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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by amber2604

  1. I emailed a pic of them to my surgeon because I have now broken out into tiny red bumps all over my abdomen. He td me to put some benadryl cream around the incisions and it should get better. It seems I had an allergic reaction to the glue and tape they used. I didn't know to tell them this because I've never had surgery. I was going to ask them if it's okay to take a benadryl pill or tablet or liquid but forgot. (I go in his office with 21 questions but can't remember them until I leave). Is there anything in a benadryl we can't have? I'm a teacher, by no means someone in the medical field! Those ingredients may as well be in German!
  2. Hey guys. I noticed about 5 days ago my incisions started itching. I assumed it was healing and I tried to not scratch it as much as possible. Well it got so bad I started scratching around them. Now they are sorta puffy and red and itchy. They are warm but it's little bumps like rash bumps. My doctor is 2 hours away so it's not like I can just drop by. I don't think it's infected bc they're not oozing or anything. I have very sensitive skin so that could be the case too bc the last of the glue came off a few days ago. Has this happened to anyone else?
  3. amber2604

    Lap Band Bible for Newbies

    Question. Am I going to be hungry? Hungry hungry? Or hungry hungry hungry?
  4. amber2604

    Spring Break Challenge

    On the spreadsheet I think the final weigh in is march 7th. 8 weeks I think! Ahhh!
  5. amber2604

    Spring Break Challenge

    I'm in for 33 pounds! Ahhh that sounds so impossible! Only three weeks out and can finally start exercising. Bring it on!
  6. Hey guys. I'm on puréed/mushy food and wanted to ask before I tried. I was thinking about trying some chef boyardee mini raviolis in sauce. It's practically mush anyway but if I mushed it well with a fork and of course chewed well do you think it would be ok?
  7. I always check.....and yes it's the tiny child's size bowl. Serving size 1 bowl....
  8. The cheese abs sauce is wonderful but I've had it everyday for lunch and dinner this week lol. The raviolis have 190 calories, 5g fat, 7g protein. It's high on sodium with 920mg. I guess I'll eat chili or chicken salad.
  9. Misty if all we had to do was search we would be on google. We come on here to talk about our OWN experience not what another bandster asked nine days ago. We want to talk about it and share our own personal experience. If you two let repeat posts on a forum bother you or annoy you, it's time to get a life.
  10. amber2604

    Banded 3 weeks ago

    Our scales are just bipolar. We really weigh 120 pounds. It is frustrating to me too. It's just fluctuating water weight and the fact we have introduced real food instead of liquids. Once we get to whole food and continue exercising with our fill we will start losing steadily. My biggest problem is that word, what's it called........oh yea, patience. She's a b*tch!
  11. amber2604

    Gas after surgery

    I haven't had a fill yet. I'm scheduled for my first one on the 31st. I'm hungrier than I was when I was first banded but I'm surprisingly not starving with an appetite. When I wake up my stomach is rolling and growling and it truly hurts so I know I'm hungry. I eat then I don't feel that feeling for another 4 hours. There are times when I just want to eat but I think to myself "are you actually hungry. Does your stomach feel like it's on fire and being stabbed?". If not then I don't eat. It's just eating out of habit like my old ways. I eat 1/2 to 1 cup of food at a meal and it holds me over for about 4 hours or so. My fill is still 3 weeks away so I may have a different answer by then lol
  12. amber2604

    Gas after surgery

    Walk as much as you can and take your pain medicine. Pain med won't fix gas but it will help you sleep and you won't feel the gas! I am a drama queen when it comes to pain and cried and regretted the band for about 5 days. I'm almost three weeks out and feel great! It will get better I promise!
  13. amber2604

    Does getting a fill hurt?

