you know insecurities are an awful thing- and we, more than most know how it feels to think that everyone in the room is looking at us. I think these people who call us lazy or cheaters have more insecutities than we do, and are happy to have us around because our large size is much more notocible than any fault they may have- and so while someone is looking and judging us they are not paying as much attention to anyone else. For us to do something positive about our weight means our insecurities decrease along with our size, and then these very vocal people have to face their worst fears- that someone may begin judging them as they judged us.
I have also discovered that my being fat makes others feel better about themselves- and I think it's about time I worked on making me feel better about me and if that means they haveface their own insecutities then too bad- build a bridge and get over yourself!!!!!
I for one have spent too many years worrying about what these people and people just like them think of me and so if you wanna judge me and call me a cheater instead of all the other names you have come up with bring it on all they are doing is showing me that they are not worthy of my time and that I will dump them along with the extra weight