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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by adennis1

  1. adennis1

    I will never look like this again...ugh!

    These are pics from today, on Friday I become a bandster!
  2. Hello, I will get my first fill on 4/1 and have been really struggling during this "bandster hell". How did you get through this and after you get to the first fill does it help you to eat the expected (1/2 c per meal)? There are so many pictures of people on here that have lost so much at only 3 months past surgery. I have fluctuated between losing 15-18 lbs and I need to talk to someone who can help me. I am so scared that I've already failed. I am walking 3-4 times a week for 30 min...but the food part is my struggle. I am trying to get my 60g of protein and 64oz of water. I didn't expect this to be easy at all, but I also didn't expect to eat so little with my band not tightened. I read mixed messages on here...I just want to know what others have done to be so successful from the start. I kept telling myself, wait until the first fill, but I've come to realize that it could take months of fills before I am satisfied...in the meantime I could gain all my weight back. Any guidance would be appreciated. I'm feeling really down on myself.
  3. adennis1

    What to do during "bandster hell"

    chgogirl, Hey, I'm sorry that does sound really frustrating. I remember in the pre-surgical psych eval the dr said that you will hit plateau's just the same. I know for myself that I was really hung up on the 1/2 c 3 times a day and I felt like if I couldn't do that, then I have failed. Well, that's stupid, I haven't failed. My band isn't helping me yet. I keep hearing that it can take up to 6 fills to really feel restriction. Are you not feeling any restriction yet? Do you get a band tightening every month? Are you journaling your food? I am really having a lot of luck right now with counting calories. It forces me to measure out my serving sizes and usually it ends up being about a cup of food. I have to do what works for me and if that means having a healthy, high Protein snack then I'm going to. I know it's not part of "their" plan...but they aren't me. I have been taking in 1500 calories a day (no restriction remember) and have lost 4 lbs in the last 3 days. I know that as I get more restriction that I will probably be at about 900 cal per day. For right now, I am really proud of my progress. Don't give up, are you taking in all the protein and Water that they advise? That's one thing that's very important. I am also walking 30 min a day. We have had beautiful weather which helps with motivation. I know it's hard, just don't give up. I look at the calorie counting right now as temporary fix until I get the restriction that I need. Hope this helps, hang in there...look at what a difference that a few days made for me. I was really down the other day.
  4. adennis1

    What to do during "bandster hell"

    Thank you to all of you for your replies. You all have helped me in different ways. I decided to count calories on dailyplate.com and I am enjoying it a lot. I went for a 30 min walk today and am feeling much better. I feel like if I stick to just a cup of food per meal I will be accomplishing something great. I know that it will go down to 1/2 cup with restriction, but right now 1 cup is the best that I can do. I have already met my protein for the day, and I haven't had dinner yet. I can see where I will have to tweak my intake in some ways but so far--I am proud of today. One day at a time! Congrats to all of you for your success! Only 1 1/2 weeks until my first fill and I pray that I have just a little bit of restriction. Good luck on your continued journey!
  5. I understand, I'm really hungry too (banded 2/12/10) and first fill is 4/1. I feel like I could eat anything, and was for the past week. I am so disappointed with myself, but realize that today was a new day and I took a few steps backwards and got back on the wagon. We know that it works...look at the pictures...it's still going to take time. I feel like if I could lose weight without restriction, then I wouldn't have gotten the band. So eating 1/2 cup of food 3 times a day is torture, but today I wrote down the time that I finished drinking and when I could eat and made sure I waited at least 30-45 min to start drinking after eating and it did help. If I want something sweet then I have a sugar free popscicle and that really helps too. We can do this! Hang in there.
  6. Hi, yes I am banded, today is the first day that I have felt hungry all day. I won't have my first fill until 4/1, so it's going to be a bit of a wait. I have been losing a pound a day since surgery and I'm down 15 lbs total. I am just trying so hard to look at food in a different way. How did you get through the 6 weeks of hell?

