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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LLSibley

  1. I've probably done lost it after 5 1/2 years.
  2. LLSibley

    What was the last straw?

    Having to buy new clothes EVERY season because last years didn't fit anymore. The wiping the butt was starting to be a problem. Pain in my back and knees. Too tired to even give a crap about anything.
  3. Hey, I know this is probably not the place but thought perhaps some older, not really older, would be interested in conversing with a 59 year old banded woman who has lost 40 lbs. in 2 and 1/2 months. Just let me know. I live in Texas and thought I'd give this a chance. Linda:high5::dance:
  4. LLSibley

    Marchies in June

    I've heard that the burn center in Tyler Texas will do the same thing. I'm not sure where the surgery is done but I heard this long before I had surgery.
  5. LLSibley

    How often do you PB?

    I've PB once and it was last week on baby carrots. They were really chewed up. I've tried carrots again but only ate one or two. I did slime today a lot. Since my last fill I've had a feeling like something is stuck in my throat or chest. I presume that's what you are calling golf ball. I know I'm eating too much even though I know it's going to hurt. It's all good for me food, not chips, cookies or cake type stuff.
  6. I've eaten red meat, hamb, steak, brisket, but not roast yet. I've even done pork chops. The real secret is small bites and chew and chew and chew and did I say chew. I've not tried white bread. I've had one bite of pizza, tortilla shell and hushpuppies. I've been out 2 1/2 months. My carbs have usually been fruits and veggies. I probably eat too many fruits but they're in season and I love fruit. I figure that's better than chips, cookies or cake.
  7. LLSibley

    Vacation/1st fill question

    That sort of answered my question about fill #3 for me. Igot #2 on May 29 and was told I could get #3 the end of June. I am spending July on the road and was wondering about getting one before I left. I think I'll wait until I get back.
  8. LLSibley

    Marchies in June

    Good morning Marchies, We were on page 2 again. Can't handle that. We Marchies must all be early retires, like in going to bed early. This is going to be a long day for me. Last night I kept one of my day care kids overnight because parents went out and were getting in late. I never sleep good when I have a kid here overnight. My old mother instinct kicks in. When my alarm went off at 6;15 this morning she woke up too. I always look forward to my half hour after getting dressed to check the website, drink my morning coffee and eat breakfast. Today I have a constant shadow and no quiet time. It's a good thing it's Friday. Don't get me wrong, I love these kids like they were my own but really do like sending them home at night, like a grandma does. At the age of almost 60, 36 hours of kids is about 24 hours too many. I'll stop gripping now. Hope all you Marches have a great day. Linda
  9. LLSibley

    only want to lose 50 lbs...

    That sounds like yo-yo dieting to me and know it's not healthy. I disagree about lapband to loose 50 pounds. I've been there and I know it's hard to take and keep off. But I did this for my health not apperance sake although that's the added bonus. Good luck on whatever decision you make.
  10. LLSibley

    Confused...Gas Pain vs. Gas Pain

    Everything said also happened to me.I still have gas and unfortunately it comes out both ends unexpected at any time, just not at often. It's really embarrasing.
  11. I tried the ticker and picture again. Let's see if it works
  12. I tried to add a ticker and picture and this is just to see if it worked.
  13. I took Phenfen for just a little over a month. I had a echocardiogram done many years later and it showed slight valve damage. It did work as far as weight loss went. I lost a lot of weight but gained it all back right away. When you purchase diet pills it states that they are to be used in connection with a diet and exercise. If you look at the diet most are very restrictive. I'v probably spent a fortune on diet pills and what not to no avail. If I lost weight it came right back plus more.
  14. I'm not sure if I've even posted on this thread before today. I'm not sure I've even read it. I started at the beginning this morning because I only have 2 kids in my daycare today so I'm not really busy. I started reading at the beginning but jumped to about the last 10 pages. That's a lot of reading but found it all very interesting. I'm 59, pushing 60. Was banded 3/19/07 and have lost 40lbs. I really watch what I eat, protein, veggies and fruit. I've had maybe 10 french fries total, that's like one at a time. It's surprising I can resist. I also avoid all processed carbs and white carbs. Perhaps once in a week or two I might have a small bite of something but it hasn't been a temptation. I do get in at least 3 protein drinks or bars a day. I prefer the drinks because they are lower in calories than the bars. I've been widowed 5 1/2 years so found that part of the thread very interesting. At our age there are probably lots of us out there. We were married just short of 30 years when he had a massive stroke. The strange part of his story is that he wasn't over weight and ran 4 miles 5 days a week. That goes to show when God wants you to go home he'll take you. I'm at the point in life now where I would consider dating again if there was anyone around here. It's a very small area and I don't get out much. Except for the bars there aren't many places to go to meet people. I am active in my church but there are many single men there too. I'm also picky because I've already had the best. I do have 3 great kids, the youngest are twin boys or rather men ,29. My daughter is on the same weight climb as I was. I feel for her but she is not heavy enough to have lapband. She's 33 and probably weighs 150 or so. The boys are pretty well normal size. I guess I've rattled enough and most of this isn't even about weight. I'm glad I found this thread and will be back daily to check in. Linda
  15. I too am a widow for 5 and half years. At least I didn't have to raise kids alone as they were basically raised, the youngest being 24 and the oldest 28. Kids were great help for me at the time. Still miss Doug tremendously. I do know it would be nice to have male compaionship once in a while to go out to eat (but not much) or a movie or just to talk. Pickings are really slim in this area. Too small.
  16. LLSibley

