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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Dawn68PA

  1. Dawn68PA


    I hope this is the right forum for this... I've been banded for almost 7 months now and things have been going very well. At my 6 month appt I didn't even need a fill and am down 34 pounds. However, just this week I began feeling nausea every time I eat. I eat just a little and want to stop, then I'm nausious for the next hour or two. Anyone else experience this? I just began excercising and I'm wondering if that's what's causing it as I've changed nothing else. Any experience out there?
  2. Dawn68PA

    Drinking Alcohol Question

    For as often as I drink, calories aren't going to matter LOL We go out about once a month and I don't drink at home. To each his own. If it's not harmful and you'd like to have one every now and then - do it. If it doesn't suit you to drink - don't. I will encourage anyone with either choice. We'll learn about our tool together and individually choose what's best. My biggest issue yesterday was I overate some at dinner...that was worse than worrying about the drinks. Stupid me. It was just so nice to have real food after a month of shakes and pudding. I paid for it (pressure) and will move on from here. My doc warned me this may happen and a fill will be in order on my next visit.
  3. Dawn68PA

    Drinking Alcohol Question

    Ok here was my experience today. I ordered a Bahama Mama. I drank about 1/4 of it before our food arrived and during the meal. I drank the rest after I ate my correct portion. No effect from the alcohol and still feel full 3 hours later. Which is how it should be so it was fine. Next time I may try 2 drinks...:thumbup:
  4. Dawn68PA

    Drinking Alcohol Question

    I'm glad to see this thread. I'm 3 1/2 weeks out and going to dinner today. I'm not a big drinker but I like Cosmos, Long Island's or Mai Tai's and the like. Are these ok? I used to have 2 drinks with dinner so I may limit myself to one. I so want to go to out and feel normal.
  5. Dawn68PA

    Having awful diarrhea

    I'm 2 weeks post-op and still have it. Today is my first day back to work and I had to go running to the bathroom and I didn't make it. I've been on soft foods for 2 days. Anyone else have problems this far out? I want this to end!
  6. Hi all! My doc appt went well this morning. He says I'm progressing fine. I've lost 7 pounds. He released me to go back to work on Monday. I can start a soft food diet on Sunday. I have to learn to monitor my intake and take it slowly. There's one question I forgot to ask I'm hoping I can get an opinion here. I keep getting annoying achy pain under my left rib cage. Is this a normal place for gas deposit? It seems to be more prevelent after I drink some shake.
  7. Doc said my port is above my belly button. I did get some Gax X strips and I like 'em! I think it's gas too. After taking a strip and walking around for a while it began to subside. Thanks!
  8. Well yesterday I bloated up like a Macy Thanksgiving Day balloon. I'm thinking I'm lactose intolerant. I have a doc appt this morning and I'll be tackling that first thing. Took me 9 hours to deflate after drinking my shake and that made it hard to drink period. Ug. I knew there'd be changes but I didn't think I'd have to relearn how to live completely. Anyway, thank you for mentioning the 2 weeks until you went back - that's what I'm asking for today. I originally was to return tomorrow but I'd like until Monday so I have more time to adjust. I'm not comfortable going to work and having no clue how to get Protein correctly and do this thing right. I feel like a mess. I'm so glad to be in the best of company on this forum as I notice so many of us going through this phase at one time or another :thumbup: I'll post how it goes when I get back...
  9. I was banded 1/26. I'm 4 days out and miserable. I just came home from the hospital yesterday because I couldn't stop dry heaving. I'm nauseas all the time. I have chest pain (which the doc said was the band and would go away in a few days). I have diarrhea so bad I barely make it to the bathroom. I can't get all my fluids in as I'm so nauseas. Yesterday I drank 8 ounces of Isopure and a few sips of a Protein shake. The doc gave me pills for the nausea - but they don't do squat. They did a ton a tests and my opening is open and the band is in the right place. Is this normal? Any suggestions? I hate being this miserable. :biggrin:
  10. Dawn68PA

    newly banded

    I was banded the day after you. My stomach is also horrid. Bloated and I think I've developed lactose intolerance. After I drink a Protein shake I balloon like crazy! Anyway, I can tell that my stomach is still swollen from surgery as I can't get into my regular clothes yet. I've been living in jammies for a week. Sure, it's nice but not what I really wanted. I've been blue too but we'll get through this. I figure it can't get much worse! LOL
  11. Thank you for the support. Today is a new day and I am bound to make this work! I'm getting ready to mix up a shake and put it in a measured drinking cup to monitor my progress and do only 2 oz at a time today. I hope to God it works. I'm so tired of being sick. The good news is my 18 year old daughter and I are going to spend a movie day together!
  12. Dawn68PA

    just banded last wednesday

    I was banded last Tuesday and I'm jealous! My tummy is still learning how to handle a 2 oz shake! I didn't have much gas pain though but tons of nausea. Enjoy your cream of wheat! I can't wait for the day I can try it!
  13. I did drink the 6 all at once. Too much too soon. Thank you for confirming that. I will try to get my hubby to go get me a heating pad too.
  14. I woke up feeling good and rode along to the grocery store. Came home had a 6 ounce shake and some chicken broth. Horrible ever since. major back pain that goes around to the front - all along my bra line. Can't get my Water in and am worried about blood clots or anything else. Ideas? Thank you!
  15. Thank you again you guys :glare: I had my hubby post a thanks earlier - I just couldn't get up to get to the computer. Doc called me in a new script and it seems to be working but I'm taking it really easy just to be certain. I was actually able to have some chicken broth tonight! Who knew chicken broth could cause a happy moment? DH & I decided that I should take it easy tomorrow as well and just try to get my Protein in. Monday we'll work on moving around and stuff. Thank you for the Isopure input. I quit drinking it and that part is doing much better now too. Sucks though, that stuff had 15g protein. I'll keep looking around :biggrin: I don't post a lot but I read tons on here and want to say thanks again for the support and for those asking the questions that rage in others brains. I'm quickly learning that without support - banding would be 100 times harder. I'll keep you posted :wub:
  16. Hello, I'm new to the forum and have been approved for surgery but do not have a date yet. I'm very interested in learning all I can about banding and experiences and getting to know others here. Right now I'm researching healthy drinks and shakes for after I receive my band. I have found some very good organic items! Smiles :smile2:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
