Hi i'm a 16yo Girl i had lap-band surgery in december 2005, basically ever since the day of my surgery i had been in constant pain and i'm on daily pain killers for it........to cut the story short i had a second operation in may to move my port because i could hardly do anything without pain and now i have pain in the new position:clap2: "yay i'm just so happy i had that second op" it ended up the same result anyway PAIN, that's just the half of it.......i also have constant pain deep in my stomach where the band is, i can't exercise, lift, stretch, bend, lie, or sleep without pain, i'm very tired and depressed about it all i wish i could just wake up and be pain free:rolleyes: ahhhh only if....
I've had X-Rays, been poked n prodded and i'm on daily pain killers (Valium) at night to bomb me out so i can sleep!
My surgeon want's to put a camera into my stomach to check for band erosion but my Doctor says there is no need for that and he's just pullin on strings to get rid of me because since january i've been back to see him over and over to get this pain to go....anyway the end result from him is that he can't help and i should just live with it.... but isn't the the lap-band surgeon meant to help????
So anyway I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS PAIN and i'm so depressed and going down hill so fast & getting addictions to pain killers, i just want this lap-band out of me but i'm affraid the pain will still be there after from nervs:phanvan
:help: I would really like to know if anyone else has had there band out from pain and if the pain went, how their weight is going and what life's like without lap-band????
and if you have any idea's of what i can do apart from removal?