    Marchies in June

    Good morning, I really have nothing to say but we were too close to the bottom of page one and we Marches sure cant have that happen now, can we?
  17. LLSibley

    Mexican Surgeons Commiting Fraud???

    I got mine in Mexico and I guess was one to the lucky ones. They did floro and sent my x-rays home with me. I'm making a bet that you can find the same fraud here in the US too. Things like that happen everywhere and it probably mentions Mexico because so many people choose to go there for surgery because it is so much cheaper.
  18. I believe that your daughter needs to be well educated on how hard it can be to work with a band. Peer pressure to do things like eating out and overdoing that, soft drinks and alcohol (yes even though you say she never will as a minor, I truely believe they all do) can have a dramatic effect on the success of the band. I know several people around here that are really disappointed about their lack of weight loss but if you ask them they are working around their band instead of with it. For the cost it's a great responsibility. And you need to know if your daughter is responsible enough to handle the band. If yes, then go with it. If no then wait a few years. As far as dating goes, that alone is not reason enough to get a band.
  19. LLSibley

    Need advice ASAP

    I think you need to get an unfill as soon as possible. Perhaps just .2cc gone may really help.
  20. LLSibley

    I'm so mad today

    Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!! If He's Suppose To Be Your Friend You Can Do Better!
  21. I need help. I've done well on my weight loss but am now beginning to be concerned. I've never been an evening snacker until after my first fill on April 29. I can go all day with my meals and protein drinks and water. But after I eat supper it seems like I just sit around and try to think of things I can eat that are on my plan and I'm not hungry. I think of the food and then go get it, like almonds, sugar free fat free ice cream, fruit, veggies, whatever. It's all good for me food but I'm not hungry and it would be better for me to not eat it at all. Anyone else like that. If not would you all please just kick my b*** so I'll stop. I could just go to bed but I hate to start that right after supper .
  22. Has anyone noticed how nice Tracy's chin is developing. You face is changing so much . How pretty you look. I reallylike your idea of posting a picture ever 10 to 20 pounds.
  23. LLSibley

    Marchies in June

    OH Juli- setting those smaller goals will probably make them easier to obtain than just saying when I get to 199 I'll be in onderland. This way you have lots of celebrations which will keep you going instead of one big one. I hope everyone had a good weekend. I did. Went camping with family and extended family and really think I did well with eating and all. I stuck with meat, veggies, and fruit. This bunch of people think you have to have fried potatoes of somesort with every meal. I think I ate 2 or 3 french fries and that was it. I know I didn't get enough protein in although I did take my powder with me. I probably was short 20 to 20 grams per day. It's easy to get the water in because it's hot and I drag a water bottle where ever I go. I did have some alcohol which I know is empty calories but this was just one weekend. I did PB and slime several times but I think it was eating too fast. I do know raw carrots are definatelly a no no for me. I tried them twice and pb-ed each time. Too bad something healthy does that. One thing, I was excited this morning when my scales showed no gain. My goals for June are to loose 10lbs, walk everyday, avoid bad food choices, drink, and protein. June 29 starts my long month of traveling beginning with camping another week. I'll need to really work my b*** off this month to get all that done.
  24. LLSibley

    How has your life changed

    I like the comment, "seeing lots of clothes instead of lots of fat". I can move now where before I moved so slow I was at top turtle speed. I actually wore a swim suit this weekend and didn't feel the need to wear clothes on top. I know I don't look like a blimp all the time. I have more confidence in myself and don't put myself down as much. I do still see a fat woman at times but hopefully will change that outlook.
  25. LLSibley

    Marchies in June

    Sorry if I overstepped my boundries instarting this thread. I just felt so good when I got up and wanted to start June with a bang. Since then things have become a reality once again and I'm not getting done what I had really started. Needed a rest so got back on line. Can't wait until all the kids leave this afternoon so I can head out camping.

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