  7. adennis1


    Congrats, what an accomplishment! You look great!
  8. I thought the pre-op class was very informative, I have my surgery scheduled for Friday 2/12...my new "birthday" I guess. I am so excited and looking forward to the progress that I'm going to see. I wasn't expecting them to make my appointment so soon, but I am ready. I just added some disgusting before pictures...I can't believe how bad I look. I don't make a habit of taking pictures like this, I'll be glad when I can put some nicer ones up.

  9. Hello, I noticed that you are in St.Louis, I am also and would love to know where you were banded and how you like it? I am going through SSM weightloss at DePaul and have my preop class on Wednesday. Since you've been through it I would love to hear your story! My name is Andrea and it's a pleasure to meet you

  10. Hello, Didn't know quite where to put this question, so maybe someone can help. I have an all day pre-op class on Wednesday and I received a letter from the dr office that stated that I will have a breathing test and an EKG as well as blood drawn. I have anxiety problems and just want to set my mind at ease. Do the results of these tests determine if I can have the surgery? I have already gone through all the hoops and been approved by my insurance to get the surgery. At the end of this class we are supposed to have a surgery date within 30 days. I should be banded by March 3rd. I guess I just wondered if anyone can give insight on what these tests are for and if they could keep me from getting the surgery? Or are they just to let the doctor know where to put the port and to assure that I can handle the anesthesia? I'm so anxious to get started and the 3rd can't get here fast enough. Any insight you can give would be much appreciated. Thank You, Andrea P.S. how do I get a picture to post in the little box next to my thread?
  11. Hello, I am so excited to meet you as I prepare for my journey...I live in Troy Missouri (about and hour north of st louis). I just got approval from the insurance company to get banded. I have my pre-op class on Feb 3rd and then they will schedule my surgery within 30 days of that class. I am excited to get healthy. I know that it's not going to be easy, but at this point, I don't know a whole lot about the process. One thing I wonder is..can you feel the band in your stomach when you lay on your stomach? I guess I just wonder if there is a feeling that something "foreign" is in your body? Secondly, do you eat 2 oz of food per meal for the rest of your life? What is the difference between those who are successful and those who aren't? I just had a baby last March and found out a month ago that I have type 2 diabetes. I want to get healthy and feel better for me, but mostly I want to play with my son. I want to run and jump and play with him, at 274 lbs, it's all I can do to sit on the floor and play with him. I am so excited to begin the journey and love looking at the successful photos. Great to meet you all! Andrea
  12. adennis1

    From 327 to 217. Banded Jan. 27th, 2009

    Congratulations! What a wonderful accomplishment!!! You look fab!
  13. adennis1

    100 pounds PEACE OUT! lol

    I am truly inspired by you...your trasformation is drastic...I am already looking for my cute little dress for my "after" picture
  14. adennis1

    ME @ 276 x3

    What an inspiration you are for me! I can't wait to start the process!
  15. Yay! Congrats, you look great!
  16. adennis1

    Sept 2009, 265 lbs

    I want to add a picture where that question mark is but I don't know how...can you guide me?
  17. adennis1

    Sept 2009, 265 lbs

    thank you, I adore my "boys"
  18. adennis1

    Lots of questions

    Jacelynn, I am familiar with Southern MO, I lived in Poplar Bluff for a few months. I am going to get my surgery done at SSM weightloss institute at DePaul Hospital by Dr.Scott. I am so excited! Nice to meet you! Andrea
  19. adennis1

    100 pounds gone almost 8 months post op

    Oh my gosh!!! You make me so excited! I carry my weight primarily in my belly also and I am very close to your starting weight, it's so exciting to see what a wonderful tool the band has been for you
  20. adennis1

    Lots of questions

    LaDawn, Thank you for that awesome post! I am so excited for you! You have given me inspiration and hope! You answered all of my questions so thoroughly. Congratulations on getting your life back! I hope to do the same thing by this time next year. What kind of exercise do you do? What is a typical food day for you now? I appreciate you taking the time to answer. Thank YOu, Andrea
  21. adennis1

    Pre-op 274 lbs

  22. adennis1

    May 2009, 250 lbs..

    From the album: Pre-op 274 lbs

  23. Hi! I live in MO, but I will be getting banded in Feb. I have the pre-op class first, then I will get a surgery date! Let's stay in contact! My name is Andrea, nice to meet you!

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