talking about special baby programs they were offering us. hmmmm.... is that a sign or what. well congrats to you both and i'd love to continue to hear about your progress! do either of you have fills? if so how many? im suppose to go to the dr next week and get another fill. should i get it?? i have fair restriction, but not nearly as much as id like.
  19. lcain25

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Hey everyone, I haven't written in a while. Anyways, I have some questions and need some advice. I was banded on july 10th. i've lost 26 pds (not nearly as much as i wish i could have lost) So, i just found out last night that i am pregnant. this comes as a BIG surprise. especially since we were not trying and i actually know exactly when my ovulation time is (and we did not have intercourse those days) don't get me wrong, i am very excited, i already have 2 kids and have really wanted more. we were just waiting, i was planning on going back into teaching next fall and just finished taking some on line classes for my masters. my question is i have had 2 fills already and am suppose to go for my 3rd next week, should i tell my dr? i still want to get another fill. i really do not want to gain any weight while being pregnant. i gained 60 pds with my daughter and 50 with my soon. is that possible?? well, advice would be greatly appreciated. Hope everyone is doing well, which it sounds like you are!!:clap2:
  20. lcain25

    Can I still eat Sushi?

    i just had a california roll the other day at our japanesse restaurant. o i was so excited to eat it, but felt HORRIBLE after i did, i had to go straight to the restroom to....it was not fun and quite sad for me because its one of my favorite foods!
  21. lcain25

    Miracle Diet

    sounds like this could actually work for me!! very cute! :clap2:
  22. lcain25

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Hey ya'll, well just got back from the dr's office and had my second fill. i had slim fast for breakfast and by the time i got home for lunch i was very hungry. i was able to eat a bowl of instant potatoes. i don't think i have a lot of restriction now, either..:phanvan Does anyone have a good website that i could journal my calories for the day? Hope everyone else is having a great week, its almost FRIDAY!! :clap2: Lisa
  23. lcain25

    hOw dO yOu knOw?

    :help: Hey everyone, i've been reading and reading and now my brain is wondering.... how do you know if you've stretched your pouch? I've had one fill and i've only lost 16pds since july 10th, i have had food get stuck and i've had to "blagh.." would that stretch it? i've only thrown up maybe 8 times. is that too much??? O please help me and give me some answers, I go back to the dr's in 2 more days for another fill. the first fill i had i felt like i had restriction for a couple of days, then i was back to my normal self, wasn't quite full! i am really hoping for success with my weight loss. i am working out 5 days a week for around an hour and im doing weights. should i stop the weights? i know muscle weighs more than fat... but i really just want to see those number go DOWN on the scale, not just sit still.. okay hoping for some good advice and suggestions.. i am so ready to lose this weight and its very discourging when i see the scale is not moving. my husband had to hide the scale from me because i have become to obsessive with it. (checking my weight every time i went to the bathroom! it really determined my mood for the day ) i've always had issues with my weight even when i was skinny!! okay, i think i've official gotten off the subject, so if you have some good advice, pitch in! thanks:straight
  24. lcain25

    hOw dO yOu knOw?

    Hey girls !! Thank you so much for responding and making me feel so much better!!! i go in for my second fill tomorrow. my dr wants to wait 6 weeks between fills. Anyways, i am excited to get another fill and hope that things get better. I have another question for ya'll: what if im feeling a little pain under my left rib? does that mean i've done something bad to my band? i would be devistated if i've messed it up. i guess i'll talk to my dr tomorrow about it, didn't know if this has happened to you before. Thanks again!!
  25. lcain25

    June 2006 Band Crew

    :hungry: Hey everyone, I have a question. I am feeling some pain under my left rib. is this normal? should i be worried that i've done something to hurt my band? Also, I've noticed that a lot of people have said that once they go in for a fill they can only have liquids. i go tomorrow for my fill, how long should i be on liquids for? I've really enjoyed reading everyone's success and hopefully will be able to share mine too!:clap2: thanks, Lisa

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