    Ha! I just love you to death Mattie! You and your disclaimer. Love it! I was wondering the same thing. From what I understand it doesn't hurt that bad if your dr or nurse knows what they're doing which I'm positive they do. Hopefully we can hear a response from an experienced bandster that will not shake their finger at us and talk down to us like a child. How lazy and dumb of us to not search for this in this imaginary search box (from my iPhone there isn't an option).
  14. This lasagna like bake is amazing! I found it on someones blog. 8 oz ricotta cheese 1 egg 1/2 cup Parmesan or Italian blend cheese 1/2 cup mozzarella cheese Your favorite spaghetti sauce Preheat oven to 425. Whisk egg then mix in with cottage cheese. Then add Parmesan cheese to the mixture and mix well. Spread in the bottom of a casserole dish and pour a jar of your favorite spaghetti sauce on top. Sprinkle with mozzarella and bake for 20-25 minutes until bubbly! It is so so good! It was my first puréed meal and it was awesome. Just spoon it out and eat it. No need to purée in blender!
  15. Well we are all new and unsure about the band and come here to ask questions and get answers. We haven't been on here for a year or more and are still learning. You have the most sour attitude that I've ever seen. If it bothers you what we new bandsters say then don't read it or reply to it. We are new and aren't sure how often or how hungry we are supposed to feel so we come here for help from experienced bandsters not to get bashed by you. (and you seem to bash new ones regularly). Get off of your high horse.
  16. Well I'm two weeks out today and my Monday official weigh in came in at a total of 15 pounds down all post op. I'm feeling pretty good. I've had the craziest I guess gas that gurgles up my stomach and into my throat. It only does this at night when I'm on the bed. Kinda like a burp but no belching sound. My fiancé hears it and jumps out of bed like are you ok?! It feels so weird. Other than that I'm doing good. Getting hungry but I've Bern shutting it up with water. Ohhh speaking of hunger. I made an awesome dinner for me and the rest of you on puréed foods. It's ricotta cheese mixed with Parmesan cheese and an egg. Spread it in a dish and top with your favorite spaghetti sauce and top with mozzarella cheese! Bake on 450 for 20-25. It is awesome!! Tastes just like lasagna ESP the melted cheese it gives it a noodle texture lol. I got this from a blog somewhere and I apologize bc I don't remember the link. Anyway just wanted to share what my two weeks out is like and a yummy lasagna like puréed recipe!! Have a great week!
  17. amber2604

    2 weeks post op

    Haha that's interesting! I have my doubts too! I think I would be accident prone at 280 or 150 lol. My mom always tells people "well her name isn't graceful" lol
  18. amber2604

    2 weeks post op

    Mattie- I felt that same way! It is just lack of food and anesthesia wearing off still. Good luck at your appointment tomorrow. Mine lasted a total of three minutes lol Susan- you have got to try it! It's heaven in your mouth! Jess- sorry to lol but that was my fear getting it out of the oven haha! Fortunately I wasn't my usual clutz self and didn't spill it. Yes that us the website! Have you seen her ice creams and shakes? Omg it's crazy! Don't get discouraged about the scale. I've read that when we reintroduce actual food to our bodies that we will stall and possibly gain. Just drink that water! I am going to start walking tomorrow but u have to do it immediately after work or it gets dark soon. I'm ready for spring!!
  19. I so agree! I'm always back and forth on lbt and fb! It's ridiculous! lol
  20. Hey guys! I'm on the puréed diet and tonight my fiancé is wanting to go out to dinner for NYE. I think we are going to a BBQ place around here and I'm thinking of just getting a side baked potato. Do you think this will be ok? They also have cheese biscuits (more of a muffin) that are the bomb.com but I know I'm not supposed to have it. Would it be awful just to have the top half of it and swish it on my mouth with some water (gross and desperate I know!). Thanks in advance for your input!
  21. I am 11 days out and those first few days I thought I was dying lol. I'm a wimp with pain though and have never had surgery until now. The pain was worse on nights 2 and 3. I just lied in bed crying. When j made it to day 5 I felt like a human again and now on day 11 I don't feel line it ever happened except that I'm restricted to what I can eat. Just rest as much as possible, take your pain meds (mine gave me crazy dreams lol) and know that it gets better. I was so mad thinking why did I do this to myself but I feel fine now! Good luck and hang in there! Think about how you will change in 2011!
  22. Dr Bilton in Tuscaloosa at DCH

  23. amber2604


    My dr told me that during my liquid diet I should only be able to eat/drink stuff the consistency of what you could sip through a straw. You shouldn't be chewing anything. If you need to then strain your soups to get rid of any chunks like shrimp or beans. You shouldn't chew anything on the liquid diet.
  24. amber2604

    Bladder issues

    OMG mine was bright orange for the first few days after surgery. I'm 9 days out and mine went back to normal like yesterday. I was so scared but it worked out. Keep drinking as much water as you can!
  25. amber2604

    20 somethings!

    Me! I just turned 24 in Nov and I was banded on December 20th. I'm glad I did it now too since I'm so young I'm hoping I can lose fast and enjoy being thin and healthy in my 20's!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
